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Market Size
Total units sold × Price
Market Share
(Sales ÷ Total market sales) × 100
Market Growth
(Change in size of the market ÷ Original size) × 100
Percentage Increase (%inc)
((New - Old) ÷ Old) × 100
Percentage Decrease (%dec)
((Old - New) ÷ Old) × 100
(Percentage change in supply ÷ Percentage change in price)
Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)
(Percentage change in quantity demanded ÷ Percentage change in price)
Income Elasticity of Demand (YED)
(Percentage change in quantity demanded ÷ Percentage change in income)
Gross Profit
Revenue - Cost of Sales
Operating Profit
Gross Profit - Overheads
Net Profit
Operating Profit - Interest - Tax - Exceptional Items
Profit Margin
(Profit ÷ Sales Revenue) × 100
Current Ratio
Current assets/current liabilities
(Average annual profit/initial investment) x 100
Capital employed
Total equity - non-current liabilities
(Operating profit/capital employed) x 100