ap gov chapter 15 vocab

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large % of americans ho “go to the polls” to cast a vote for the american president and other offices

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right to vote

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qualifications for voting

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literacy test

several southern states denied african american suffrage with literacy requirement

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poll tax

simple fee requires to vote- discouraged black voters

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grandfather clause

allowed states to recognize a registering voter, prevented scores of black people from voting, allowing illiterate and poor whites to still vote

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white primary

generation of intimidation, lynching, and a host of public policies to prevent african americans from voting- set rules for these clubs

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1964 civil rights act

addressed voting, ended jim crow laws, segregation, and banned employment discrimination

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1965 voting rights act

outlawed literacy tests and put states with low voter turnout under the eye of the justice department

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put states under federal supervision if attempted to invent new, legal loopholes to diminish black suffrage

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rational-choice voting

voter who examined an issue or candidate, evaluated campaign promises or platform points, and consciously decided to vote in the way that seems to most benefit the voter

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retrospective voting

look backward to consider candidates track record

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prospective voting

voters who anticipate the future

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party-line voting

citizens who affiliate with a political party or hold a strong party loyalty will likely vote with that party at most oppurtunities

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party identification

easiest way to predict a voter’s habits

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voting-age population

everyone at or over the age of 18

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voter turnout

number of voters who actually cast votes as a percentage of voting age population

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voter registration

enrollment in electoral roll

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small geographic area of about 500-1,000 votes who all vote at an assigned place

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for purposes of voting, counties, cities, and towns subdivided into wards

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polling place

school or community center where people vote

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national voter registration act (nvra)/motor-voter law

to increase citizen participation and alleviate the burden of having make a special effort to register to vote

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help america vote act (hava)

imposes a number of requirements on states, mostly to create national standards for voting and election management

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australian ballot

current ballot - must be printed and distributed at public expense, show all qualifying candidates, names be available only at polling places, and completed in private

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provisional ballot

set aside until election officials verify that voting occured at the correct polling place based on voters registration address

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absentee ballot

if a voter can’t make it to the polls, they can mail this ballot instead

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voting-eligible population

citizens who can legally vote if they wish

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midterm election

federal elections that occur midway through a president’s term- have a lower turnout

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voter apathy

lack of concern for election outcome

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political efficacy

sense that their vote makes a difference

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gender gap

the difference in political views between men and women and how these views are expressed at the voting booth

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gender effect on voter choice

the different genders tend to prefer certain parties

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age effect on voter choice

youngest voters have the lowest turnout

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race and ethnicity effect on voter choice (african americans)

the disinfranchising and intimidation of potential black voters in the south for generations created a consistently low voter turnout

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race and ethnicity effect on voter choice (hispanics)

the fastest growing minority in the u.s. - turn out lower than black and white people

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race and ethnicity effect on voter choice (asian americans)

make up only 3% of the u.s. voting population ; tend to vote conservative

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voting bloc

a group of voters that are strongly motivated by a specific common concern or group of concerns to the point that such specific concerns tend to dominate their voting patterns, causing them to vote together in elections

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