the process by which our sensory receptors (eyes, ears, skin) and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from environment
anything that you’re taking in
bottom-up processing
analysis that begins with sensory receptors and works up to the brain’s integration of sensory information
process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events
top-down processing
information processing guided by prior experiences, ideas, and expectations, working down to interpret sensations
converting one form of energy into another that our brain can use (ex: light and sound waves converted to sight and hearing)
absolute threshold
refers to the minimum level of stimulus intensity needed to detect a stimulus half the time, anything below the threshold is “subliminal”
the activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing pone’s perception, memory, or response
subliminal messages
below one’s absolute threshold for conscious awareness
difference threshold
the minimum difference between two stimuli (weight, temperature) for a person to detect the difference half the time
Weber's law
different thresholds increase with the magnitude of the stimulus half the time (ex:50 degrees to 60 is a big diff vs 1000 degrees to 1010 degrees), size of difference threshold is greater for heavier objects than lighter ones
sensory adaptation
diminished sensitivity to stimuli as result of constant stimulation, bad smells or loud noise
perceptual set
mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another
objective stimuli (exact temperature, decimals etc) is subjective among individuals’ perception (psychological influence on the physical world) physical characteristics of stimuli and our psychological experience of them
signal detection theory
our thresholds vary constantly depending on emotions, distractions, motivation, expectations etc
hue (long wavelength = low frequency, short wavelength = high frequency) - distance between two wave crests
height, intensity/brightness
protects eye/bends light
small adjustable opening
colored muscle that dilates/constricts in response to light intensity - regulates amount of light entering eye
focuses light rays into an image on fovea in back of eyeball, can change curvature to focus
the process by which the eye’s lens changes shape to focus near or far objects on the retina
blood vessel tissue on eyeball’s inner surface
rods and cones
light energy chemical changes on retina’s receptor cells
the image you’re looking at upside down, not on the eye
bipolar cells/ganglion cells
type of neuron located near the inner surface of the retina of the eye, receives visual information from photoreceptors via bipolar cells
optic nerve
ganglion cell axons twisted together, carries neural impulses from eye to brain
blindspot/optic disc
point at which optic nerve leaves the eye creating a blind spot, since no receptor cells are located there
feature detectors
neurons in visual cortex that respond to specific features of a visual stimulus (angles, edges, lines) - consist of nerve cells in brain
parallel processing
sensory details are processed in separate areas of the brain that combine to form an image (color, motion, form, depth)
*Young-Helmholtz trichromatic (three-color) theory
there are three types of color receptor cones in eye (red, blue, green), all colors are stimulated combinations of these cones
*opponent-process theory
cones compete (red v green, blue v yellow, black v white) and color vision is the result, explains why we can’t see “reddish green” or “yellowish blue” and why we see after images
after images
overwhelm cones with one color that the other one doesn’t come through to the surface until it goes away, something left over that wasn’t there before
stroop effect
our tendency to experience difficulty naming a physical color when it is used to spell the name of a different color
color blindness
people with missing rods or cones, gene mutations, or eye damage may have color blindness, inability to discriminate between colors and to perceive color hues
german word for “form” or “whole”, early study of visual organization, we organize clusters of sensations into meaningful patterns that make sense to us
perceive objects (figure) as separate from their surroundings (the background), some images give us an ambiguous option without a clear figure or ground
organize stimuli/figures into meaningful forms
we group nearby figures together
we perceive continuous patterns rather than separated ones
we fill in gaps to create a whole object, perceive disconnected parts as a whole
we group things that are similar
depth perception
ability to see objects in three dimensions although the images that strike the retina are two-dimensional; allow us to judge distance
binocular disparity
brain uses both eyes to judge distance, the greater the disparity (difference) between the two objects, the closer the object
monocular cues
we can judge depth in two dimensional images like photos/paintings/screens by only using one eye
relative size
we see familiar objects (of known size) as farther away when they appear smaller
partially covered objects appear further away
relative height
we tend to perceive the higher part of a scene as farther away
relative motion
when we are moving, we can tell which objects are farther away because it takes longer to pass them (closer moves faster, farther is smaller - ex: clouds and moon)
linear perspective
