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when World War II ended
When did the Cold War begin?
cause of the Cold War
basic political and economic differences between the United States and the Soviet Union
the cold war
a conflict between the US and the Soviet Union; two sides did not engage each other directly in a military conflict
containment policy
its goal was to prevent the further spread of communism
iron curtain
a symbol of the division between Communist Eastern Europe and Western democracies.
Truman Doctrine
the U.S. pledge to promote democratic governments and help nations struggling against communism
Marshall Plan
The United States program that gave assistance to Western European countries to rebuild after the war in order to stimulate foreign demand for American products; one of the goals was to contain (prevent the spread) of communism
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
military alliance created by U.S., Canada, and other countries of the west to help each other if one is attacked by the Soviet Union
Warsaw Pact
an alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations. This was in response to the NATO
collective security
a system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all
Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 situation that arose between the United States and the Soviet Union over a Soviet attempt to deploy nuclear missiles in Cuba; brought the world to the brink of nuclear war
mutually assured destruction
if either US or the USSR was hit with a nuclear weapons they would respond with the same; fear of this prevented both sides from using nuclear weapons
Red Scare
fear that communists were working to destroy American life created a reaction known as the
Joseph McCarthy
This senator played on American fears by accusing many people, most falsely, of having Communist ties. His hearings were televised spread the fear of communism in American society.
extreme, reckless charges against a person without any proof
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives to investigate radical groups in the United States; it later came to focus on the threat of communism during World War II and the Cold War
Berlin Airlift
the dropping of supplies into the city of West Berlin after the Soviet blocked off all ground routes into the city
Korean War
This "war" was a stalemate and ended up with a country that is still divided today; North remained communist while South remained a democracy.
domino theory
the belief that one communist victory would lead to many others
nations that are stronger than other powerful nations
Ngo Dinh Diem
American-supported leader of South Vietnam during the Vietnam War
Ho Chi Minh
the communist ruler of North Vietnam after 1954
Fidel Castro
led the Cuban Revolution
Nikita Khrushchev
the new Soviet Leader after Stalin's death
the relaxation of tensions between the superpowers at the end of the Cold War
United Nations
United States was involved in the Korean War as part of the forces sanctioned by
Vietnam War
divided the country politically and led to numerous civilian protests against the war; resulted in the unification of this country under a single, communist government
contributed to communist forces in the Korean and Vietnam Wars
Soviet Union
developed space flight before any other country
Mohandas Gandhi
an Indian political leader who believed in nonviolence to achieve political change. He rallied peasants, farmers, and workers in India to help the country became independent of foreign rule.