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is both an academic framework and a political movement aimed at addressing women's oppression and advocating for empowerment
is an academic framework aimed at addressing women's oppression
is a political movement aimed at advocating for women empowerment
has placed gender at the center of academic discussions and social activism
feminism has placed _____ at the center of academic discussions and social activism
academic discussions and social activism
feminism has placed gender at the center of _____ and _____
examines the causes of gender inequality and proposes solutions for achieving equality
gender inequality
feminism examines the causes of _____ and proposes solutions for achieving equality
examines the causes of gender inequality and proposes solutions for achieving _____
feminism as a political movement
goes beyond academic study; it is also about activism and societal change
feminism as a political movement
goes beyond academic study
feminism as a political movement
it is also about activism and societal change
academic study
feminism as a political movement goes beyond _____
activism and societal change
feminism as a political movement is also about _____ and _____
Belle Hooks (1989)
said feminism helps women "find a voice" in society
Belle Hooks (1989) said _____ helps women "find a voice" in society
find a voice
Belle Hooks (1989) said feminism helps women "_____" in society
culture politics
play a vital role in shaping feminist discourse
feminist discourse
culture politics play a vital role in shaping _____
popular culture
is a significant area of feminist analysis
feminist analysis
popular culture is a significant area of _____
Lana Rakow (2009)
said feminists analyze media with a deeper social and political lens
Lana Rakow (2009) said feminists analyze _____ with a deeper social and political lens
social and political lens
Lana Rakow (2009) said feminists analyze media with a deeper _____ and _____
Christine Gledhill (2009)
said feminist cultural studies challenge negative portrayals of women in media
feminist cultural studies
Christine Gledhill (2009) said _____ challenge negative portrayals of women in media
negative portrayals of women
Christine Gledhill (2009) said feminist cultural studies challenge _____ in media
Christine Gledhill (2009) said feminist cultural studies challenge _____ in media
feminism and popular culture
popular culture is a significant area of feminist analysis.
feminist critiques of media and representation
studies have examined films, TV shows, and literature to understand gender roles
gender roles
studies have examined films, TV shows, and literature to understand _____
feminist perspectives
counter negative psychoanalytic portrayals of female spectatorship
negative psychoanalytic portrayals
feminist perspectives counter _____ of female spectatorship
female spectatorship
feminist perspectives counter negative psychoanalytic portrayals of _____
cultural texts
soap operas and women's films are now analyzed as important _____
soap operas and women’s films
_____ and _____ are now analyzed as important cultural texts
radical feminism
believe that the root cause of women's oppression is patriarchy and therefore advocate for fundamental societal restructuring to achieve equality
radical feminism believe that the root cause of women's oppression is _____
fundamental societal restructuring
radical feminism believe that the root cause of women's oppression is patriarchy and therefore advocate for _____ to achieve equality
radical feminism believe that the root cause of women's oppression is patriarchy and therefore advocate for fundamental societal restructuring to achieve _____
marxist feminism
branch of feminism which argues that the main cause of women's oppression is capitalism
marxist feminism is a branch of feminism which argues that the main cause of women's oppression is _____
liberal feminism
focuses on achieving gender equality through legal reforms, individual rights, and equal opportunities in society
liberal feminism
focuses on ensuring equal rights, opportunities, and protections for women in areas like education, employment, and reproductive rights
legal reforms
liberal feminism focuses on achieving gender equality through _____, individual rights, and equal opportunities in society
individual rights
liberal feminism focuses on achieving gender equality through legal reforms, _____, and equal opportunities in society
equal opportunities
liberal feminism focuses on achieving gender equality through legal reforms, individual rights, and _____ in society
liberal feminism focuses on ensuring equal rights, opportunities, and protections for women in areas like _____, employment, and reproductive rights
liberal feminism focuses on ensuring equal rights, opportunities, and protections for women in areas like education, _____, and reproductive rights
reproductive rights
liberal feminism focuses on ensuring equal rights, opportunities, and protections for women in areas like education, employment, and _____
refers to policies, programs, and actions intended to discourage or prevent harassment
this can include measures to create a workplace free from discriminatory or offensive behavior, as well as training and education to raise awareness about harassment and how to prevent it.
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (R.A. 7877)
anti-harassment refers to policies, programs, and actions intended to discourage or prevent harassment.
R.A. 7877
republic number of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
R.A. 7877
R.A. 9710
Republic Act of The Magna Carta of Women
The Magna Carta of Women
R.A. 9710
The Magna Carta of Women (R.A. 9710)
this law is a cornerstone in advancing women's rights in the Philippines
The Magna Carta of Women (R.A. 9710)
among its provisions, it advocates for gender equality in employment, which includes a focus on equal pay for equal work
is a system where men hold more power than women
patriarchy and capitalism
dual-systems theory (2)
it's a social structure that has been around for a long time, where men control things like family decisions, work, politics, and more, while Women are often seen as less important or unequal
is an economic system where businesses and wealth are controlled by a few people (often men in power)
women, especially poor women, are often forced into low-paying jobs or unpaid work
is an economic system where businesses and wealth are controlled by a few people (often men in power), and most people (especially working-class people, including women) don't have equal access to money or resources
Angela McRobbie
critiques the idea that feminism has "succeeded"
Angela McRobbie
argues that contemporary popular culture undermines feminist gains from the 1970s and 1980s, not through direct backlash, but by acknowledging feminism while suggesting it's no longer needed
conservative pre-feminist, dominant feminist, and post-feminists
post-feminism friendship model (3)
de-traditionalization and neoliberal discourses of choice and individualism
post-feminism in filipino pop culture (2)
women are now freed from traditional feminine identities
neoliberal discourses of choice and individualism
“the market has the answer to every problem”