Equality + Biological differences are unimportant
These are things the state should promote and should not perpetrate male dominance
Believe inequality is due to capitalism-Capitalism oppresses women
Sheila Robothman - reserve army of labour, patriarchy is perpetuated by capitalism
State needs to reform the capitalism system this will then lead to greater equality of women
Equality through legislation such as equal pay would support Dagnman Strike
Equality of opportunity that is state enforced
protect women e.g., rape trail conduction, anti-discrimination legislation
(Similarities between radical and liberal - only state intervention can protect women against sexual harassment, radical by increase prosecution reduce rape by changing culture through state intervention)
→ Charlotte Perkins Gilman - women should be liberated form male dominance through equality of opportunity therefore they need a full place in employment, education needs to change and economic roles
→ Simone De Beauvoir - women must be granted the opportunity to make as many choices as men to be able to escape housework and role in marriage largely achieve through state funded childcare, education, legalised abortion
value biological difference
embrace difference except unique qualities of women nurtures etc.
should not try being like man
would say this takes puts women back
suggesting women are nurturing and caring leaves women stuck in specific sections of the economy
If state values differences will lead to greater oppression such as gender pay gap
legislation is needed to reduce this
public sphere representation in politics e.g., lists of all females for labour party
If State becomes more representative therefore more representative laws
Focus more on the public sphere
patriarchy survives everywhere private
private is political
rape and sexuality in the private sphere need to be addressed
social and liberal have more limited economic public and political sphere don’t focus on private enough
This applies difference of state actions
Liberal - limit state removing restriction on female freedom e.g., more access to birth piles
Radical - make divorce easier - patriarchal marriage – private sphere
Disagree on what the state should do to end inequality Radical everywhere do different things especially privately Liberal mainly pubic therefore main to get more women in senior positions or politics
public area for greater actions
Mary Wollenscroft - votes
bell hooks - lack of diversity in trump cabinet state is unrepresentative of women
cultural change is greater importance than anything this state can do
at Kate Millet can’t just wait for legislation
more needs to be done not just legislation
Patriarchy is everywhere
how can state change culture
women can do this better themselves – women play a role in liberation themselves
Gender is a form of learnt behaviour women are expected to form to feministic - Simone De Beauvoir (‘Women are made, not born’) other words one becomes a woman – gender norms need to change from birth choice is taken away
Charlotte Perkins Gilliam - post natal depression only way to address these issues massively cultural change is need which can be assist but not dominated by the state
Women need to aspire to this except state should exist, but state alone cannot fix women liberation women themselves are key drives of their own liberation
Bell hooks concern with direct relationship between men and women, men must understand the patriarchy they impose, and women must break free of the preconceptions about themselves ‘unlearned self-hatred’, women roles not state
This is concept that being male, or female (sex) is different to gender (the innate character between men and women
radical and socialist - gender is a learnt behaviour with women expecting to confirm to stereotypes of gender
Simone De Beauvoir women become a woman through socialisation, men are see as the norm and women are seen as deviants from a women ‘otherness’
Charlotte Perkins Gilman referred to the different toys girls and boy play with which determines how they will grow up and the activities they
little to divide to strands on the idea that women’s human behaviour is a social concept and something that can be un done
women have unique traits rather than downplaying these qualities such as tenderness, care and nature should be celebrated
essentialism – equal to those of men if not better than that what men process
men’s human nature is fixed and therefore patriarchy is fixed instead of trying to ‘be like a man’ or change men women in society should remove themselves from the patriarchy led to support of communes, separate quarters – in Syria fleeing woman Gecidi women only commune shows divides in radical feminism
men are too prone to violence and that is not going to change therefore men cannot be trust in the long run to respect women thus the commune is justified in banning men
Equality feminists
by separating themselves from men they let male dominance persist in wider society outside of that commune and supress female longing for greater opportunities – short term in long term destroy patriarchy
androgyny difference between male and female apart from biology are nothing – difference feminists don’t share this view
difference feminists represent a tiny part
Socialist and radical call for revolution to end the patriarchy
Sheila Rowbotham believe patriarchy perpetuate by capitalism and it would exist without it due to sexist male bosses – thus says need a revolution within a revolution overthrow capitalism and then the patriarchy
Meanwhile radical feminist believe patriarchy is all pervasive and needs to be address by conscious raising among women themselves -KATE millet culture and sexual revolution is need including abolishing the nuclear family
Liberal feminists see patriarchy as problem especially in public sphere and would focus on that through parliamentary and legislative form
Can be said intersectional, that other feminist strands are two narrows in there thinking – BELL HOOKS women empowerment and flourishing can be assisted with ending of patriarchy but only one component tackling discrimination towards particular groups of women such as black women, gay women and removing multiple lays of challenges is what is need in additional to ending the patriarchy
YET, all feminists accept that removing patriarchy is a good start to removing female empowerment, even post-modernist accept this – while strand may adopt different methods still agree for HN to flourish etc.
