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The process of verifying users' legitimacy to access resources.
Strong Passwords
Passwords that are long, complex, and difficult to memorize but vital for secure authentication.
Weak Password
Passwords that are predictable, short, or based on common words and personal information, providing minimal security.
Biometric Security
Authentication methods based on unique personal characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
An authentication method that requires two different types of information to verify a user's identity.
A test used to differentiate between humans and automated systems by requiring users to identify distorted letters or images.
Password Manager
A software application designed to store and manage passwords securely.
Disaster Recovery Plan
A written strategy to restore computer operations following a disaster.
Natural Disasters
Unpredictable events like earthquakes and floods that can affect computer operations.
Man-Made Disasters
Disasters resulting from human actions, such as hacking or malware attacks.