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february 12, 1809
when was charles darwin born?
Edinburgh University and Divinity at Cambridge
where did he study about medicine?
Theory of Evolution: Natural Selection
What is his theory?
what year did he joined the 5 year expedition on the survey ship?
HMS beagle
what was the ships name?
what was his role on the ship?
Principles of Geology
on the ship, what book did he read about?
Charles Lyell
who was the author of Principle of Geology?
thomas malthus
who was the scholar that had a great impact on Darwin’s understanding of finches, other organisms, and his theory?
20 years
how many years did Darwin worked on his theory?
Alfred russel wallace
who was the naturalist that helped darwin announced their discovery?
what year did wallace and darwin announced their discovery?
On the origins of species by means natural selection
what book did darwin published in 1859?
the descent of men, selection in relation to sex, the expression of the emotions in man and animals
what is the title of the book darwin published about examining human evoulution and sexual selection?
earthworms and their effect on soil
what was his final book about?
April 19, 1882
when did he die?
westminister abbey
where was he buried?
isaac newton
who was buried alongside charles darwin?