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Creates bogus media—images, sound, or video—created by artificial intelligence that distort media in a way that makes it appear that a false event actually took place.
Manipulating media without the using artificial intelligence. Examples might include using Photoshop or simply slowing down a video and passing the distortion off as truth.
priming effect
Introduction of one stimulus unconsciously influences theresponse to a subsequent stimulus
Attention Bias
Perception is affected by what's on people thoughts at the time.
Discarded, often obsolete technology; also known as electronic waste.
Weber-Fechner Laws
Perceived change to stimuli is proportional to the initial stimuli (logarithmic)
Ostridge Effect
avoiding negative information
Verbatim effect
exact wording is harder to remember than the 'gist' of what someone has said
Context Effect
cognition and memory are dependent on context(e.g., harder to recall a work associate at a non-work party)
Peek-end Rule
Individuals recall a memory at the end of an eventor at its peak (pleasant or unpleasant)
Occam's Razor
Belief that the simplest solution is the correct one
Loss Aversion
losses are as much as twice as powerful, psychologically, as gains
Illusory Superiority
Individuals tend to overestimate their own qualities and abilities
Ambiguity Bias
people select options where the favorable outcome probably is known, verses unknown
Gambler's Fallacy
Belief that an event is more or less likely, given a previous series of events
Bandwagon Effect
adoption increases in proportion of other's adopting
Halo Effect
Positive impression of a person, brand, or product in one area, will influence one's opinion or feelings in another
Confirmation Bias
Tendency to search for, and favor information that confirms one's beliefs
Survival Deviation
focusing on things that survived, when you should be focused on the exact opposite.
the way humans use bias, tendencies, and shortcuts to make decisions. Can aid in design
Gestalt Principles
Human's are looking for patterns, logic, form, and structure. Meeting these needs can create more effective designs.
we use whatever information is easily accessible to create judgements.
social proof
basically, recommendations and ratings work!
Endowed progress effect
A loyalty card that starts with two free stamps in a buy ten get one free program.
25% off might induce us to buy a product, even when the similar product next to it is the same price.
"only two tickets remain at this price"
Price, color, and other attributes may affect our perception of quality, value, etc
If you see the word hand in front of fis_, your brain will fill in the word fist. If you saw swim, your brain would fill in fish.
Certain Human Biases magnify the effect of random rewards
loss aversion
losses are as much as twice as powerful, psychologically, as gains
Sunk Cost Fallacy
believing that prior investments justify further expenditures.
Illusion of Control
tendency for people to overestimate their ability to influence outcomes
Types of Bias
Statistical, Conflicts of Interest, Contextual, prejudice
Moore's Law
Chip performance per dollar doubles everyeighteen months
Part of the computer that executes the instructions of a computer program
random-access memory (RAM)
Fast, chip-based volatile storage in a computing device
Volatile Memory
Storage that is wiped clean when power is cut off from a device.
Nonvolatile memory
Storage that retains data even when powered down
Flash Memory
Nonvolatile, chip-based storage
Solid state electronics
Semiconductor-based devices
Substance such as silicon dioxide used inside most computer chips that is capable of enabling and inhibiting the flow of electricity
Optical Fiber Line
High-speed glass or plastic-lined networking cable used in telecommunications
Price Elasticity
Rate at which the demand for a product or service fluctuates with price change
Special-purpose computing devices that don't have an operating system and can't do as much as general purpose computers or smartphones
Internet of Things (loT)
A vision where low-cost sensors, processors, and communication are embedded into a wide array of products and our environment, allowing a vast network to collect data, analyze input, and automatically coordinate collective action.
Semiconductor fabrication facilities
Silicon wafers
Thin, circular slice of material used to create semiconductor device
multicore microprocessors
Contain two or more calculating processor cores on the same piece of silicon
Human Brain Problems
Storage is not the issue in our brains, it's categorization and access
Skinner Box
In the 1930's B.F. Skinner created the Operant Conditioning Chamber, also know as the Skinner box. He found that random rewards were more effective than consistent rewards. This led to the discovery that it's the anticipation of a reward, not the reward itself that triggers the brain
loot box
A virtual consumable that contains a random/mystery item. These can be purchased or won in games/apps.
Incentives, Randomness, Scarcity (limited time), Collections (need for completion), can lead to powerful motivation (like gambling addiction)
How to Address Bias
Subject matter experts with context understanding of data
Trained Data Scientist with a deep understanding of bias
Properly Designed Randomized Experimentation
Using Placebo
Testing with unique live data (A/B testing, Multivariate testing)
Peer reviews
Confirmed with multiple, independent research projects
Conflicts of Interest
Funding bias, regulatory issues, favoritism, etc
Green IT
Using computing resources in ways that help reduce energy and operating costs and reduce environmental impact
manager advice to deal with obsolete tech
Managers must consider and plan for the waste created by their products, services, and technology used by the organization. Managers must audit disposal and recycling partners with the same vigor as their suppliers and other corporate partners. If not, an organization's equipment may end up in environmentally harmful disposal operations
Is Your Algorithm Racist or Sexist?
Since AI systems "learn" based on data, then any biases in data can become part of the model.
AIs are going to favor based on race and sex based on the users of the application
Salesforce Top Predictor
an early version of the "Einstein" AI model being developed at Salesforce identified the top predictor of a sales opportunity was if a client had the name "John."
How we talk about data
Computers express data as bits that are either one or zero.
Eight bits form a byte.
A kilobyte refers to roughly a thousand bytes, or a thousand characters. (Megabyte = 1 million, gigabyte = 1 billion, terabyte = 1 trillion, petabyte = 1 quadrillion, and exabyte = 1 quintillion bytes)