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became the first mummy and after 3 days descended to the dead
Falcon god or sky god the miracle baby of Isis and Osiris
God of the underworld, green or black god in paintings
divine mother sister and wife of Osiris
Batter wall
diminishing in width towards the top for
symbol for eternal life, gods are often seen holding it to someone signifying the Breath of life
beetle, rebirth of eternal life, symbol of god Khephera who causes the sun to move
The Sound of Eye of Horus
heal and protection
emblem of the sun
Law of Frontality
Shows objects or figures with their shoulders seen from the front, torso and hips turn in quarter view so that legs and arms can be seen in profile.
Statue of Menkaure and Khamerernebty
feet represents hierarchy of gender
Death Mask of Tutankhamun
a funeral receptacle for a corpse, stone coffin
mythical beast symbolizing the pharaoh as an incarnation of the sun god Ra. Face of Khafre, has the head of human and body of a lion.
Buon Fresco
wet plaster application
Fresco Seco
dry plaster application
Trabeated Construction
a system of post and lintel
first recorded artist of Western history, was deified as god of learning and medicine.
designed the 1st stepped pyramid in Saqqara for Zoser
1st funerary temples for commoners, later developed into stepped pyramids
Rectangular flat-topped funerary mound, with battered
side, covering a burial chamber below ground
burial place for Egyptian royalty
The Great Sphinx
shows King Chepren as a man-lion protecting his country
Pyramids at Gizeh
• Most magnificent of pyramids
• Equilateral sides face cardinal points
• Forms a world-famous building group
Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure
3 pyramids aligned to certain stars, Orion
marker usually contains carvings to commemorate historical subjects
triangular tip on top of an obelisk
characterized as a forest of columns
monumental gateway to the temple consisting of slanting
walls flanking the entrance portal
mortuary temple
for the dead Pharaoh
The Great Temple of Abu Simbel
commissioned by Rameses II to honor his own memory, has 4 different statues of himself
Temple of Hatshepsut
Cult temples
for popular worship of the ancient gods
Rock-hewn temples
built along hillside, for nobility, not royalty
first female King
Great Temple of Amun
has a hypostyle hall with 134 freestanding columns in 16 rows, built by a sacred lake
Fortress of Buhen
Headquarters & largest fortified town near Nubia, from here they could trade and invade lands to the south
open court
contains a small shrine which is used as receptacle for the small statue of a god.
Bud capital
symbolizes life growing out from the ground