There are several genes on a chromosome. They are known as ---------- units
Genes must be able to carry ------------- to the next generation
Genes must be able to turn the genes into -------------
visible traits
Genes must be able to ---------------- to create ---------- copies for each cell in the body
replicate, identical
Genes must be able to do - things
------------------- used x-ray techniques to begin visualizing the structure of DNA.
Rosalind Franklin
Rosalind Franklin is often not mentioned when discussing DNA because two men used her work to launch their own ---------------------
model of DNA
How do people believe Franklin died?
Radiation posioning
Each nucleotide is a -------------, DNA is a --------------.
monomer, polymer
Nucleotides stack on top of each other through -------------------- and arrange into two strands.
chemical bonding
A nucleotide has 3 parts, these are…
base, sugar, phosphate
The ----------- and ---------- pieces in each nucleotide make up the “backbone” of DNA. They are like the -------- of the ladder.
sugar, phosphate, sides
The ----------- on each strand connect together through hydrogen bonds. They are like the --------- of the ladder.
bases, rungs
There are - different bases in DNA.
What are the 4 bases in DNA called?
Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine
Adenine and thymine always bond together through - hydrogen bonds.
Guanine and cytosine always bond together through - hydrogen bonds.
------------------- work helps support the idea that certain bases always bond together.
Erwin Chargaffs
Erwin Chargaff found that the amount of adenine and thymine was always ---------- as well as the amount of cytosine and guanine was always -------.
equal, equal
These base pairings of A=T and G=C are known as -------- rule.
DNA has - strands, RNA has - strand.
2, 1
------ does not have oxygen on the 2’ carbon.
------ does have oxygen on the 2’ carbon.
The ------------------ structure of DNA is used as a basis to make exact copies of the DNA each time a cell divided.
The process of making a copy of DNA is called….
DNA replication
DNA replication occurs during the ------ phase of the cell cycle, before a cell divides.
A section of coded DNA instructions used to make proteins or RNA.
DNA replication occurs in - steps
In step 1 of DNA replication, ______________ opens the double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds that link the complementary nitrogen bases between the two strands. The areas where the double helix separates are called _________________________.
DNA helicase, replication fork
During step 2 of DNA replication, at the replication fork, enzymes known as _____________________ move along each of the DNA strands. DNA polymerases add nucleotides to the exposed nitrogen bases, according to the base-pairing rules. Both strands of DNA serve as a________
DNA polymerase, template
In step 3 of DNA replication, Two DNA molecules form that are ________ to
the original DNA molecule.
DNA replication is -------------
When one original DNA strand & one brand new strand of DNA are found in the helix it is known as
In the course of DNA replication, errors sometimes occur and the wrong --------- is added to the new strand.
An important feature of DNA replication is that ____________________ have a “proofreading” role.
DNA polymerases
True or false? Replication does not begin at one end of the DNA molecule and end at the other.
True or false? The circular DNA molecules found in prokaryotes usually have 3 replication forks that begin at a single point.
False, they usually have 2 replication forks
The replication forks move ---------- each other until they meet on the opposite side of the DNA circle.
away from
In ------------ cells, each chromosome contains a single, long strand of DNA.
With multiple __________ working in concert, an entire human chromosome can be replicated in about _______________.
replication forks, 8 hours
Replication forks increase the speed of -----------
DNA is a ----------
double helix
----------- are joined together to form a strand of DNA
Adenine bonds with……..
Guanine bonds with…….
2 strands of DNA are held together by……
Hydrogen bonds
Who is credited with the base-pairing rule
DNA strands run…