A path created by a point moving in peace or across a surface. It is one-dimensional and can vary in length, strength, angularity and direction. (An element of art)
A three-dimensional volume or the illusion of three dimensions. (Related to shape) ***An element of art
The suggested motion or action in a composition. **A principle of design
The outer boundary of an object
How solid or unsolid form is. This is implied by the thickness of the line.
The space between two straight lines intersect.
Any line that isn’t a straight line
Characteristic of a line that refers to its orientation in relationship to the canvas.
Elements of Art
The foundation on which all artwork is created (Includes: line, shape, form, space, color, and texture)
Principles of design
The ways an artist uses the elements of art in their artwork. (Includes: balance synthesis, contrast, movement/rhythm , pattern/repetition ,proportion/scale, and unity/harmony.
A guide for judgment or scoring; description of expectations.
Systematic organization collection of an artists work
Sketch journal
A book used for developing ideas, jotting down notes, and creating initial renderings for final pieces.
Referring to materials used to make art; categories or art, (ex: painting, sculpture)
In art, when two elements are just touching one another. Also called kissing elements.
Rule of odds
The main elements in a composition should be surrounded by an even number of objects, for a total of an odd number of objects.
Rule of thirds
If a composition is divided horizontally vertically into thirds, the main subject should be centered on one of the intersecting lines called focal points.
Contour drawing
A slow continuous line, that defines the edge of a subject, giving the illusion of shape and volume
The area of an image,( usually a photograph, drawing or painting )that appears to be closest to the viewer
Portion of a 2-d piece that is farthest from the viewer.
Middle ground
The part of the picture that is between the foreground and the background
Horizon line
The point where land or water meets sky
How an artist organizes subjects on their work surface