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Incan society, a small community or family group whose members worked together for the common good of the peoples.
A group of nomads from the Arabian peninsula desert.
Hindu movement, "Spiritual devotion"
Movement in the 12th century that caused Hindus to draw upon emotion and attachment to a single deity.
Enlightened beings aiding others to achieve Nirvana (Mahayana)
Enlightened beings who have put off Nirvana/paradise to aid others in attaining Nirvana
The land a caliph rulers over
Theocratic state comprising of the Muslim community and the lands and peoples under its dominion after the death of Muhammad
Aztec floating gardens
Floating gardens on Lake Texcoco (Aztec) due to non-arable land
Dar al-Islam
The Islamic regions/caliphates combined. Means "House of Islam" in Arabic
Protected peoples; 'People of the Book'.
Monotheistic believers of Abrahamic faith (Christians, Jews) that were protected from enslavement.
A dispersion of people from their homeland
Decentralized political organization based on a system of exchanges of land for loyalty
Land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service
Filial Piety
The Confucian belief of the duty children had to their elders/parents
Prosperous, educated, and privileged rural families who ran the regional governments and were exempt from taxes/military/labor services
Wealthy bureaucrats/nobles in Han-Song dynasty China
A pilgrimage to Mecca, performed as a duty by Muslims
Tax levied on non-Muslims under Islamic rule
Tax put on non-Muslims under Islamic caliphates
A very large flat-bottom sailing ship produced in the Song dynasty, specially designed for long-distance commercial travel.
Islamic institutions of higher education that originated in the tenth century.
Magna Carta
Document of political rights and privileges signed by King Jon in 1215
Document of political rights/privilege of nobles signed by King John in 1215
Andean labor system based on shared obligations to help kinsmen and work on behalf of the ruler and religious organizations.
A way of life in which men and women withdraw from the rest of the world in order to devote themselves to their faith
Living in a religious community (Monastery) apart from secular society and adhering to a rule stipulating chastity, obedience, and poverty. (Primary Centers of Learning in Medieval Europe)
New approach to Confucianism incorporating Buddhist and Daoist thought that became the ruling ideology of Song China (Song)
Confucian + Daoist + Buddhist thought (Song)
The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head.
Office/term of the Pope
Private army/effective troops of Japan
Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land.
Schism (of 1054)
Split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church
Split between Roman Catholics and Orthodox
A type of labor commonly used in feudal systems in which the laborers work the land in return for protection but bound to the land and were not allowed to leave.
Serfs work on their lord's land in return for protection but cannot leave without permission
Islamic law
The Japanese system of government under a shogun (military dictator), who exercised actual power while the emperor was reduced to a figurehead.
Dome shaped structures for Buddhist relics with cones at the top.
Emphasized introspection to grasp truths that they believed could not be understood through learning
Emphasized getting in touch with your emotions to grasp abstract truths
Muslim ruler (Particularly of the Ottoman Empire)
Conservative Islamic religious scholars
Religious advisors
Universal community of Muslims (How religion can unite and dissolve old kinship plans that encourage separation)
The community of all Muslims. A major innovation against traditional kinship rather than faith-determined membership in a community.
A person who owed service to another person of high service
Islamic + European tool used by sailors to determine their location using the positions of celestial bodies.
Bills of Exchange
A written order to a person requiring the person to make a specified payment to the signatory or to a named payee; a promissory note.
Document stating that the holder was legally promised payment of a set date and amount and receive that amount in exchange.
Groups of merchants/pilgrims who banded together to travel long distances for mutual protection
Groups of merchants/pilgrims who banded together to travel long distances (usually in deserts) to facilitate trade and give protection against bandits while transporting goods.
Inns for travellers
Roadside inn where travelers could rest their animals and themselves.
Using pieces of precious metal as mediums of exchange
Process of creating and issuing coins as a form of currency
Chinese navigational instrument that shows direction relative to geographical cardinal directions
Navigational instrument used by sailors and traders
Trade ship developed in India or China that had long, thin hulls that made them good for trade but bad for warfare
Traditional sailing vessels used by Arab or Indian merchants
Warehouses along trade routes
Trading post/port/city/warehouse where merchandise could be stored, traded, or imported before re-export
Association of men of one profession or trade who banded together to promote their economic and political interests
Association of men of one profession or trade
Hanseatic League
Alliance between cities in N. Germany and Scandanavia for. commercial purposes
Commercial alliance between cities in N. Germany and Scandanavia.
Central structure beam running along the bottom of the ship, providing stability and prevents ship from twisting or collapsing
Main structural component to a ship, that provides stability and strength to frame.
Lanteen Sails
Arab/Meditteranean triangular sails mounted on a long yard angle to the mast. Helped ships to sail more efficiently against wind.
Triangular sails that helped ships move faster to sail more efficiently against wind.