the convergence of parallel lines indicates greater distance, two lines meet the retina as being the same size, however, our perception of distance affects our perception of length
light and shadow
highlights and shadows can provide information about an objects dimension and depth, because visual system assumes the light comes from above, a totally different perception is obtained if this image is viewed upside down
visual cliff
babies are inborn with depth perceptions
perceptual constancy
enables us to see an object as unchanging even as illumination and retinal images change (example of top down processing)
color constancy
we perceive familiar objects as having consistent color/shade, even if the color is actually different
brightness constancy
the tendency to perceive a familiar object as having the same brightness under different conditions of illumination
relative luminance
amount of light an object reflects relative to its surroundings
shape constancy
the perception of the shape of a given object remains constant despite changes in the shape of the object's retinal image
size constancy
the result of cognitive scaling operations that enable us to perceive an object as having the same size when presented at different viewing distances
Ames room
1934 room designed to manipulate our size constancy
moon illusion
moon seems larger on the horizon than in the sky
restored vision
people born blind and gain sight later in life
perceptual adaptation
humans can adapt and their brains can adjust their perception, artificially displaced or inverted visual field
loudness/volume of sounds - height of soundwave
pitch - length of soundwave
measure sound, ​​logarithmic unit used to measure sound level
separates the outer ear from the middle ear, membrane vibrates when sound waves strike it converting the sound wave into a nerve impulse that travels to the brain
middle ear (the hamÂmer, anvil, and stirrup)
chamber between eardrum and cochlea containing three tiny bones that concentrate the vibrations of the eardrum on the cochlea’s oval window
cochlea (in inner ear)
coiled, bony, fluid-filled tube in the inner ear; sound waves traveling through the cochlear fluid trigger nerve impulses
basilar membrane
main mechanical element of the inner ear, vibrates in the cochlea
hair cells
sensory receptors in ear, loudness is determined by the number of activated hair cells in the cochlea
conduction hearing loss
problems with outer/middle ear not conducting sound well to cochlea, can be treated with hearing aids, common cause is ear infections
sensorineural hearing loss
cochlea’s hair cell receptors (inner ear)/ nerve damage can cause this more common form of hearing loss, can be caused by disease, aging, exposure to loud noise
cochlear implant
can restore hearing for nerve deafness, converts sounds into electrical signals
place theory
perception of pitch is associated with vibration of different proportions of cochlea, where basilar membrane is stimulated
frequency theory
perception of pitch is associated with the frequency at which the entire basilar membrane vibrates
senses of touch
pressure, warmth, cold, and pain
body’s way of telling you something has gone wrong
sensory receptors that detect hurtful temperatures, pressures, or chemicals
sense pressure, texture, vibrations
sense temperature
gate-control theory
spinal cord has a “gate” that either blocks pain signals from small nerve fibers or allows them to pass to brain
phantom limb sensations
brain creates pain after a limb amputation, brain is misinterpreting sensory input
social interaction where a hypnotist suggests to a subject that certain perceptions, feelings thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneously occur
posthypnotic suggestions
suggestion made during a hypnosis session to be carried out after the subject is no longer hypnotized, helped reduce headaches, asthma, obesity but doesn’t help with addiction
social influence theory
patients may be acting the role of a “good hypnotic subject”, influenced by hypnotist/crowd
divided-consciousness theory of hypnosis
dissociation, proposes that hypnosis is a special dual-processing state where an individual is split between different levels of consciousness
selective attention
may also play a role in hypÂnotic pain relief - increases activity in frontal lobe attention systems
taste sensations
sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami
sensory interaction
the principle that one sense may influence another, as when the smell of food influences its taste
smell (olfaction) process
receptors smells in nasal passage go to the olfactory bulb and skip the thalamus to the limbic system and temporal lobe. Limbic system triggers memories and emotions (hippocampus)
embodied congition
brain circuits that process sensations connect with those responsible for cognition (thinking) - perception changes the way you think (holding a warm cup of tea rather than a cold one makes us nicer)
how we coordinate movement without having to constantly watch our movements
vestibular sense
chambers in our ear have hair like receptors that send messages to cerebellum to help us balance
semicircular canals
three tiny, fluid-filled tubes in your inner ear that help you keep your balance
vestibular sacs
respond to balance and encode information about the head's orientation.
retinal disparity
distance between or right and left eyes functions to provide us with a cue for depth perception