For Professor Manor's BICD 110 Class
Last Eukaryote Common Ancestor
1.5-2 billion years ago
Discovered (plant) cells
Microorganisms (protists, bacteria, etc.),
Red blood cells (saw nucleus)
Contributed to cell theory by disproving spontaneous generation of cells
Observed sperm fertilization of oocyte
Cell is the basic building block of life
Discovered that every part of a plant is made up of cells
Cells made from a “crystallization” process
Contributed to cell theory
Both plants and animals are composed of cells
Formally proposed Cell Theory with three basic tenets:
All cells arise from pre-existing cells
The cell is the basic building block of life
All plants and animals are composed of cells
Saw subcellular components
Visible Light Spectrum
Shorter Wavelength = Higher Energy
Red: 650 nm
Orange: 600 nm
Yellow: 580 nm
Green: 500 nm
Blue: 450 nm
Violet: 400 nm
Electron Microscopy: Fixation
Use Glutaraldehyde or Formaldehyde to cross-link amino groups between molecules
Embed tissue in paraffin
Electron Microscopy: Permeabilization
Non-Ionic detergent makes cells permeable to reagents (ie immunolabeling or antibodies)
Electron Microscopy: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Surface of sample is metal-shadowed
Electron Microscopy: Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Thin Samples: Stained/shadowed with heavy metals
Thick Samples: Fixed, dehydrated, embedded in resin, sectioned, and stained with heavy metals
Fluorophores in GFP Live Microscopy
Used to detect certain molecules and cells
Recombinant proteins are made by fusing FP genes (fluorescent protein) with gene of interest to produce recombinant fluorescent protein
Fluorescent proteins used to conduct live cell imaging
Transfection/Transduction of cells leads to overexpression of a protein (ectopical protein)
Identification and Localization of Proteins via “Immuno-Labeling”
Probe is covalently attached to antibodies that are encoded to specific protein of interest
Inject animal with protein of interest with specific antigen to generate monoclonal antibodies from cell line
Immunolabeled secondary antibodies are attracted to primary antibodies made by animal
Antibody Labels
Stained with a “marker” attached to heavy metals, like gold or osmium, to create contrast
Small fluorescent dyes that bind to membranes, DNA, or other structures
Chemistry of Life
4 Key Concepts:
Molecular Complementarity
Chemical Equilibrium
Relative energies of covalent bonds and non-covalent interactions
Covalent bonds are stronger than non-covalent interactions
C=C > C-C > Hydrogen > Van der Waals > Thermal Energy
Weak (non-covalent) interactions are additive
The Hydrophobic Effect
Driven by need for higher entropy, since hydrophobic aggregation leads to a “cage” formation with water molecules
Amphipathic Molecules
Compose membranes (phospholipid bilayer)
Polar (hydrophilic) head: Glycerol, Phosphate, Polar Group
Hydrophobic Tail: Fatty Acyl Tails
Melting Temperature of Lipids
Temperature where ~50% of lipids are fluid
Lipid Classes: Glycerophospholipids
Lipid Classes: Sphingolipids
Lipid Classes: Sterols
Homeoviscous Adaptation
Cells dynamically change their membrane lipid composition to control membrane fluidity
Decrease Transition Temp:
Unsaturated Bonds (kinks, defects in packing)
Shorter acyl chains
Increase Transition Temp.:
Saturated Bonds (Straight Tails = Tighter Packing)
Longer acyl chains (more VdW interactions)
Protein Hierarchical Structure
5 Layers:
Primary Structure: Linear sequence of amino acids linked by peptide bonds
Secondary Structure: Local α-helices or β sheets
Tertiary Structure: Peptide three-dimensional shape
Quaternary Structure: Association between multipeptide complexes
Supramolecular Complexes: Can be very large, consistin of tens to thousands of subunits
Coiled-Coil Proteins
Motif for α-helices
Two α-helices wound around each other
Have a heptad repeat w/ hydrophobic residues at positions 1 and 4
Anatomical Differences Between Plant and Animal Cells
Animal Cells have Microvilli
Increase surface area for nutrient absorption
Plant Cells have..
