First Phylum we covered
Class that includes “Flatworms”
Class that includes single host Flukes/Ectoparasites
Class that includes 2 host flukes/Endoparasites & Mollusks like snails
Class that includes Endoparasites like Tapeworms and have Bilateral symmetry
Phylum with the characteristics of being Bilateral, Triploblastic, many dioecious specimens as well as Filter-feeding organisms
Phylum Rotifera
Phylum of Bilateral, Triploblastic organisms with Proboscis feeding structure: Includes Ribbon worms
Phylum Nemertea
Phylum of Soft-bodied animals that are Bilateral, Triploblastic and possess a unique “Muscular Foot” giving them their name
Phylum Mollusca
Phylum of Bilateral, Triploblastic organisms that possess closed circulatory systems, and Ventral nerve cord
Phylum Annelida
Superphylum consisting of both Nematoda & Arthopoda
Superphylum Ecdysozoa
Phylum of Triploblastic, Bilateral organisms with a bodily mechanism called a cuticle which is made out of chitin
Phylum Nematoda
Phylum home to creatures known affectionately as “water bears”
Phylum Tardigrada
Phylum home to triploblastic, Bilateral organisms known for Exoskeletons made of chiton as well as their phyla name meaning “Jointed foot”
Phylum Arthopoda
Superphylum containing Organisms that are Blastopores, have developed Coelom and Endoskeleton
Superphylum Deuterostomia
Phylum of Triploblastic, Bilateral organism with water vascular circulatory system, Endoskeleton made of CaCo3 and a name meaning “Prickly Skin”
Phylum Echinodermata
Superphylum containing Veterbrates
Superphylum Deuterostomia
Phylum of organism with segmentation, 3 derma layers, and Mouth first, Anus last development
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum containing organisms with poorly defined brains, filter feeders, and are Dioecious: Contains Lancelets
Subphylum Cepalochordata
Subphylum containing small filter feeding, monoecious marine life
Subphylum Vrochodata
Subphylum containing over 62,000 species all with similar traits like a Cranium and Vertebral column
Subphylum Vertebrata
Means “Jaw Mouth” contain organisms that would become the first jawed fish, along with each of them having two sets of paired fins
Means “Cartilaginous Fish” It’s filled with organisms with Placoid Scales and Specialized teeth for consuming different types of flesh: Cleaver for cutting, backwards facing for capture of prey
Class with the most amount of diversity (38 thousand species) Collectively known as “Ray-finned fish” and possessing of Rays or spines for speed or self-defense