Alternating winds that blow over S. Asia on a regular basis
Seasonal wind patterns in the Indian Ocean that cause wet and dry seasons
A device for raising water from a stream or river, consisting of a chain of pots or buckets revolving around a wheel driven by the water current.
Water Wheel
Noria: Water wheel used for raising water from a river so that it could flow by gravity via aqueduct to villages and cultivate land for irrigation
Sakia: Mechanical water lifting device which uses buckets/jars/scoops fastened either directly to a vertical wheel or to an endless belt activated by a wheel
Steering mechanism used on ships
Hand-operated irrigation tool consisting of one long pole balanced on a pivot with a bucket at the end and a counterweight at the other, used to lift water from a river or canal to irrigate crops
Hand operated device for lifting water
Margery Kempe
Wrote Book of Margery Kempe (1430s)
Yongle (1403-1424)
Third Ming Emperor, sponsored forbidden city build, Zheng He's voyages, and reopening China's borders for trade/travel
Third Ming Emperor, opened trade/travel borders and supported exploration. Liked Mongol government forms.
Mikhail Romanov (1613-1465)
First Romanov czar, ended "Time of Troubles" (Russia ruler succession crisis). Romanov dynasty ends in 1917
First Romanov czar and ended Russian ruler succession crisis. Dynasty ends in 1917
Kangxi (1661-1722)
Qing emperor. Promoted Confucian ideas/policies and expanded Qing empire (Taiwan, Mongolia, and parts of Asia-Tibet); Intellectual prodigy
Qing emperor, liked Confucian ideas/policies, expanded Qing )Taiwan, Mongolia, some Asia-Tibet); Intellectual prodigy, political/economic prosperity
Suleiman the Magnificent
Ottoman Sultan during "Golden Age", reformed legal system ("Lawgiver").
Expanded empire in Balkans and Mediterranean
Akbar the Great
Mughal king known for religious tolerance; his policies eased Muslim/Hindu tensions. Grandson of Babur who created strong, central government
Mughal king, religious tolerance, strong central govt, conquered Gujarat, Bengal, and some southern India, promo Sikh
Made Divine Faith religion
Shogun Hideyoshi
Invaded the Asian mainland and brutalized Korea and China for raw resources
Invaded Korea and China with 160,000 men for resources
Sultan Mehmed II (The conquerer)
Ottoman Sultan. Attacked and conquered Constantinople, ending Byzantine Empire. Became major naval power and fought with Venice. Forced Venice to pay tribute to Ottomans
Ottoman Sultan, conquered Constantinople (ending Byzantine), major naval power, forced Venice to pay tribute
Shah Abbas I (The Great)
Took throne (1587), helped create Safavid culture, took Safavid Empire into Golden Age
Safavid Shah in 1587, ruled Safavid Golden Age
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Established Tokugawa shogunate that would dominate Japan for hundreds of years. Last shogunate
Created Tokugawa shogunate, third and last shogunate.
Zheng He
Imperial eunuch and Muslim, entrusted by Ming emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took junks to Indian Ocean (from SE Asia to Africa)
Eunuch and Muslim sponsored by Ming emperor Yongle with voyages taking junks to Indian Ocean from SE Asia to Africa
Ivan III (The Great)
Prince of Duchy of Moscow, responsible for freeing Russia from Mongols, took title of czar (derived from 'Caesar')
Prince of Duchy of Moscow, freed Russia from Mongols, first to use title of czar, married niece of last Byzantine emperor, organized a new central govt and army
First Ming emperor (1368); originally of peasant lineage; original name Zhu Yuanzhang, drove out Mongol influence; restored position of scholar-gentry
First Ming emperor (1368), peasant origins, og name Zhu Yuangzhang, overthrew and tried erasing Mongol stuff, restored scholar-gentry
Shah Jahan
Mughal, built Taj Mahal, Aurangzeb's father, empire weakened by corrupt government, bankruptcy via building projects, failure to keep up with innovation
Mughal, built Taj Mahal, Aurangzeb's father, bankrupted Mughal, corrupt government, failure to keep up with tech
Ismail Safavil
Founded Safavid Empire and declared himself shah at 16, Shia
Founded Safavid Empire (Iran) and declared himself Shah at 16, Shia
Selim I
Consolidated control over Mesopotamia and conquered Egypt and Syria from collapsing.