Cell Walls
Plasmodesmata: For intercellular transport
Membrane-Enclosed Organelles
# of lipid layers around membrane compartments differ
Monolayer: Lipid Droplets (LD) with lipids inside
Single Bilayer: ER, ER-Golgi Intermediate Compartments (ERGIC), Golgi, Plasma Membrane, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes, Trans-Golgi Network (TGN)
Double Bilayer: Mitochondria/Chloroplasts, Nucleus
Two Pathways for How the First Membranous Organelles Emerged
Classical Endosymbiosis: Cell engulfs smaller prokaryotes/cyanobacteria
Inside-Out Theory: Interactions between prokaryotes, slowly form endomembrane machinery that bond/bind them together
Inheritance of Membranous Organelles
Stochastic Inheritance: Random sorting of organelles between daughter cells
Every cell stems from another (same is true for organelles)
Contribution of Individual Organelle to Total Cell Membrane Depends on the Cell Type
ER and inner mitochondrial membrane represent 80% of the total cell membrane
Rough ER and Smooth ER
Liver: 35% and 16%
Pancreatic: 60% and <1%
Mitochondria Outer and Mitochondria Inner
Liver: 7% and 32%
Pancreatic: 4% and 17%
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Morphology: Tubules on outside, sheets in inner area
Function: Chief Operating Officer of the cell
Protein folding and post-translational control
Lipid Synthesis, Steroid Hormone Synthesis
Detox Center
Calcium Ion Storage
ER-Golgi Intermediate Compartment (ERGIC)
Morphology: Tubular; has vesicular-tubular clusters, adjacent to ER exit sites
Functions: Decides what goes to golgi
Sorting and concentration of biosynthetic and retrograde cargo
Golgi Apparatus (GA)
Morphology: Cis-face towards nucleus (perinuclear region), trans-face where proteins move out of it (pancake stack structure)
Function: Sorting hub
Lipid synthesis/transport
Remodeling of N-glycans, addition of O-Glycans
Lipidation of proteins
Stepwise modification of cargo
Individual stacks linked to Golgi
Trans-Golgi Network (TGN)
Morphology: Vesicular-tubular structure at trans-face of Golgi, has dense core secretory granules
Function: Sorting hub (golgi and endomembrane system)
Calcium-dependent sorting
Sphingolipid-enriched carriers
Plasma Membrane
Morphology: Has microvilli protrusions (sense environment, produce forces), Fluid Mosaic (not just lipids, has proteins that undergo modification @ Golgi)
Function: Physical barrier with selective permeability
Endocytosis: Regions of PM invaginate, coated vesicles pinch off; maturation from early into late endosomes
Phagocytosis: Uptake of large, insoluble extracellular material
Cell Signaling: Proteins send signals due to environmental change
Transport of solutes/macromolecules
Interactions with neighboring cells
Endo-Lysosomal System (Endosomes)
Morphology: Come from plasma membrane, network of constantly changing endosomes/lysosomes
Functions: Molecular switches (GTPases) trigger endosome conversions
Directions of endocytic pathway
Interconnected network
Internalization and sorting of transmembrane proteins, receptors and ligands
Degradation in lysosome
Autophagy: ER engulfs damaged organelles
Lysosomes: pH drop to 4.5-5 as they contain enzymes that degrade polymers
Morphology: Have two bilayers, nuclear envelope supported by Lamins (polymer filament), with a nucleolus
Function: Defines the eukaryotic cell (storage of blueprints)
Separates transcription from translation
Continuous with the ER
Nuclear pore complexes provide “good” access to nucleus
Morphology: Double bilayer
Very dynamic, can be long/tubulated or small/fragmented vesicles based on nutrient environment
Function: Production of ATP, 2000/cell
Mitochondria have their own genome
Outer membrane: Large pores allow molecules to enter from cytosol
Intermembrane Space: Between inner/outer
Inner Membrane: Imaginations (“cristae”) drastically increase surface area where ATP production occurs primarily
Matrix: 2/3 of total proteins, oxidation of pyruvate and fatty acids
Lipid Droplets (LD)
Morphology: Monolayer of phospholipids, highly regulated and dynamic organelles found in most cells
Function: Energy Storage
Neutral lipids and cholesterol-esters
Biogenesis within ER bilayer
Size is dynamically controlled
Morphology: Matrix-like granule, maybe born from mitochondria
Function: Generating/scavenging of reactive oxygen species
Catabolism of long-chain lipids
Biosynthesis of special-membrane lipids (ether phospholipids)
Contribute to bile acid synthesis
Auto-Radiography of Proteins Separated with SDS Polyacrylamide-Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
Denature proteins w/ ionic detergent
Acrylamide acts as a “sieve,” proteins move towards anode when current is applied
Smaller proteins migrate faster through the sieve than large proteins
Detection of radioactivity by film exposure
Palade’s Pulse-Chase Experiment
Hypothesis: Segregation step occurs at ER
Radio-labeled cells with a short “pulse” of amino acid and see where newly synthesized proteins go
Radio-labeled proteins moved from the ER to the Golgi and ended up in secretory granules at different timepoints!
