The ________ heated up along the India- Pakistan border over disputed territory in Kashmir in 1965.
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Mohandas Gandhi
________ led a mostly peaceful independence movement against British control in South Asia.
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China's path to communism in 1949 and the violent conflict in ________ are well documented, but the Cold War mattered in other parts of Asia.
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USSR Cold War rivalry
The US- ________ began just as traditional European empires came to an end.
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British India
In an effort to end civil war, in 1947 ________ was partitioned into Hindu- majority India, as well as East and West Pakistan, which were dominated by powerful Muslim majorities.
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Cold War
The ________ had a tremendous impact on developing regions in Europe and Central Asia, especially those within the Soviet sphere of influence.
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Latin America
_______ ____________, American companies influenced government and economic affairs, even as Soviet movements emerged in the same places.
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It was able to maintain control over __________ after a ceasefire, though the region remains in dispute to this day.
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Berlin Wall
Built in 1961, the ________ ________ was designed by the Communist government of the German Democratic Republic as a means of curtailing the flow of East German migrants into democratic West Germany.