For socialist feminists ending capitalism would make the biggest dent in the patriarchy
Simone De Beauvoir noted how men dominate economic life limiting h life choices of women
Liberal feminists would priorities equality before the law and not the economy
Intersectional feminist believe that white women class women benefit more from the economy then black working class women – BELL HOOKS then priority to address this particular problem
Radial express sympathy with socialist feminism – Kate Millet – view on the economy is peripheral to here views on feminist focused far more on literature and the private sphere of patriarchy and family
Simone de Beauvoir notes ‘otherness’ and one becomes a women is what needs to be tackled – focus on the culture of society not just the economy – putting her at oods with other socialist feminist who would prioritise the economy over societal change
Charlotte Perkins Gilman spoke of women considered man locked in rooms while suffering post natal depression – thus culture change assisted by economic measure but not dominated is the key for many feminist and not the economy – socialist on there own in prioritising the economy compared to other strands
Most Radical feminists – believe in equality feminism believes that biological differences are inconsequential the economy they argue therefore should promoted this feminists
Likewise, Socialist feminists believe in achieving equality in economic sphere through overthrowing capitalism – which would then make major dent in the patriarchy – Sheila Rowbotham writes about a revolution within a revolution and reserve army of labour that Marx talked about is still alive and well – women work for low wages – would support strike in dagnenem over equal pay and importance of union representing women’s rights
Liberal feminism may also support this strike as they believe in equality before the law – therefore equal pay legislation
Disagree on the extent to which economic equality between men and owned is important – some radical feminism called difference – call women to accept biological differences and to value them
Difference – women should not be encourage to deny distinctive women should not try to be like a men should except unique qualities of women hood such as nature and caring why more women are nurses and high paid executive for example
But radical equality feminists – dismiss these views – difference feminism takes the feminism move back to suggest women are passive, nurture and caring perpetuates stereotypes and leaves to women pigeon holed in specific sectors of the economy
Radical feminist would argue that gender difference if not challenge then consequence will be continued female repression leading to great economic oppression – gender pay gap will continue to exist without some level of economic equality since lead to further socialisation if women feel to small to ask for higher pay then they wont ask
Liberal feminist however focus on the public sphere firstly want universal suffrage and women representation in politics – focus more on politics then the economy on laws
Wollstonecraft felt that once these conditions where met – liberated women would thrive in and enhance ethe free market economy – therefore liberal feminist done except intervention in the state like socialist feminists do who believe labour regulation from state to prevent worker exploitation
Meanwhile radial, patriarchy exist everywhere including private sphere ‘personal is political’ would advocate economic intervention to assist ending patriarchy – patriarchy exist to many places for this to make large places women would still be subjugated owing to chains of family life – Kate millet women must be own liberties not state that will achieve economic freedom – its women themselves
public – politicians, big business not what goes on in the home
firstly ensure universal suffrage and equal pay more important not the issue that affect women in their home hence their support for all female short list in labour candidate selection in elections
radical feminists would say that is drop in ocean patriarchy exist everywhere, including private sphere Kate Millet believe patriarchy existed in family in the literature books boys and girls read therefore undoing the traditional family was key to cultural revolution and indeed sexual revolution – family is patriarchy key institution and political decisions would have to address this oppression
nearly all feminists accept that sex and gender is different – gender is learnt behaviour that lead to women and men being but in different sections of society leading to personal problems – leading to calls for political ways to address those problems thus the personal is political
radical equality feminists and socialist agree unnatural gender distinction propels this grinding domesticity – Betty Friedan (liberal) said the problem has no name – women are address through household work, for socialist feminist it is capitalism that leads women to be stuck in the home
a political solution Rowbotham a revolution in a revolution is required to address these effects on women
Simon Deboviour said women become women, women were seen as different from the norm in this way much in common with radical feminists like Naomi Wolff who wrote about how media forces women to change their images, they are learning their behaviour and accepting their otherness
body image is therefore personal therefore political matter – personal choices need political solutions
Charlotte Perkin Gilman spoke of women that are considered mad locked in rooms suffering post-natal depression – surely political issue
