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Small blood vessels that connect arterioles and venules, facilitating the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and waste between blood and tissues.
nicotinic receptor
parasympathetic receptor principally in the Central Nervous System
exchange of nutrients and gas between blood and tissues
what happens in capillaries
no smooth muscle, no innervation, no constriction or dilation
features of capillaries
swelling caused by excess fluid accumulation in tissues
where does edema occur
vessel with the largest total cross-sectional area
decreases velocity
how does inceasing capillary cross sectional area affect velocity
provides sufficient time for capillary exchange
why is decreased velocity in capillaries important
large area decreases resistance which increases flow
how does large area affect resistance to flow
paracellular and transcellular
major methods of exchange across capillaries
paracellular exchange
exchange through fenestration or leak between capillary endothelial cells
transcellular exchange
exchange through transcytosis with vesicles or diffusion
gas exchange in lungs
example of transcellular exchange
starling forces equation
equation that describes the MOVEMENT OF FLUID across capillary membranes based on hydrostatic and oncotic pressures.
oncotic pressure
the osmotic pressure exerted by proteins in the blood plasma, particularly ALBUMIN, that helps to retain water in the circulation
filtration coefficient, describes fluid movement across capillary wall, increases with increased permeability
what is Kf
the hydrostatic pressure in the CAPILLARIES that drives fluid out of the vascular system
concentration of proteins, esp albumin
what is most responsible for osmotic pressure gradient
hydrostatic pressure gradient
what happens to capillary blood pressure over capillary lengths
osmotic pressure gradient
stays constant
what happens to papillary and interstitial osmotic pressure over capillary length
filtration out of capillary
positive net filtration
absorption into capillary
negative net filtration
what may make tissues more leaky/ change Kf
increased Kf, increased hydrostatic pressure out of capillary, decrease oncotic pressure within capillary
causes of edema
decreased venous flow back to heart
how is hydrostatic pressure out of capillary increased
decreased albumin in blood
how is oncotic pressure within capillary decreased
drain excess interstitial fluid and return it to the bloodstream, maintaining fluid balance
purpose of lymphatic system
inadequate removal of fluid
problems in lymphatic system that lead to edema
radical lymph node dissection
common cause to lymphedema
increase Pi (compression or massage and increase πc (increase protein)
treatment of lymphedema
somatic and autonomic
divisions of peripheral nervous system
parasympathetic and sympathetic
divisions of autonomic system
autonomic nervous system
A part of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate
origin of SYMPATHETIC nervous system
cranial and sacral areas
origin of parasympathetic nervous system
both provide input but strength varies
how do the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems work togetheer
dilate pupils, raise heart rate, dilate bronchia
examples of sympathetic reactions
constrict pupils, decrease heart rate, constrict bronchia
examples of parasympathetic reactions
norepinephrine and epinephrine
neurotransmitters associated with sympathetic tone
neurotransmitter associated with parasympathetic tone
muscarinic receptors
a type of receptor that mediates parasympathetic responses in the body, influencing functions like heart rate and glandular secretion.
anti-cholinergic medication
medications that inhibit acetylcholine
common side effect of anti-cholinergic medication
muscarinic agonist
drugs that mimic the action of acetylcholine and stimulate salvation to treat xerostomia
example of muscarinic agonist
muscarinic antagonist
drugs that block action of acetylcholine and have anti-cholinergic side effects
what are muscarinic antagonists used to treat
alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2
sympathetic receptors
Beta 1
sympathetic receptor primarily found myocardial cells, responsible for INCREASING heart rate and contractility
alpha 1
sympathetic receptor primarily found in vascular smooth muscle, responsible for VASOCONSTRICTION
alpha 2
sympathetic receptor primarily found in vascular smooth muscle, responsible for VASORELAXATION
beta 2
sympathetic receptor primarily found in bronchial smooth muscle, responsible for BRONCHODILATION.
Beta 1 and Beta1/2 Antagonists
drugs that DECREASE sympathetic tone to control heart rate
beta 2 agonists
drugs used to INCREASE sympathetic tone for COPD and asthma
specialized sensory receptors that detect changes in blood pressure and help regulate cardiovascular function
decreases sympathetic increases parasympathetic
what happens if baroreceptors detect high blood pressure
elevated resting heart rate
autonomic neuropathy
condition in which nerves that control sympathetic or parasympathetic functions are damaged
irregular heart rate
sign of autonomic neuropathy
what branch of ANS is malfunctioning in a patient with elevated resting heart rate
orthostatic hypotension
dizziness and lightheadedness when standing due to blood pressure drop
diabetic autonomic neuropathy
complication of diabetes that affects nerves of autonomic nervous system
aortic arch and carotid sinus
location of baroreceptors
deliver oxygen and nutrients, remove metabolic wastes
main purposes of cardiovascular system
increases when demand increases
how does distribution of blood flow change with bodies needs
cardiac output
blood flow heart can create
CO= stroke volume x heart rate
cardiac output equation
pumping heart, regulated by smooth muscles
how is flow created in arterial side
increasing venous return
how is flow increased on venous side
stroke volume
the amount of blood pumped by the heart with each beat.
what slows down flow from arterial to venous sides
increasing venous return
how is cardiac output increased
skeletal muscle pumps, inspiration (inhalation), sympathetic innervation to veins
how is venous return increased
skeletal muscle pumps
muscles contracted and venous valves above muscle opens and blood moves through
inspiration (inhalation)
decreased pressure in thorax pulls blood into vena cava
sympathetic innervation to veins
increased tone of veins due to sympathetic vasoconstriction
Poiseuille Equation
DEESCRIBES the FLOW of fluid through a cylindrical pipe, relating pressure, radius, and viscosity, Q=∆P/R
Q of Poiseuille Equation
change in blood pressure
∆P in poiseuille equation
vascular resistance
R in poiseuille equation
fluid moves from high to low pressure, higher pressure = higher flow
How does pressure affect flow?
systolic blood pressure
pressure in arteries when heart contracts
pressure in arteries when heart rests between beats
diastolic blood pressure
heart spends more time in diastole than systole
why is MAP (mean arterial pressure) closer to DBP (diastolic) than SBP (systolic)
arteries stiffen
why does blood pressure change as we age
systolic increases, diastolic decreases
what happens to blood pressure as we age
how does blood pressure change across the circulatory system
where can blood flow be most controlled in body
large number of capillaries arranged in parallel
why is resistance low in capillaries
radius of arteriole
most important factor that regulate flow in vascular system
rapidly constrict or dilate regulating blood flow
why are artereioles most important in control of blood flow
large total cross-sectional area
why is resistance so low in capillaries even though their radius is small
contraction and relaxation of arteriolar smooth muscle
what controls flow in arterioles
epinephrine, angiotensin II, vasopressin, norepinephrine
extrinsic factors that determine vascular tone (tension of smooth muscle)
myogenic and metabolic autoregulation
intrinsic factors that determine vascular tone
myogenic autoregulation
Intrinsic property of the vessels to “bounce back” to original tension
metabolic autoregulation
Muscle cells at the vessels dilate with increased metabolism or after a flow