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Created after the U.S. heard the Germans were going to create one, Enrico Fermi discovered the radioactivity of Uranium. First bomb was dropped New Mexico “trinity”, destroying the desert.
President of black brotherhood of sleeping car porters, demanded defense contracts. War led to northern opportunities for labor with better conditions but led to tensions
Allied forces claiming Paris and pushing into Belgium, met German defense at Rhine river.
Mexican laborers allowed into the United States for temporary employment under contract labor, especially in agriculture and factory work.
An early computer created by British scientists used for code-breaking World War II.
A civil rights organization that fought for equality, led to restaurants in DC to serve African Americans. Led to pressure in the military, training camps became more integrated.
The Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, marking the turning point in WWII, Liberated France
Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe during World War II; led the D-day invasion.
Americans began changing the tide of the pacific, crushed many Japanese carriers. Led to a struggle against the Japanese in the southern Solomon islands
The 33rd President of the United States (was vp took over after Roosevelt died), who made the decision to use atomic bombs on Japan, seems as a fear of Russian power in the pacific.
U.S. did little to help, besides bombing concentration camps. Limited refugees and rejected the “St Louis” ship of Jewish refugees.
Korematsu refused to be placed in an internment camp, the supreme court though marked that the relocation was okay because of military means
Development of the Nuclear bomb led by Leslie Groves, Los Alamos where it was built by oppenheimer.
A pivotal naval battle in the Central Pacific in June 1942 that resulted in a decisive victory for the United States over Japan.
Children of Japanese Immigrants citizens but forced into internment camps, but later some fought in Europe known as unit 442 were very decorated.
A U.S. government agency that regulated prices and rationing during World War II, led by Leon Henderson and Chester Bowles.
The site of one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific during World War II, led to major casualties right off the coast of Japan.
The collaborationist government of unoccupied France led by Marshal Pétain during World War II.
Oversized suits worn by Mexicans and African Americans, the riots were a series of white men attacking people in zoot suits in LA due to racial resentment.
German air force strong but weakened by air battles in Germany.
Atlantic charter
1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII and to work for peace after the war
Cordell Hull
FDR's secretary of state, who promoted reciprocal trade agreements, especially with Latin America
Dawes Plan
Installment plan for Germany, a way to help them pay reparations
Good Neighbor Policy
FDR's foreign policy of promoting better relations w/Latin America by using economic influence rater than military force in the region
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Agreement signed in 1928 in which nations agreed not to pose the threat of war against one another
Cash & carry
policy adopted by the United States in 1939 to preserve neutrality while aiding the Allies. Britain and France could buy goods from the United States if they paid in full and transported them.
allows America to sell, lend, or lease arms or other war supplies to any nation considered "vital to the defense of the U.S."
Washington Conference of 1921
Conference of the major powers to reduce naval armaments among Great Britain, Japan, France, Italy, and the United States
Nye Committee
In 1934 Senator Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota held hearings to investigate the country's involvement on WW1; this committee documented the huge profits that arms factories had made during the war
Destroyers for Bases
Roosevelt's compromise for helping Britain as he could not sell Britain US destroyers without defying the Neutrality Act; Britain received 50 old but still serviceable US destroyers in exchange for giving the US the right to build military bases on British Islands in the Caribbean.
War Production Board
During WWII, FDR established it to allocated scarce materials, limited or stopped the production of civilian goods, and distributed contracts among competing manufacturers
Double V Campaign
The World War II-era effort of black Americans to gain "a Victory over racism at home as well as Victory abroad."
Selective Training & Service Act
1940 law requiring all males aged 21 to 36 to register for military service
Tuskegee Airmen
332 Fighter Group famous for shooting down over 200 enemy planes. African American pilots who trained at the Tuskegee flying school.
Tehran Conference
First major meeting between the Big Three (United States, Britain, Russia) at which they planned the 1944 assault on France and agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation after the war
Battle of Coral Sea
A battle between Japanese and American naval forces that stopped the Japanese advance on Australia.
Navajo Code Talkers
Native Americans from the Navajo tribe used their own language to make a code for the U.S. military that the Japanese could not desipher
Tokio Kid
A Japanese character that appeared in a sequence of WWII propaganda posters. (portrayed as a rat that was allied with Germany, a spy an bloody knife)
The Munson Report
written by Curtis B. Munson, studied the loyalty of the Japanese in Hawaii, proved that 98% of Nisei were loyal American citizens and that Hawaii Japanese were closely attached to the Islands and would do nothing to endanger their island home