Secretory Pathway!
Pulse-Chase Experiments w/ Purified ER membranes
Secretory proteins enter the ER
Incubate for a brief time w/ radiolabeled amino acids
Homogenize cells from microsomes
Isolate microsomes with bound ribosomes
Treat purified microsomes with protease
(-) detergent: Protein in ER are protected from digestion
(+) detergent: Dissolves ER membrane, proteins not protected, digested
Conclusion: Newly made proteins are inside the microsomes
Signal-Sequence Hypothesis
Proposed by Guenter Blobel
Proteins contain signal sequences that can direct them to the rER
Co-Translational Insertion of Secretory Proteins into the ER
Signal Sequence (SS): Can be cut or cleaved off if short, or kept if longer (as an anchor)
Signal Peptidase: Cleaves Signal Sequence
Signal Recognition Particle (SRP): A protein RNA complex that recognizes and binds the hydrophobic SS
Arrests protein synthesis
Translocon + SRP Receptor: A pore complex that recognizes SRP
Translocon (Sec61): Preserves integrity of the ER membrane by three gating mechanisms
Translocon Sec61 Anatomy
Hourglass-shaped channel
(-) peptide: Channel closed by “plug” (gate 1)
(+) peptide: Ring of isoleucine residues forms “gasket” (gate 2)
Lateral Exit: For the signal sequence, and for (hydrophobic) transmembrane domains (gate 3)
Classes of Membrane Proteins: Type I
Classified by orientation in the membrane
Type I: Single-spanning membrane protein
C-terminus faces cytosol with one cleaved signal sequence at N-Terminus
Classes of Membrane Proteins: Type II/III
Type II/III: Single-spanning membrane protein
No N-Terminal SS
Single internal hydrophobic signal-anchor sequence
Positive inside rule: Flip orientation if signal-anchor sequence-flanking positively charged residues are mutated
Topogenic Sequences Determine the Orientation of ER Membrane Proteins
Type II-IV: Positive inside (cytosol) rule
Hydropathy Profiles: Predict likely topogenic sequences in integral membrane proteins
Folding of Proteins in the ER Lumen: BiP
Chaperone protein that binds to exposed hydrophobic regions of the nascent chain and stabilizes them until the protein is folded correctly (aids protein folding in ER)
Example: Hemagglutinin (Influenza A)
Folding of Proteins in the ER Lumen: CNX/CRT
The Calnexin and Calreticulin Cycle: Quality Control
Bind to N-linked oligosaccharides, add glucose to make Glc1Man9(GlcNAc)2
Retain protein in ER
Undergo Mannose Trimming to form Man5–6(GlcNAc)2
OS-9 binds and guides misfolded protein out of the ER and facilitates degradation by proteasomes
Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI)
Catalyzes disulfide bond formation
N-Glycans are added to proteins in the lumen of the ER
Promote protein folding!
