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Von Ehrenfels
On Gestalt Psychology
Founder of Gestalt psych
phi phenomenon
Experimental studies in the perception of motion
Phi phenomenon
perception of apparent movement when the elements of experiences are acutally stationary
Robber’s Cave experiment
Perception: An intro to Gestalt-theorie
researched learning - nature of learning of chimps in Tenerife
insight learning - ah ha experience
Field theory (Lewing)
Brain contains structural fields of electrochemical forces
Upon entering a field, sensory data modify the structure of the field and are modified by the field
Our experience results from interaction of sensory data and force fields in brain
Cog experience results from fields of brain actively transforming sensory data and giving that data characteristics is otherwise wouldn’t possess
The whole (electrochemical force field in the brain) exists prior to the parts (individual sensations)
The whole gives meaning and identity to the parts
Psychophysical isomorphism
Force fields in brain transform incoming sensory data and transformed data is what we experience constantly
Brain dynamic configuration of forces that transforms sensory info
Notion of isomorphism necessitated opposition to the constancy hypothesis - 1 to 1 correspondence bw environmental stimuli and sensations
law of pragnanz
Perceptual constancy
The way we respond to objects as if they’re the same, even though the actual stimulation our senses receive may vary greatly
This phenomenon not a function of sensation plus learning, but is a function of ongoing brain activity and the fields’ activity
Perceptual field divided into figure (clear, unified, and object of attention) and ground (diffuse and not attended to)
Stimuli that have continuity w one another (intrinsic togetherness; seem to go together) will be experienced as a perceptual unit to make a whole
Stimuli that are close together tend to be grouped together as a perceptual unit
When there’s more than 1 figure, we’re most likely to see the figure that contains the greatest number of stimuli
Objects that are similar in some way tend to form perceptual units
Our mind fills in the blanks of an image
subjective/objective reality
Koffka distinguished bw the geographical environment (physical) and behavioral environment (subjective interpretation)
Our own subjective reality governs our actions more than the physical environment
insight learning
If a problem presented to an organism along w whatever is necessary to solve the problem, insight learning will typically occur
4 characteristics
Transition from no solution to solution is sudden and complete
Performance based on the insightful solution usually smooth and free of errors
Solution gained by insight retained for a considerable length of time
Principle gained by insight easily applied to other problems