The fraction of the light or radiation that’s reflected by a surface
The layer of gases that envelopes the Earth
Ozone-depleting synthetic compounds made up of carbon, chlorine, and fluorine atoms
Convection currents
The process of heat transfer within the Earth that causes hot, less dense matter to rise and cool matter to sink
Coriolis effect
Causes moving objects to be deflected to the right in the N Hemisphere and to the left in the S Hemisphere.
A warming of the Pacific Ocean between South America and Papua New Guinea
Hadley cell
Low-latitude overturning circulations that have air rising at the equator and air sinking at roughly 30° latitude
Kyoto Protocol
Int. agreement that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
Montreal Protocol
First int. agreement that aims to phase out the use and production of ozone-depleting chemicals.
Thermal expansion
When water heats up, it expands
Trade winds
Winds that blow steadily from east to west and toward the equator over most of the Torrid Zone.