Mamluk Empire conquered by him
Founder of Mughal Empire in India, descended from Mongols, 1526 invaded India from C. Asia and defeated Delhi Sultanate, continued Islamic rule of India
Nizam al-Mulk
Powerful vizier who decentralized and weakened Mughal Empire
Vizier, decentralized and weakened Mughal
Ivan IV (The Terrible)
Tsarist autocrat
Reduced power of Boyars, increased Tsarist autocracy, continued western expansion, killed son/heir
Ottoman upper class who served in the military and bureaucracy and were exempt from taxes
Ottoman aristocracy, served in military/bureaucracy, not taxed
Russian nobles
Long term trade agreements
Long term trade agreements with European powers. Gave European bankers/merchants unfair advantages in Ottoman; led European domination of trade. Europeans in Ottoman immune from Turkish law
People from steppes between Moscovy and the Caucasus
Russian cowboys, peasants recruited to migrate/seize land in the east, combined agriculture with military conquests, spurred additional frontier conquests and settlements in Siberia
Dalai Lama
Spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism
Christian boys age 8-20 forcibly recruited to serve as janissaries, administrators, tax collectors, scribes, and diplomats
Christian boys age 8-20 forcibly recruited to be janissaries, administrators, tax collectors, scribes, and diplomats
Ottoman, elite force of Christian boys, converted to Islam, not allowed to marry, trained year-round, abolished in 1826
Ottoman elite infantry of Christian boys converted to Islam, can't marry, trained 24/7, abolished 1826
Grants of land and a portion of tax revenue from lands given to high ranking military officers and government officials in return for service
Land for loyalty/service, Mughal
Large and stately building housing a tomb
A building, especially a large and stately one, housing a tomb or tombs. Taj Mahal
Hindu practice of burning a widow on her husband's funeral pyre; outlawed in 1829 (Aurangzeb) but still occurred
Hindu practice of burning a widow on husband's funeral pyre, outlawed 1829 (Aurangzeb)
Persian/Iranian equivalent of "king/emperor" Shia Muslim
Persian/Iranian (Shia) word for king
Monotheistic religion found in Northern India in 16th century by Guru Nanak and combines elements of Hinduism and Islam
Hindu + Islam = Sikh, 15th century under Mughal religious tolerance
Combining cultures/languages/belief systems to make new cultures/language/beliefs
Blending of two cultural systems
Ottoman land grant in exchange for service/loyalty
Ottoman land grants. Revenues produced by land acted as compensation for military service
Tax farming
Ottoman right to collect local or regional taxes.
A privileged individual that collects taxes, permitted to keep as profit everything they collect over the set amount, led to corruption
Chief administrators
High government official/advisor in Ancient Egypt or in Muslim countries
India, land owning aristocrat, received a plot of farmland for temporary use in return for collecting taxes for the central government. Corrupt- skimmed off of the top
Aristocrat who receives Mansabs and ruled their holdings and peasants by tax farming, running a local court to resolve disputes, maintaining a military, and building infrastructure
Landowners in Mughal Empire who held significant power and authority over land revenue collection and administation
Aurangzeb (1658-1707)
Mughal, Jahan's son, reversed Akbar policy of tolerance, sought to get rid of Hinduism, put S. Asia under Muslim rule. Constant wars of expansion against Hindu kingdoms
Mughal, hate Hindus, reversed Akbar religious tolerance, get rid of Hinduism, 24/7 wars of expansion, forbade Sati, sharia law back, jizya back, forbade entertainment. Bankrupted Mughal, constant peasant revolts (high taxes) and by Rajput Hindus. Increasing instability allowed Brits/French more economic power.
Guru Nanak
Founder of Sikhism in Punjab region of India. Late 15th century
Sikh founder Punjab region late 15th century under Akbar the Great reign
Sunni Ali (1464-1493)
From the trade city Gao, led a campaign to conquer his neighbors and consolidate his Empire, conquered Timbuktu and Jenne from last Mali leaders, used wealth to dominate Central Niger Valley
From Gao, conquered Timbuktu and Jenne from Mali leaders, used wealth to dominate Central Niger Valley
The movement to end slavery
Economic system in which the means of production such as factories and resources are privately owned and are operated for profit.
No govt. interference in business practices/affairs.
Economic system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit rather than by the state.
Local leaders with regional power bases, Latin American revolution.
Independent leaders who dominated local areas by force, sometimes seized national governments to impose their concept of rule. Typical in newly independent countries in Latin America (Dictator).
Political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, favoring obedience to political authority and organized religion.
No change, keep govt, keep religion.
Cottage Industry
Manufacturing and crafts done in homes.
Method of production in which tasks are done by people in their rural homes/home factories
Enlightenment era belief that God made world and set natural laws, then sat back and observes- Doesn't interfere in the world he made (watchmaker analogy).
Enlightenment belief that there is a god but chills and observes.
Assembly or a legislature (associated) with the HRE (Holy Roman Empire)
Japanese parliament, couldn't control govt just advise it.
Duma (1905)
Russian Parliament/National Assembly
1905 Assembly that decreased Tsar Nicholas II's power
Gold Standard
Monetary system where a country's currency or paper money has a value linked to gold.
Money value link gold
Russian wealthy peasants
Upper lower class/rich farmers, Russia
Labor Unions
Organized group of workers formed to protect their rights and interests.
Groups of workers for better rights.
Policy that the government should not interfere in the market.
No govt. in the economy.