2.7, 2.6, 2.8, 2.10, ~2.11, 2.5, 2.3, NOT 2.12, 2.13, 2.2, 2.4
Arable land
Agriculturally productive/fertile
Agricultural Density
Number of farmers per unit arable land
- more developed = lower agricultural density/less farmers
Consequences of Overpopulation
- Job shortages
- Housing shortages
- more schools needed
- more sick people, more babies, etc.
Crude Birth Rate
Number of live births per 1000 of population in a year
Social Effect on Fertility
- Women’s Role in Society
- Religious views on BC and abortion
- Elders wanting kids to take care of them
Pro-Natal Policies
Encourage pregnancy to increase population growth.
- baby schemes
- parental leave
- childcare costs offsets
Cultural Push Factors
Changes or lack thereof of societal norms
Demographic Push Factors
When the push factor only affects a certain demographic.
Step Migration
long-distance migration i done in steps
Rural to Urban Migration
Migration to rural/suburban areas to urban areas
Forced Migration
When people are forced to migrate