N-glycans are attached to asparagine residues
Consensus sequence Asn-X-Ser/Thr (N-X-S/T): N-Linked Glycosylation site
Pre-formed N-linked oligosaccharide is added to many proteins in the rER
N-Glycan precursor is synthesized at the ER membrane on a special lipid (dolichol-phosphate)
Synthesis of N-Glycan Precursor
Steps 1-3: Two N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and five mannose residues are added on ER membrane cytosolic face
Step 4: Dolichol pyrophosporyl intermediate is flipped
Steps 5-6: Additional sugars added by ER enzymes to complete N-Glycan Precursor
Addition of N-Glycans to Target Proteins and Initial Processing
Step 1: Glc3Man9(GlcNAc)2 precursor is transferred to asparagine residues in a tripeptide
Step 2: Glucose residues are removed
Step 3: Addition and removal cycles of Glucose residue (plays a role in protein folding)
Step 4: Removal of one mannose residue
Secretory Proteins
Fraction of total Proteome: 30% of all proteins are encoded in the genome
50% of ER volume exported every 40 minutes
90% of membrane leaving the ER is recycled
Ts Mutant Genes
Novick and Schekman used budding yeast to create a library of Temperature-sensitive (Ts) mutant genes:
Permissive temperature (24°C): Protein folds normally
Restrictive temperature (37°C): Protein does not fold, function impaired
Several mutant classes identified (secretory cargo stuck in different places of the cell)
Basic Components of Vesicular Transport
“From a membrane - to a membrane (using a membrane carrier)”
From rER to ERGIC
Machinery to attract coat
Can only form at specific sites, selects cargo
Coat proteins
Deform membrane, stabilize carrier
Uncoating of carrier
To allow for fusion
Machinery for fusion
Needs specificity for target membrane
Pulls carrier and target membrane together
GTPase that regulates COPII coat assembly
COPII Vesicle Biogenesis (Anterograde)
Cycle of GEF-activated GTP Binding and GAP-activated GTP hydrolysis control coat assembly/disassembly
COPII carriers form at ER exit sites
Sar1-GDP interacts with ER membrane protein Sec12 → Sar1-GTP
Sar1-GTP recruits Sec23/Sec24 coat protein complex
Sec13/Sec31 complex finishes coat assembly
Sec23 GAP activity stimulates Sar1-GTP hydrolysis
Release of Sar1-GDP causes coat disassembly
Cytoplasmic Signals: COPII
Di-Acidic Signals:
Di-Hydrophobic Signals:
A lectin protein and Type I Transmembrane protein with a dihydrophobic motif
Binds specifically to high-Mannose N-Glycans on cargo proteins made in the ER, clusters limnal cargo into COPII carriers
Binding depends on pH: Cargo released at low (acidic) pH at ERGIC
GTPases that regulate vesicle targeting and fusion
Docking and Fusion of Transport Vesicles with Their Target Membrane (SNAREs)
Rab1 protein on COPII vesicles interact with Rab effectors (rod-like golgin proteins) to melt through the “cocoon” around the ERGIC
v-SNARE protein on vesicle forms coiled-coil interaction with the t-SNARE on the target membrane
SNARE 4-Helix Bundle: Zippers vesicle and target membranes together
Disassembled by NSF ATPase
COPI Vesicle Biogenesis (Retrograde)
Assembly and disassembly of COPI coats
Arf1-GDP interacts with p23/p24 membrane proteins
GBF1 GEF causes GTP exchange
Arf1-GTP recruits heptameric coatomer coat protein complex → Makes coat
ArfGAP activity stimulates Arf1 GTP hydrolysis
Release of Arf1-GDP from the vesicle membrane causes disassembly of the coat
Cytoplasmic Signals: COPI
Basic Signals:
Organization of Golgi
Cis → Medial → Trans
Perinuclear region → Plasma Membrane
Structure of Golgi
Human cells have “ribbons” in Golgi; interconnected stacks
Flat Centers: Golgi enzymes/proteins
Fenestrated Zones (Curved Regions): Full of cargo, near transport
Transport from Cis to Trans-Golgi: Cisternal Maturation Model
Golgi cisternae are dynamic compartments
“Mature” (convert) from cis to trans
COPI vesicles move enzymes to favor cisternae to convert into new cisterna
Cargo stays put
Transport from Cis to Trans-Golgi: Vesicular Transport Model
Golgi cisternae are static compartments
Each cisternae has a specific set of resident enzymes, which stays put
Cargo is transported via tubular or vesicular carriers from one cisterna to the next
Processing of N-Glycans
Follows a specific sequence and occurs in different cisternae of the Golgi
Processing of N-Glycans: Cis-Golgi
Mannosidases (ManI and II) remove three mannose residues
Processing of N-Glycans: Medial-Golgi
One N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) added from UDP-GlcNAc
Two more Mannose residues removed
Two N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and one fucose residue added
Processing of N-Glycans: Trans-Golgi
Three Galactose (Gal) residues
Three N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) residues
Synthesis in the Cis-Golgi
Glycans are added to the Hydroxyl group of Serine and Threonine
Linear Glycans
Temperature-Sensitive VSV G
Jim Rothman’s Golgi Purification Experiment: Biochemically measuring protein transport kinetics
Restrictive Temp. (40°C): Misfolded protein retained in ER
Permissive Temp. (32°C): Protein folds and move through secretory pathway
Led to identification of Arf1 coatomer, the GTP dependency, etc.
