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Newborn communication
Visually and auditorily “hard wired” for communication, visual preference for face/eyes, hearing in range of human voice, preference for human voice, moves in synchrony with human voice
Newborn will search for human voice, stop crying and attend to moms voice, facial expressions engage mom (not intentional expressions), movement of infant head signals mom
Early communication: 1 month
Gaze at adult face, vocalize, change gaze with partner, match pitch and sound duration of adult, smile in response to familiar face
Early communication: 2 months
Searches for moms voice, turn away from strange voices, recognize familiar people, begin to hear coping (QRN)
Early communication: 3 month
Broader intentional smile, increased interest in facial expressions, beginning to learn that “signaling” results in change
Early communication: 3-6 months
Game play becomes important (peek-a-boo, patty cake), increased toy play, vocalizes to accompany attitude
Genuine and deep connection with human, typically mother and the infant
Early communication: 7-12 months
Sad when mom leaves, plays in moms presence, infants begin to selectively attend to language (follow directions), can follow “point” and glance
Interactions that have conversation feel, but lack the words
Communicative intentions: 0-8 months
Pre intentional (perlocutionary stage), not international, don’t know affects
Communicative intentions: 8-9 months
Begins to develop intentionality (illocutionary stage), can affect others and know that
Communicative intentions: 12 months
Symbolic communication (locutionary stage), use words to communicate intent
Have requests or demands, uses gestures
Shares information, draw attention, uses gestures
First words (symbolic stage)
Words as symbols, bracketing, clustering
maternal communication behaviors: preparatory activities
Free infant from physiological state dominance…ex: calm infant when upset
maternal communication behaviors: state-setting activities
Manipulate physical environment to optimize interaction…ex:move infants visual field
maternal communication behaviors: Maintenance of communication framework
Use of continuates by caregiver…ex: rhythmic tapping and patting
maternal communication behaviors: Infantile modifications of adult actions
Variation of caregiver activities in rate, intensity, amplitude, and quality from those of adult…ex: use baby talk
Infant directed speech (IDS)
Short utterances, core vocab, facial expressions, questions and greetings, Paralingustic variations
Usefulness of IDS
Repetitiveness helps decode language, prosaic features help with child attention, build convo skills with questioning
Joint attention 4 phases:
Joint attention, intention to communicate, gestures and vocalization, naming and topicalization