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a type of roof in english gothic architecture, in which timber braces curve out from walls and meet high over the middle of the floor
a tall narrow window with a pointed arch usually filled with stained glass
flying buttress
a stone arch and its pier that support a roof from a pillar outside the building. they stabilize the building
literally “narration”; specifically a book containing the jewish sotry of passover and the ritual of the seder
An upright post forming the side of an opening, such as a door frame or window frame
rose window
a circular window, filled with stain glass, placed at the end of a transept or on the facade of a church
a painting or sculpture of a crucified christ lying on the lap of a grieving mary
a vertical post or pillar that divides a large doorway into two parts
Moralized bible
a bible in which the old and new testament stories are palleled with one another in illustrations, text and commentary
rib vault
a vult in which diagonal arches from riblike patterns; these arches partially support a roof, in some cases forming a weblike design
Church of Saint Foy
stone, conques, france
a church built along the piilgrimage road to santiago de compostela
church build to handle the large number of pilgrims; wide transepts; large ambulator with radiating chapels
massive heavy interior walls, unadorned
no clestory, light provide dby windows over the side aisles and galleries
barrel vaults in nave, reinforced by transverse arches
cross-like ground plan
Reliquary of Saint Foy
gold, silver, gemstones, and enamel over wood, sainte-foy conques
reliquary of a young girl martyred in the early fourth century;she refused to sacrifice to the roman gods in a pagan ritual
relics of her body stolen from a nearby town and enthroned in conques in 866
one of the earliest large scale sculptures in he middle ages
jewels, gems, and crown added over the years by the faithful
childs skull is housed in the rathe rmannish looking enlarged head
Bayeux Tapestry
embrioidery on linen, bayeux france
tapestry a misnomer; actually an embriodiery
comissioned by bishop odo, half brother of william the conqueror
tells the sotry (in latin) of williams conquest of england at the battle of hastings in 1066
probably desinged by a man; executed by women
franciul beasts in upper and lower registers
broders sometimes comment on main scences, or show scenes of every day life
colors used in a non-natural manner; different parts of a horse are colored variously
neutral background
flatness of figures; no shadows
75 scenes
230 feet long; continues narrative tradition of medical art
uncertainty over rhow this work was supposed to be displayed
Chartres Cathedral
Royal Portal
Röttgen Pieta
Westminster Hall (video)
Dedication Page & Scenes from the Apocalypse
Golden Haggadah