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When this resolution approved?
June 13, 2014
Where this resolution approved?
Manila City
Title of the resolution?
Revised code of Professional Ethics for Radiologic Technologist and X-ray Technologist
How many article are in this resolution?
4 articles
What are the title of the articles?
Article 1: Responsibility to the public
Article 2: Responsibility to patients
Article 3: Responsibility to Colleagues, Allied Health Professionals, and Health Institutions
Article 4: Responsibility to Self
When was the original code of professional ethics for RT and x-ray tech promulgated?
How many sections are in Article 1?
How many sections are in Article 2?
How many sections are in Article 3?
How many sections are in Article 4?
How many sections does this resolution have?
29 sections
What is Section 1 of Article 1 of this resolution?
RT and x-ray tech shall acknowledge the supreme authority of the PH government and shall adhere to PH constitution, R. A 8981, and R.A 7431
R.A 7431 is also known as?
Radiologic Technology Act of 1992
R.A 8981 is also known as?
PRC Modernization Act of 2000
What is Section 2 of Article 1 of this resolution?
They shall promote public interest and welfare at all times
What is Section 3 of Article 1 of this resolution?
They shall observe the highest standards of competence and ethics in the practice of the profession
What is Section 4 of Article 1 of this resolution?
They shall be involved in civic affairs by participating in the activities of relevant organization to enhance their well well-being and that of their community
What is Section 5 of Article 1 of this resolution?
They shall commit to serve their fellow men, with justice, good faith and respect for human rights
What is Section 1 of Article 2 of this resolution?
RT and X-ray tech shall provide patient care in accordance with accepted professional and ethical standards
What is Section 2 of Article 2 of this resolution?
They shall respect the dignity, privacy, and right to self-determination of the patient
What is Section 3 of Article 2 of this resolution?
They shall provide patient care without discrimination, by reason of age, race , creed, sex, socio-economic status, religious, or political belief or nature of disease
What is Section 4 of Article 2 of this resolution?
They shall posses such degree of technical knowledge and skills, reflective of their competence in the field
What is Section 5 of Article 2 of this resolution?
They shall advocate the best interests and safety of the patients as well as entire healthcare team by ensuring radiation exposure is kept at minimal
What is Section 6 of Article 2 of this resolution?
They shall uphold the principle of informed consent
What is Section 7 of Article 2 of this resolution?
They shall hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of their professional practice and only disclose information in accordance with the law and principles of medical ethics
What is Section 8 of Article 2 of this resolution?
They shall only provide services for which they are qualified by virtue of their education, training and experience
What is Section 1 of Article 3 of this resolution?
RT and X-ray techs shall take diligent care of the radiologic equipment that are assigned to them and use them appropriately and effectively
What is Section 2 of Article 3 of this resolution?
They shall show respect and support to their colleagues and healthcare team
What is Section 3 of Article 3 of this resolution?
They shall apply sound judgement in the exercise of their profession and assume responsibility for their own decision
What is Section 4 of Article 3 of this resolution?
They shall assist the radiologist and referring physician in administration of radiologic procedure for diagnostic and therapeutic of patient
What is Section 5 of Article 3 of this resolution?
They shall recognize that interpretation and diagnosis of radiologic procedures are beyond the scope of their practice
What is Section 6 of Article 3 of this resolution?
They shall NOT assist any unauthorized practice of the profession
What is Section 7 of Article 3 of this resolution?
They shall report to BORT, any violation of the R.A 8981, R.A 7431, and Code of Professional Ethics
What is Section 8 of Article 3 of this resolution?
They shall keep their reputation above reproach and shall maintain proper decorum in all their actuations to gain public esteem and respect for the profession
What is Section 9 of Article 3 of this resolution?
They shall NOT debase or demean the reputation, competence, and capability of a colleague to aggrandize themselves
What is Section 1 of Article 4 of this resolution?
RT and x-ray techs shall undertake activities that will foster their professional development, to upgrade the standard of their practice
What is Section 2 of Article 4 of this resolution?
They shall take active part in relevant activities organized by professional organization
What is Section 3 of Article 4 of this resolution?
They shall share acquired knowledge and skills on the latest practices and procedures to their colleagues and other health professional
What is Section 4 of Article 4 of this resolution?
They shall not render professional service under the influence of alcohol, drugs that might compromise the effective delivery of the health care service
What is Section 5 of Article 4 of this resolution?
They shall avoid conflict of interest that might discredit the profession
What is Section 6 of Article 4 of this resolution?
They shall be entitled to a just and fair compensation for services rendered
What is Section 7 of Article 4 of this resolution?
They shall not allow their names or certificates of registration to be advertised or used by any person or organization, unless with their written consent