bell hooks believe that women have different experience depending on race, class and sexuality therefore the straight middle class white view of what political is minor to that discrimination faced by a woman of colour she would say that middle class women just frustrated with do housework may not be stopped by police may own home – women of colour may not have this have to overcome even more personal barrier to achieve economic equality then other women n
radical difference feminist – disagree with personal is political call women to accept biological difference and to learn this gender is not learnt it is natural – should accept it women should not try being like a man this leads them to accept domesticity personal conditions is natural not political
radical equality dismisses this they believe takes feminist back allows for perpetuation of stereotypes pigeonholing women in certain sections of home – failing to ignore difference leads to things like gender pay gap therefore led to be more reliant on men as wage higher – women surrender role in all parts of life, therefore decisions on abortion is political
difference women should just accept roles this is contrast to radical equality
male dominate society
socialist see this society sheila kreowt-bthoma reserve army of labour many see women work for lower wages than men - aptraichy is perpetuate by capitalism but even without she believe sexism would exist due to partichy
→ suport ford strike / female union workers
liberal feminists - equality before the law thus equal pay → Betty Friedan patrahciy crept into private sphere see families limit women
radical agree
extent liberal private sphere universal suffrage and rpessenation support all female show lists
but radical everywhere personal is poetical Kate millet exit in literatures family undoing family key to freedom
→ rape Wolff talks of beauty sexuality sees partially everywhere
differnce sex and gnder
gender learn behaviour e.g grills schools shoes unenclosed
Simone de behaviour women made not born otherness women not the norm
→ similar to radical wolf demofrity
gilman post natal depression seen as mad
difference accept difference and value them
equality this takes feminist back allows for perpatecution of stereotypes and gender pay gap socialised into them
difference small branch
radical equality biological differences are irrelevant
socialist equality in economic sphere overthrowing capitalism
liberals equality of opportunity and law changes in way rapid trails conducted radical also agree what you wear for example irrelevant
difference remove themselves women only communes
equality feminists in separating women left rest of society with male dominance
gender inequality one of several problems faced by women bell hooks solidarity between race gender class etc. e.g Degraffenreid v General Motors found not guilt of either race or gender disicmriantion when firing black women gender inequality
inter sectionalist
post modern challenge radical opinion equality will improve everything
difference feminists accept biological difference and value them - women should not be encourage to deny distinctive features no be like a man - tendency toward nature and care
indeed some difference feminists support the idea of cultural feminists that women values are superior to men
equality feminists radical believe difference feminists could take feminist back 100 years saying that they are nturing and caring perpetuates gender types pigeon hole in sections of society
issue like the gender pay gap - women not demanded high pay for there work socialised into them
difference feminist believe in essentialism - gender difference are natural and not socially constructed
celebrate differences or recognising them as insignificant
accept that sex and gender are different
gender are not only learnt but lead to discrimination
most feminists accept the concept of sex - biological characters different to gender the inate character of men and women
accept concept of androngy this the idea that humans are sexless persons and fifernce are minimal between sexes and should have no impact on their role in society
gender is form of learnt behaviour - stereotypes of femininity
mean consider the norm women see as divert from the norm - otherness SDB
Perkins Gilman consider mad while suffering post natal depression
steroytyeps of women as mad - harmful confirm the idea of gender as being constructed and creates women as second sex
liberal feminist - problem with no name (Friedan) divides perpetuate patriarchy
consequences that learnt lead most radical to believe in equality feminists that biological differences are minimal - liberal and socialist but through economic sphere dent in patriarchy
end women as reserve army of labour Engels
equality of oppurntiy gender need not effect the kind of work you are able to do
more difference then unity both sex and gender is up for discussion most feminists believe sex is biological signed in at birth - conflict on how to address gender divides
liberal feminist public sphere necessity to ensure suffrage and then poetical representation gradual reform - equality of oppournitty
socialist changes to the economy - rowbothman a revolution within a revolution gender and eocnic equality
radical public and private - personal is political patriarchy is all persuasive must be addressed everywhere
family patriarchy key institute literature radical sceptical on relying on the state and institutes
cultura and sexually revolution un doing the traditional family is vital for this to happen
liberal and social feminsit would support - traditional family
conflict elsewhere
post-modern - gender equality other challenges as well gender one of several injustices women face - bell hooks sister hood of fraidcal feminists ignored the need for soalrity between gender races and classes focusing to much on white middle class women