Near Place- Eastleigh Far Place- Torquay
Eastleigh Timeline
1838- Railway built
1901- Airport opened
1921- Pirelli Cable factory opened
1980s- M27 built to Eastleigh
1984- Swan Centre built
2001- GE Aviation came to Eastleigh
2002- Pirelli Cable Factory shut
2004- Mr Kipling shut
2011- B&Q HQ opened
Representations of Eastleigh
Charlotte Younge statue
Pirelli Park (vandalised after 6 months)
The Railway Man statue
MCBeastleigh ‘Swan Centre’ song
Bill Bryson ‘Road to Little Dribbling’ "→ “memorably unmemorable”
Conflict in Eastleigh
Vivid Homes and Highwood Group planned to build new homes/ primary school/ elderly assisted living
Would help meet government policy of 1500 new homes by 2026
Homes would have green spaces and be affordable via shared ownership
Issues with traffic, road safety and opposed by Stoneham Golf Course
Approved by 36 councillors
Eastleigh Agents of Change
M&S ‘Save to Invest’ schemme
Corporate influence- B&Q, GE Aviation, Prysmian, AGEAS Insurance
Utilita Bowl adds £50 million to economy
Conservative local council
Eastleigh Exogenous Factors
Places Leisure refurbished thanks to government grant
£19 million M27 bridge repair
Ideas → VUE Cinema, The Point Theatre, The Sorting Offices (EU scheme)
Mostly Eastern-European migrants
Exports Cables and clar
Eastleigh Endogenous Factors
Alluvium brickearth deposits, smooth topography, River Itchen floodplain
Infrastructure → 2 hospitals, 5 schools, M27 J3, railway
Deindustrialisation since 1940s → move to tertiary/ quarternary sector
Easlteigh- Hiltingbury stats
Average age of 44
0.9% social renting
43% have Level 4+ qualifications
Eastleigh- Eastleigh South stats
3% unemployed
30% social renting
26% have no qualifications
Torquay Timeline
1680- Working shipyard
1848- Railway opened
1857-Marine spa opened
1907- tram line opened
WW1- Military hospital
1917- GWR advert campaign
1948- Hosted water Olympics
1977- Coral Island built
1980s- Fleet Walk Shopping Centre built
2000- Living Coasts Zoo opened
Torquay Representations
Torbados song
GWR advert campaign
Becky Bettesworth posters
Torquay Agents of Change
Fragrance Group (Singapore) invested £30 million
Graphic Controls manufacturing provides 80 jobs
Torbay Reef Restoration Project
Regeneration projects by Torbay Borough Council
South Devon Highway cost £76 million
Torquay Exogenous Factors
2 new foreign student flats
‘Torbay Connected’ → local artists used to develop urban spaces
2018 Torwood Street development (£32 million)
UNESCO Global GeoPark
24% commute out to work
Outwards migration → shrinking population
Local clay exported
Torquay Endogenous Factors
A380 links to M5
30 minute drive to Exeter, 4 ½ hours to London
2 Blue Flag award beachers
1 hospital, 5 schools
Steep topography
20% less managerial jobs than national average
20% of jobs in tourism
Weekly pay £100 less than national average
Estimated 22% rise in residential area by 2030
Ageing population
7% of population are Eastern European
Torquay- Wellswood stats
4% social renting
8% bad health
31% level 4+ qualifications
Torquay- Barton with Watcombe stats
17% social renting
7.5% bad health
19% level 4+ qualifications