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Explain one model of memory with reference to one study.
Landry & Bartling - WMM, articulatory suppression, phonological loop
Explain schema theory with reference to one study.
Brewer & Treyens - remembered congruent items but not incongruent office items (ex: skull)
Explain one model of thinking and decision making with reference to one study.
Tversky & Kahneman - multiplication, dual process model, system 1 and 2
Explain one ethical consideration in one study of one cognitive process.
Brewer & Treyens - deception by omission, didn't know experiment had started and not all details of experiment explained
Explain the use of one research method in one study of one cognitive process.
Landry & Bartling - experiment, 2 conditions, cause and effect between articulatory suppression and recall
Explain the Working Memory Model with reference to one study.
Landry & Bartling - articulatory suppression, phonological loop
Explain the Multi-Store Model with reference to one study.
Glanzer & Cunitz - listing words, primacy and recency
Explain reconstructive memory with reference to one study.
Loftus & Pickrell - reconstruction of chilhood events, "lost in the mall" study
Explain one bias in thinking and decision making with reference to one study.
Tversky & Kahneman - multiplication, anchoring bias
Explain one study of the influence of emotion on one cognitive process.
Yuille & Cutshaw - robbery witnesses, people didn't forget the emotional memory even with leading questions
Explain the use of one research method in one study of the reliability of one cognitive process.
Loftus & Pickrell - questionnaire
Explain one study on the reliability of one cognitive process.
Loftus & Pickrell - "lost in the mall," 25% recalled false memory
Explain one ethical consideration in one study of the reliability of cognitive processes.
Loftus & Pickrell - deception by commission, incorrect information given to participants about childhood memories
Explain one ethical consideration in one study of the effect of emotion on cognition.
Neisser & Harsch - attrition rate, participants leaving over the years of the study
Explain the use of one research method in one study of the effect of emotion on cognition.
Neisser & Harsch - questionnaire