World Population
The number of people living on the planet. Currently near 8 billion and growing fastest in Less Developed Countries
A periodic count of the number of people living in an area.
The Natural Increase Rate (NIR)
Tells us how quickly a population is increasing or decreasing every year. Measured by subtracting CDR from CBR.
The Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
The number of live births per every 1000 people every year.
The Crude Death Rate (CDR)
The number of deaths per every 1000 people every year.
Net Migration Rate (NMR)
The number of people coming into or leaving the country every year. Measured by scratching the number of emigrants from the number of immigrants.
The Population Growth Rate
Explains how fast a given population grows. Measured using this formula: (CBR
Population Pyramids
Population data is broken down into different age groups and by gender, then displayed in a pyramid graph.
Population density
The number of people in a given area (square mile or square kilometer usually).
Life Expectancy
the average period that a person may expect to live
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
the average number of children that a woman will have in her lifetime
Infant Mortality Rate
The number of babies, out of every 1000 babies born, that die within their first year of life.
Carrying Capacity
how many people a certain environment (country) can safely support considering resources and services
Physiological Density
the total population divided by the arable land and agricultural land
Demographic Transition Model
visuals to categorize different countries based on population indicators
DTM Stage 1
DTM Stage 2
Agricultural Stage
DTM Stage 3
Industrial Stage
DTM Stage 4
Tertiary Stage
DTM Stage 5
Declining Stage
Thomas Malthus
An English economist who came up with the theory that the population would rise faster than the food needed to feed itself.
Positive checks
Anything that raises the crude death rate, such as a famine or war.
Negative checks
Something that decreases the crude birth rate, such as people deciding to have fewer children.
A semi permanent move to a new place
A permanent move to a new country
When someone permanently moves out of a country
Internal migration
A semi permanent move within a country
International migration
A semi permanent move from one country to another
Voluntary Migration
A person decides to relocate because they want to, for example for better job opportunities.
Forced Migration
A person feels that they have no choice but to relocate because of reasons such as war, persecution or natural disaster.
A person who is forced to move because of war, persecution or natural disasters
Human trafficking
The illegal trade of human beings, a modern
Cyclical movement
movement away from home for a short time that is repeated
Seasonal movement
a type of cyclical movement, on a seasonal basis
Nomadic movement
moving from one spot to another, in search of food for example
Periodic movement
movement that takes place for an extended period of time and then does not happen again for a long time
Time/contract movement
the worker is hired by a company to move and work at a job for a certain amount of time but when the contract is over the migrant goes home
Military service/deployment
when a person is in the armed services and is assigned to a post overseas
Push Factors
Anything that causes a person to migrate away from a place.
Pull Factors
Anything that encourages someone to move to a place.
Limits that determine the amount of people that are allowed to immigrate each year.
Selective Immigration laws
allow governments to give preference to certain groups of people
Distance Decay Mode
Analyzes the relationship between how far an immigrant is willing to move and how much interaction they desire with their old location.
Gravity Model
the closer two locations are to each other the more interaction businesses and people will have with each other.
Chain Migration
Helps to explain why groups of immigrants tend to travel to the same place. When a person moves to a new place they communicate to friends and relatives back home, encouraging them to move as well.