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Forensic Psychiatrist
________ or Psychologist- They interview suspects and analyze the answers from the interviews.
Testimonial evidence
________ includes oral or written statements given to police as well as testimony in court by people who witnessed an event.
________ is a natural occuring mineral with a crystalline structure.
________ and Taste are so closely related due to they are both dependent on chemoreceptors.
Fingerprint analyst
________- ACE- V (analyze, compare, evaluate, verify) finger prints, hand prints etc.
________ work with sketch artists and eyewitnesses to create facial composites, or sketches of a persons face.
Forensic Serology
________- Processes, Compare, and /or identify biological Evidence in a crime case.
Tympanic membrane
________ (Ear drum) This receives soundwaves and transfers it to ear bones.
________- Analyze a person's body to determine if various substances are present.
blind spot
The ________ is where the optic nerve enters the eye, there are no rods /cones in this area.
________ are what creates touch and are dependent on them.
Cuticle scales
________ in humans commonly are flattened and narrow (imbricate)
________ are how we feel temperature and there are three types.
________ is the ability to take in colors.
characteristic length
Each species of animal possesses hair with ________, color, shape, root appearance, and internal microscopic features that distinguish one animal from another.
________ and smell is when the right chemical hits the right chemoreceptors.
________ is a fibrous form of glass.
Pigmentation in animal hair is denser toward the ________.
characteristic shapes
An ordinary microscope can be used to find ________ and markings on natural fibers.
strong protein
Hair is made of keratin, which is a very ________.
________ and Cones are located on the retina except the optic nerve.
number of different techniques
Hairs can be recovered from items using a(n) ________.
________ in human hair is denser toward the cuticle.
Forensic Botanist
________- Help law enforcement officers analyze plant materials at a crime scene.
________ are located on the nasal cavity, tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and epiglottis.
Forensic Trace Evidence Analyst
________- Identifies hairs /fibers and finds traits within them to link it to crimes and suspects.
Forensic Odontologist
________- identifies and compares dental evidence in criminal cases.
________ is denser near the cuticle.
Forensic Entomologist
________- Examines bugs near /on /in the body to tell the stages of decomp.
Document Examination Unit
________- studies the handwriting and typewriting on questioned documents to determine authenticity and /or source (white collar crimes)
________ examiner- A(n) ________ examiner examines different firearms, weapons, bullets, and other criminal investigations.
________ often fall off and are picked up during normal activities.
loudness of sound
The ________ is determined by the velocity of the vibration of the soundwave.
Forensic Artist
________- A professional responsible for facial reconstruction or the sketching of a crime scene, recreates face with skulls.
Auditory Bones
________ (Malleus, incus, stapes) Conduct the sound waves to the oval window.
Cuticle scales
________ in animals tend to resemble petals (spinous) or they give the appearance of a stack of crowns (coronal)
Forensic Anthropologist
Assist with human remains(bones)
Document Examination Unit
studies the handwriting and typewriting on questioned documents to determine authenticity and/or source(white collar crimes)
Forensic Odontologist
identifies and compares dental evidence in criminal cases
Forensic Entomologist
Examines bugs near/on/in the body to tell the stages of decomp
Analyze a person's body to determine if various substances are present
They do this to tell
if judgment was impaired, altered behavior and if it contributed to cause of death
Firearms examiner
A firearm examiner examines different firearms, weapons, bullets, and other criminal investigations
Fingerprint analyst
ACE-V(analyze,compare, evaluate, verify) finger prints, hand prints etc
Forensic Serology
Processes, Compare, and/or identify biological Evidence in a crime case
Forensic Psychiatrist or Psychologist
They interview suspects and analyze the answers from the interviews
Forensic Botanist
Help law enforcement officers analyze plant materials at a crime scene
Forensic Pathologist (Medical Examiner)
A medical doctor who performs the autopsy on a victim to determine cause of death, manner of death, and approximate time of death
Forensic Engineer
main role is to find the cause of failures in structures,show how to make improvements, and aid in legal proceedings
Computer Forensic Technician
Use different techniques to find and store information from electronic devices and data recovery
Forensic Artist
A professional responsible for facial reconstruction or the sketching of a crime scene, recreates face with skulls
Forensic Trace Evidence Analyst
Identifies hairs/fibers and finds traits within them to link it to crimes and suspects
-Age of the Witness
there can be mistaken identities
Race of Witness
The cross race effect can cause people of the same race to recognize and remember each other faces together
Other people
Can be influenced by other witnesses, investigators, and/or the media