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a program in which a person learns to do a certain job by working with a skilled worker
Career Protfolio
a collection of materials whose purpose is to show your ability to do a specific job
an official document that proves you have successfully completed specific course content and have the necessary skills for that area of your career
unit of measurement that schools use to determine when students are progressing toward graduation
an academic award conferred on successful completion of coursework
a document conferring a degree certifying completion of program of study
Education and Training Requirements
the instructional backgrounds and skills needed to qualify for employment
a course that is not required but can be chosen by students according to their interests
Extended Learning
before or after school programs, online learning, or travel programs in addition to regular education programs of study
Financial Aid
methods of paying for education/training , such as grants, scholarships, etc..
GED certificate
a document stating that a person has passed a five part test in the areas of writing, social studies, science, reading and math
Global Economy
worldwide financial management system
Graduation requirements
standards established by local school in order to receive a diploma
money that does not have to be repaid and is provided by government, schools or private donors to undergraduate students who meet the standards and qualifications
a temporary paid or unpaid position that involves direct work experience in a career field
Job Qualification
the education, work experience and other abilities required for a job
Job Shadowing
an informal assessment activity where you spend several hours following a worker at the job location
a permit to do a particular thing, or allow an activity to take place
receiving advice and direction from a person who has experience and knowledge in an area of interest
On the job training
learning on the job
Opportunity Cost
benefit that could have been gained from an alternative is of the same resource
utilizing external resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal company staff
the course of action one decides to take at the end of the decision making process
a course that is required before another course can be taken
money for education awarded to students because of their need for academic or athletic achievement
Self employment/Entrepreneurship
a person who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business
the fee that colleges charge to take their classes
Work study program/learning
provides money to pay students for qualified on or off campus jobs