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What does 'eligiosity' refer to?
The types of religion and how religious someone feels.
What is fundamentalism?
A return to the basics of a faith.
What does secularisation mean?
A decrease in the power of religion in society.
Which term describes a set of ideas, values, and beliefs that help interpret the world?
Theistic beliefs involve:
Belief in a higher power.
New Age Movements are primarily focused on:
Self-development and fulfillment.
Animism is defined as:
Belief in spirits affecting the world.
Totemism involves:
Creation of a symbol representative of a community.
What is a substantive definition of religion?
Identifies core characteristics of major religions.
Which of the following is a criticism of the substantive definition of religion?
Too exclusive and ethnocentric.
What is the focus of functional definitions of religion?
The functions religion serves in society.
A criticism of functional definitions is that they are:
Too inclusive.
What does the constructionist definition of religion emphasize?
How definitions of religion are constructed and contested.
According to the 5 features of religion, what represents sacred beings?
Ritual acts.
Which of the following is NOT one of Merton's CUDOS norms?
What does Aldridge's theory describe?
The transition from religious to scientific explanations.
In the theological stage, phenomena are explained by:
Spirits and gods.
The metaphysical stage reduces the supernatural to:
Abstract natural entities.
What characterizes the scientific stage, according to Aldridge?
Rational explanations based on evidence.
The term 'disenchantment with the world' was introduced by:
What does falsification mean in scientific terms?
Proving a theory wrong.
Interpretivists argue that knowledge is:
Socially constructed.
Woolgar's 'Little Green Men' example illustrates:
How scientists interpret findings.
Marxism views scientific knowledge as:
Serving the interests of specific groups.
Postmodernism argues that science is:
A metanarrative claiming absolute truth.
Lyotard emphasizes that science has become:
A technoscience serving capitalist interests.
Which of the following is a reason some argue science has led to a decline in religion?
Science provides rational explanations.
What is a closed belief system?
Claims to know the absolute truth.
According to Popper, science is characterized as:
Open to challenge and falsification.
Herberg's concept of internal secularisation suggests:
Some religions adapt to remain relevant.
Kuhn argues that science operates within:
Paradigms that shape understanding.
What is the primary focus of Marxist theory concerning science?
The interests served by scientific knowledge.
Which of the following is a feature of religion?
Moral code with supernatural origins.
Which type of religion is characterized by a belief in a single God?
What does the concept of 'sacred canopy' refer to?
The protective structure provided by religion against uncertainty.
Animistic beliefs are most prevalent in which type of societies?
Preindustrial and non-industrial societies.
The term 'compensator' in Stark and Bainbridge's theory refers to:
A belief system that promises rewards for behavior.
Which of the following best describes the Functionalist view of religion?
Religion serves important functions in society.
The term 'closed belief system' is most closely associated with:
The term 'disinterestedness' in Merton's norms refers to:
Scientists publishing findings honestly.
Postmodernists argue that science is primarily:
A discourse dominating people.
The 'theological stage' in Aldridge's theory is characterized by:
Supernatural explanations for phenomena.
What is a common feature of both science and religion?
Both can adapt and change over time.
Which of the following represents a criticism of science from a feminist perspective?
Science serves specific societal interests.
According to Weber, the 'disenchantment with the world' refers to:
The loss of magical and mystical elements in the world due to rational thought.