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China’s most famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist, whose ideas have profoundly influenced the civilizations of China and other East Asian countries.
The Analects
Collected conversations of Confucius
Heaven in Confucianism
A force that controlled the world, and that humans should understand and follow its will and that heaven was nature, and that the "way of heaven" was the natural process of creating life
Filial piety
A cultural value that emphasizes respecting and caring for one's parents and elders
Universal moral order underlying all things (Principle)/proper conduct, rituals, and etiquette that promote social harmony and order by defining roles, relationships, and institutions within society
Gentleman, superior man, prince
Responsibility of the ruler
Should inspire their people to behave well rather than scaring them with strict laws
Chinese Confucian philosopher, often described as the Second Sage to reflect his traditional esteem relative to Confucius himself. He was part of Confucius's fourth generation of disciples, inheriting his ideology and developing it further
Humans tend toward the bad, and must be governed by a strict system of punishments and rewards; leaders have no obligations to the people
Mohism’s teaching of universal love
Idea that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities
The three Obediences for women
Before marriage, a woman must be obedient to her father
Married, a woman must be obedient to her husband
As a widow, a woman must be obedient to her sons
The Dao
The “way” of the universe
Daode jing
Earliest written source we have of Daoist ideas in Chinese history (4th-3rd century BCE) attributed to the mythical figure Laozi
Actionless action - doing things by going with the flow, following the Dao
The uncarved block - instead of specifying your skills to become a specific person, you should remain uncarved to have the potential to be anything you want to be
Yin and yang
Positive and negative forces of the universe - neither is bad; both are needed
Zhuang Zhou
Most significant interpreter of China’s early Daoism, and author of the Zhuangzi - considered to be one of the definitive texts of Daoism
“Uselessness” (wuyong) according to Zhuangzi
Being useless is good bc no one will come and bother you, be yourself, don’t try to draw attention from other people (that can cause trouble), live an ordinary life
Celestial bureaucracy in Daoist religion
A structured, hierarchical system of deities and spirits that influences earthly activities and is reflected by the hierarchy of the Chinese state itself and provides a framework for understanding cosmic order and human existence - blends Daoist, Buddhist, and folk beliefs, creating a complex network of deities (from household gods to celestial ministers)
Cosmic renewal ritual, important and required - altar with chanting, liturgy, prayers for the fortune of an area
Daoist priests can command “spirit soldiers” and enlist the help of gods to drive evil spirits out of a person or a place
A Chinese practice that uses energy forces to harmonize people with their surroundings
Inner alchemy
Daoist practice that involves physical, mental, and spiritual practices to improve health and prolong life
Outer alchemy
A Daoist practice that involves making elixirs to achieve immortality
Way of the Celestial Masters (Tianshi dao)
A Chinese Daoist movement that originated in the 2nd century CE, weakened the government and became a prototype for rebellions that would occur throughout China for centuries
Complete Perfection School (Quanzhen)
Currently one of the two dominant denominations of Daoism in China - originated in the Shandong peninsula in 1170
State-recognized religions in China
Ancestor worship
A deeply rooted tradition where people perform rituals to venerate and commemorate the spirits of deceased ancestors, believing they can still influence the lives of their living descendants
Ghosts in Chinese popular religion
Spirits of the dead, an important function of ancestor worship is preventing the creation of ghosts
Spiritual efficacy - if the gods work or not
The Caste System in India
Priests & teachers (Brahmins)
Warriors & rulers (Kshatriyas)
Farmers, traders, & merchants (Vaishyas)
Laborers (Shudras)
Street sweepers, latrine cleaners (Dalits - outcasts)
Cycle of rebirth in Indian religion, thought of as a bad thing - try to escape it and become united with the godhead/universal spirit
Action, drives the cycle of rebirth - what you do will cause a response from the universe
Dharma in Hinduism
Religious duty/moral responsibility/law, based on caste and stage of life
Spiritual liberation - to be free from the cycle of rebirth
3 main worship traditions in Hinduism
Vaishnavism (worship of Vishnu)
Shaivism (worship of Shiva)
Shaktism (worship of the Goddess Shakti)
Non-violence in Jainism
Doing no harm to humans, plants, animals, and nature, they believe doing harm causes bad karma