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European Union
Collection of 27 countries (as of 2011) that aims for economic, political, and social integration in Europe.
the process by which EU political and economic dynamics become part of the logic of national-level politics and policy-making.
multi-level governance
idea that political power in Europe is territorially dispersed among European-level decision-makers in the EU, national-level political leaders and institutions, and, in many countries, sub-national or regional actors.
Cold War
ideological conflict from the end of World War II to the late 1980s-early 1990s between the US and its allies and the Soviet Union and its allies. Most of Europe was divided into two ideological-military blocs as a consequence of this.
multi-faceted process with both fans and detractors that refers to the diminishing importance of national borders and increasing ties that connect countries and peoples of the world.
soft power
use of non-coercive and non-military instruments of power, such as diplomacy, economic assistance, and power of example, to exert influence in world affairs.
hard power
use of the military and other coercive measures such as economic sanctions to exert influence in world affairs.
intellectual movement that began in the seventeenth century in Western Europe and emphasized human reason, material progress, and individual self-interest.
ideology that emphasizes the rights of the individual and limited government; a basic idea behind modern democracy and capitalism.
ideology associated with Hitler and Mussolini that glorifies the state and rejects ideas of democracy and individual rights.
ideology associated with the Soviet Union that aspires to create utopia but in practice led to state domination over economic and political life.
European social model
the highly developed welfare state found in many European countries that is funded by high taxes and provides numerous economic and social benefits to citizens.
those that doubt or fear the prospect of greater European unity and a stronger role for the EU.
social cleavages
lines of division within a given society, produced by socio-demographic factors such as class, region, ethnicity and age.