APUSH Chapter 2 giddes quiz

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Henry VIII

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Henry VIII

english king that broke with Roman Catholic Church + starts Protestant Reformation

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Protestant Reformation

movement to reform the Catholic Church lauched in Germany by Martin Luther; reformers questioned the authority of the Pope;launched in England in 1530s when King Henry VIII broke with the Roman Catholic Church; once Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne, Protestantism became dominant + intensified rivalry with Spain

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Queen Elizabeth I

ascended the English throne, Protestant, ended 'religious seesaw', + rivalry w/Catholic Spain

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"Sea dogs"

glorified pirates that would raid Spanish ships returning from Americas + stole goods; peace with Spain

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Sir Francis Drake

most successful sea dogs; returned with 4600% profit + the Queen secretly invested in him + later was knighted

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Sir Humphrey Gilbert

first English attempt at colonization + lost his life at sea

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Sir Walter Raleigh

half brother of Gilbert; organized an expedition on Roanoke Islands

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Roanoke Island

Sir Walter Raleigh failed colonial settlement off the coast of North Carolina; "the Lost Colony" cuz it mysteriously vanished

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King Philip II

of Spa, foe of the Protestant Reformation, + used imperial gains to make an "Invincible Armada"

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Spanish Armada

Spanish fleet ('armada') defeated by the English 'sea dogs' in the English Channel (Spa had massive ships vs Eng had smaller maneuverable ships); defeat marked beginning of the decline of the Spanish Empire

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Spanish Netherlands

Holland; gained its independence from Spa, also adding to the decline of Spa Empire

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"Surplus population"

NW foods caused a population explosion in Europe; started economic depression; majorly affected woolen district farmer hit the road + became beggars/paupers + ended up in cities like London

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laws that the oldest son inherits all family property or land; landowner's younger sons, forced to seek their fortunes elsewhere, pioneered early exploration and settlement in America

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Joint-stock company

short-term partnership between multiple investors to fund England's early colonial ventures; peace w/Spa provided opportunities for colonization; allowed investors to pool their adventures

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Virginia Company of London

English joint-stock company that received a charter from King James I that allowed it to found the Virginia colony; guaranteed rights of English that would extend to future colonies; motives were promise of gold + passage to Indies

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legal document granted by a government to some group or agency to implement a stated purpose, and spelling out the attending rights and obligations; guaranteed inhabitants all the rights of Englishmen as if they were in England

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King James I

accepted charter for VC; James River named after him; 3 ships set sail and landed near mouth of Chesapeake Bay (natives immediately attacked)

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first permanent English settlement in North America + founded by the Virginia Company of London; away from open ocean + natives but mosquito infested swamp, slightly salty water

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nicknamed to those wasted time in digging for nonexistent gold instead of looking for survival needs

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Captain John Smith

kidnapped by Powhatans; mock execution but saved by Pocahontas; saved colony and said "He who shall not work, shall not eat."; injured in gunpowder explosion + returned to England for good

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chieftain; attempted mock execution to impress Smith with his power; showed desire for peace relations and help from them to extend his power

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daughter of Powhatan; wife of John Rofle; saved Smith from execution; became middleman between natives + settlers to preserve shaky peace + provide needed food

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"Starving time"

winter of 1609; living skeletons ate dogs, cats, mice, and PEOPLE; many died; remaining colonists dragged themselves onto ships in spring to go back

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Lord De La Warr

governor of Jamestown; stopped remaining colonists from going back; imposed harsh military regime; took harsh military action on natives

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Powhatan's Confederacy

Powhatan dominated natives living near/around James River; at first thought Euros can be allies so tried to be peaceful/friendly; tense relations w/english; starving colonists raided natives food supplies

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"Irish tactics"

tactics the English used against Irish when Cath Ireland tried to ask Cath Spa help to overthrow Queen Elizabeth

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First Anglo-Powhatan War

series of clashes between the Powhatan Confederacy + English settlers in Virginia; colonists burned and robbed native villages, applying tactics used in England's campaigns against the Irish

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John Rolfe

husband of Pocahontas; "Father of tobacco" as he perfected methods for eliminating bitterness; died in series of native attacks

