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False Labour
Labour that includes Braxton-Hicks Contractions (irregular) felt in the front of the abdomen. Contractions may stop or slow down when walking, changing position, drinking water.
True Labour
Labour with regular contractions occurring close together with increasing intensity. Starts in the back and radiates around the front of the abdomen. Contractions continue with position changes.
Ritgen Maneuver
upward pressure from the coccygeal region to extend the head during actual delivery, using one hand to pull the fetal chin between the maternal anus and the coccyx, and the other on the fetal occiput to control the speed of delivery
Visceral Pain
Pain that includes the distension of the lower uterine segment, stretching of cervical tissues as it effaces and dilates, pressure and traction on adjacent structures (e.g., fallopian tubes, ovaries, ligaments) and nerves, and uterine ischemia.
Referred Pain
Pain that originates in uterus, radiates to abdominal wall, lumbosacral area of back, iliac crests, gluteal area, and down thighs.
Somatic Pain
Pain that is intense, sharp, burning, and well localized:
• Distension of and traction on the peritoneum and uterocervical supports during contractions
• Pressure against the bladder and rectum
• Stretching and distension of perineal tissues and the pelvic floor to allow passage of the fetus
• Lacerations of soft tissue (e.g., cervix, vagina, perineum)
Rh Isoimmunization
given within 72 hours for Rh-negative women
who deliver an Rh-positive infant.