Gradient of Lipids in the Secretory Pathway
Membranes are not well packed in the ER, and the lipid concentration is dominated by PC (Phosphotidylcholine)
Approaching Trans-Golgi, sphingomyelin, sphingolipids, and cholesterol increases (produced there)
Gives greater rigidity near plasma membrane
The Trans-Golgi Network (TGN): Sorting Station
Five destinations
Retrograde transport of Golgi enzymes to the Trans-Golgi
Transport of lysosome enzymes directly to the lysosomes
Transport of lysosomal enzymes to late endosomes (exocytosis)
Constitutive Secretory Vesicles:
Transport constitutively secreted proteins and PM residents
Cargo proteins
Regulated Secretory Vesicles:
Store and process secreted proteins until signaled to fuse with the plasma membrane
Clathrin-Coated Vesicles (CCV)
Bud from the trans-Golgi and PM
Have Triskelion structure, 36 form the CCV
Each Triskelion has 3 heavy chains and 3 light chains
CCV Formation: Arf1 Recruits Adapter Protein (AP) Complexes
GTP-bound, membrane-associated Arf1 recruits cytosolic AP-1 to TGN
Conformational change induced in AP-1
Exposes cargo sorting motifs
Adapter proteins (AP Complexes)
Help select cargo and recruit coat proteins
CCV Formation: AP Complexes Recruit Clathrin
Intrinsic curvature bends membrane, forming bud
GTPase Dynamin pinches off the bud
GTP hydrolysis is required for this pinching to occur due to increased rigidity near plasma membrane
GTPase that mediates CCV fission
CCV Formation: Uncoating of CCVs by the Chaperone Hsc70 and Auxilin
Break down the coat
Hsc70 and Auxilin
Involved in clathrin coat disassembly
Mannose-6-Phosphate (M6P) Signal Sorts Soluble Lysosomal Enzymes from the TGN to the Lysosome
Luminal cargo directed to lysosome/endosomes
M6P: Step 1
Cis-Golgi-localized N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) Phosphotransferase
Recognizes Q-S/H-E-Y sequences in newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes
Transfers a phosphorylated GlcNAc group to one or more mannose residues
N-Acetylglucosamine Phosphotransferase
Adds M6P to lysosomal enzymes
M6P: Step 2
Phosphodiesterase removes the GlcNAc group
Final Product: 6-phosphorylated mannose residues on the lysosomal enzyme
Removes GlcNAc from M6P precursor
M6P Receptor
In TGN, it binds M6P-tagged lysosomal enzymes causing vesicle formation to transport cargo to lysosomes
Drop in pH releases cargo
Proteolytic Processing of Proproteins at the TGN
Constitutive Secretory Pathway:
Furin Endoprotease
Cleaves peptide at the C-Terminal end of two consecutive amino acids
Regulated Secretory Pathway:
PC2 and PC3 Endoproteases
Cleave central region of insulin
Sequentially cleaves two C-Terminal basic amino acid residues
Furin Endoprotease
Cleaves proproteins in the constitutive secretory pathway
PC2 and PC3 Endoproteases
Cleave proproteins in the regulated secretory pathway
Removes C-Terminal basic amino acid residues from processed peptides
COPI and GOLPH3-Mediated Retrograde Transport of Golgi Residents
Different “flavors” of COPI vesicles are made
GOLPH3: Cargo adaptor that confers sorting of Golgi-resident proteins into COPI vesicles
Cargo adaptor for COPI vesicles
Ca2+-Dependent Sorting at the TGN
Regulated Secretion: Chromogranin
Constitutive Secretion: Cab45
Scaffold protein that clusters with cargo/clients selectively with exposure to Ca2+
Calcium-binding protein involved in regulated secretion