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what are aristotle's four causes?
material, formal, efficient, final
aristotle's material cause definition?
what it is made of, material object (i.e. wood)
aristotle's efficient cause definition?
force that pushes it into existence (i.e. construction workers)
aristotle's formal cause definition?
form, function, or essence of a thing (i.e. design)
aristotle's final cause definition?
what the thing exists "for the sake of", the item's final purpose (i.e. a finished house to live in)
definition of metaphysics, according to aristotle?
"being as such" or "the first causes of things"
what does aquinas' "team rational philosophy" believe in?
there is no need to seek "higher knowledge" past theology, God's existence is self-evident
what does aquinas' "team scripture" believe in?
scripture inspires knowledge, science is inspired by God, God must and can be proved
what did descartes mean with "animals are machines"?
animals are purely mechanical creatures, they are not rational creatures and do not learn from experience (as humans do)
what is descartes' point on discourse 6?
new science aims at being masters and possessors of nature, and at extending life as much as possible, and that health is the thing all life is aiming at
whose belief was "I think therefore I am" ?
this was the philosophy of renee descartes
how did aristotle's beliefs differ from descartes' in regards to the mind/body?
aristotle believed humans were a rational animal, with a body, while descartes believed humans were disembodied minds
eros definition?
eros is the desire for wisdom, without the wisdom itself
what is the point of life in aquinas' view?
bliss is the final cause of man
steps of the 1st way from aquinas article 3, question 2?
some things are in motion-> whatever is in motion is put into motion by another-> motion is the transformation from potentiality to actuality-> it is therefore impossible for a thing to move itself-> therefore, something has to start the motion, AKA God
steps of the 3rd way from aquinas article 3, question 2?
there are things possible to be and not to be-> it is impossible for these things to always exist-> something which does not exist cannot begin existing-> something must cause the first thing, AKA God
what does descartes aim to do in "Meditations", as stated in his first paragraph?
he meant to clear his mind of any preconceived opinions
what is the "evil demon" in descartes' meditations?
the evil demon in meditations is a spirit that is constantly deceiving humans, making everything they believe to be false.
what is the one thing that descartes' evil demon cannot deceive?
the only thing a human knows for sure is that he exists, because he can think (i think therefore i am)
in summa, what are aquinas' two kinds of revelation?
1) revealed through divine intervention 2) revealed through human knowledge that you develop
according to mary midgely's "rings and books", why did descartes isolate himself to develop his philosophy?
it appeals to his adolescent self, one exempt from criticism and only subject to one's own feelings and philosophy
according to mary midgely's "rings and books", why was descartes wrong to only base his philosophy on his own self?
it does not open himself up to experience, it is only his perspective in that moment
main difference between aquinas' and descartes' philosophy?
aquinas thought that the soul and body were the same thing, while descartes thought that the mind and body were completely seperate
main difference between descartes' and aristotle's philosophy?
descartes thought animals and humans were completely separate in types, while aristotle thought that humans and animals were the same, that humans were rational animals
Iris Murdoch's understanding of platonic good?
something like the form of the Good constitutes what is known when we have moral knowledge, and is also what is sought and loved