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Polar zone
Extreme cold temperatures. Lots of snow and little to no vegetation.
Temperate Zone
A variety of climate. 4 Seasons.
Tropical Zone
Lots of rain. Warm temperatures. Lush Rainforests.
Political maps
Show countries, their borders, and capital cities
Physical maps
map of natural characteristics of Earth's surface, such as landforms and bodies of water
Thematic maps
a map that shows a particular theme, or topic such as amount of rainfall, or population.
Latitude lines
measure north and south of the equator
Longitude Lines
A measure distance east and west of the prime meridian
Map Title
tells what the map is about
Date on a map
When the map was created
Map Legend or Key
Tells you what symbols, lines, and colors on a map mean.
Map Scale
shows the ratio of distance on the map to the actual distance in real life
compass rose
A tool on a map showing cardinal (N,E,S,W) and intermediate (NE,SE,NW,SW) directions.
cardinal directions
North, South, East, West
intermediate directions
Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest
North America
South America
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Southern Ocean