World War I Test

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The 4 MAIN causes of WW1

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The 4 MAIN causes of WW1

  • Militarism

  • Alliances

  • Imperialism

  • Nationalism

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The event that was the immediate cause of WW1

  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary

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Why Germany is viewed as the aggressor in WW1

  • The Schlieffen Plan, which was to defeat France quick by violating Belgium and then defeat Russia

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How Germany’s actions caused the alliance system to occur

  • The invasion of Belgium and declaration of war on Russia and France are what caused the alliance to form between France, Britain, and Russia

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The country that switched sides to join France, Britain, and Russia


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The name of Germany’s military plan and what it required

The Schlieffen Plan:

  • Speed and Surprise

  • Invade Belgium

  • Quickly defeat France

  • Swiftly fight Russia in the East

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New technologies used in WW1

  • Tanks

  • Machine Guns

  • Poison Gas

  • U-Boats

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Trench Warfare

  • Used to extend stalemate where no side could make advances toward the other

  • Use of elaborate systems of trenches in fortified positions

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Description of life in the trenches

  • Boring

  • Filthy

  • Diseases spreading

  • Critters everywhere

  • Traumatizing

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What “going over the top“ means

  • Soldiers leaving the safety of the trenches and advancing across open ground towards enemy positions during an offensive operation

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The purpose of “going over the top“

  • To launch an attack on enemy positions and attempt to break the stalemate of trench warfare

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War of Attrition

A military strategy in which:

  • An aggressor wears down its opponent’s strength over time through continuous combat

  • The goal of exhausting the enemy’s resources, manpower, and will to fight

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Total War

A military strategy and concept that involves:

  • Complete mobilization of a nation’s resources, economy, and population

  • Seeks to achieve victory be exerting maximum force to defeat the enemy

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Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

  • A peace treaty signed in March 3, 1918

  • Between the new Bolshevik government of Soviet Russia and the Central Powers

  • Ended Russia’s participation in WW1 on the Eastern Front

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Significance of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

  • Allowed Germany to transfer hundreds of thousands of troops from the Eastern Front to the Western Front

  • Led to political and social upheaval which had long term consequences

  • Allowed Germany to focus on the Western Front and accelerated the collapse of the Eastern Front

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The holiday on November 11th in Europe

  • Armistice Day, which commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany which ended WW1

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9 new countries that were created in Europe as a result of “self-determination“

  • Poland

  • Czechoslovakia

  • Yugoslavia

  • Finland

  • Estonia

  • Latvia

  • Lithuania

  • Austria

  • Hungary

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The “Big Four“ countries and their leaders

  • United States: Woodrow Wilson

  • Britain: David Lloyd George

  • France: Georges Clemenceau

  • Italy: Vittorio Orlando

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Treaty of Versailles

  • One of the peace treaties that ended WW1

  • Signed on June 28, 1919

  • Officially ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers

  • Harsh punishment to Germany

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Germany’s main punishments from the Treaty of Versailles

  • Territorial losses

  • Disarmament

  • War Guilt Clause

  • Reparations

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The main theme of Germany’s treatment in the Treaty of Versailles

  • Punishment and containment

  • Weaken its military and strip its territory

  • Goal is that nothing like that ever happens again

  • Overall humiliating

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Effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany after WW1

  • Long term-consequences

  • Much strain and instability

  • Causing Germany to want revenge

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The alliances before WW1 started

Triple Entente: Russia, France, Britain

Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

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How Alliances were a cause of WW1

  • It created two opposing forces in Europe

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How Militarism was a cause of WW1

  • It created competition between the alliances

  • Everyone wanted to have a better military than others

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How Imperialism was a cause of WW1

  • They wanted to take control and expand their own land

  • As European countries were expanding their land, tension was created

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How Nationalism was a cause of WW1

  • They wanted their own country to win over the others because they believed theirs was better

  • The idea that national pride and glory were good enough reasons to go to war was promoted

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The alliances during WW1

Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia, Italy, United States

Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria

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Examples of Total War

  • Kids collecting scrap metal

  • Women in the work force

  • People donating to war bonds

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3 Types of Propaganda

  • Demonization

  • Dishonesty

  • Emotional Appeal

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