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Second Anglo-Powhatan War

last-ditch effort by the natives to dislodge Virginia settlements; the resulting peace treaty formally separated white and natives settlement area and kicked out natives from their ancestral lands

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farther inland (advantages of time, space, + numbers); located near Great Lakes area; became major regional power + increased their power by absorbing surrounding tribes; dealt w/Euro that managed to get in; Euro were then interested to trade w/them so adapted to their ways; created middle ground where both euros and natives can help each other; stopped when euros came in vast numbers

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Virginia's economic savior; insatiable euro demand, insatiable demand for lands; was ruinous to soil; single-crop economy; bad harvest means bad year; labor demands + wide plantation systems

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House of Burgesses

representative parliamentary assembly created to govern Virginia, establishing a precedent for government in the English colonies; authorized by VC to summon an assembly

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Royal Colony of Virginia

James I became hostile + disliked tobacco; distrusted the House of Burgesses; revoked the charter + took over the VC making Virginia directly under his control

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2nd plantation colony + 4th colony; founded by Lord Baltimore; Catholics came here for religious freedom cuz in England Caths were being killed

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Lord Baltimore

absentee proprietors; from Cath fam; embarked on venture to reap profits + create religious refuge settlements; founded St. Mary's in Chesapeake Bay; huge estates to be awarded to Cath friends/fam; tensions on both sides opened rebellion and temporarily lost proprietary rights

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Absentee proprietor

an individual/corporation that legally owns a particular property without actually occupying it or actively managing it

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Indentured servants

poor people who agreed to work for many years in the NW; Maryland in its early years depended on their labor to grow tobacco; later years only black slaves were imported in large numbers

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Act of Toleration

passed in Maryland, it granted toleration to all Christians but decreed the death penalty for those (like Jews and atheists, who denied the divinity of Jesus); ensured that Maryland would continue to attract a high proportion of Catholic migrants throughout the colonial period cuz Protestants threatened to submerge and place restriction on Cath; by the end of colonial era, Maryland sheltered most Caths in NW

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foundation of West Indian economy (Caribbean); rich man's crops as its planted a lot for commercial success but needs a lot of land clearing + a lot of labor; 18th cen black slaves outnumber settlers 4:1

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Barbados Slave Code

first formal statute governing that denied fundamental rights of slaves while giving masters full control of their slaves, including rights to punish them even for the smallest things

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(named after Charles II) formally created after the king granted an expanse of wilderness ribboning until the Pacific to 8 of his court favs; prospered by close economic ties w/flourishing sugar islands of Eng WI; orginial settlers emigrated from Barbados + brought island's slave system + established vigorous slave trade

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King Charles I

dismissed Parliament; reformed it but members were mutinous; beheaded

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English govt

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Oliver Cromwell

Puritan soldier; ruled Eng after Charles I until Charles II could rule

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King Charles II

son of Charles I; restored to the throne; granted to "Lords Proprietors"; agriculture based, primarily rice for WI sugar islands, many were small farmers squeezed out of Barbados and brought slave codes w/them

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Restoration period

time when colonization is interrupted by period of bloody unrest; empire building resumes + royal involvement; Carolina named after Charles II

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Lords Proprietors

the king's 8 court favs; aristocratic founded; king granted them an area of wilderness across the continent to the Pacific; goal was to grow foodstuff to supply the sugar plantations in Barbados + export non-English products (like wine, silk, + olive oil)

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Savannah Native Americans

enlisted aid by the Carolina settler + attacked interiors for captives; ended alliance with Carolinians; migrated to Maryland + Pennsylvania where new founded colony by Will Penn promised better relations between whites and natives; annihilated native tribe of coastal Carolina as Carolinians determined to eliminate them before their departure

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as the principal export in Carolina; exotic food in Eng; grown in Africa; Carolinians paying more $$ for experienced West African slaves in rice cultivation

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Charles Town

quickly became busiest seaport in the South + named after King; sons of Eng landed families deprived of an inheritance came + gave it a rich aristocratic flavor; village became diverse cuz Fre Protestant refugees + Jews + others were attracted cuz of the religious tolerance

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newcomers without legal right to plant

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North Carolina

"the quintessence of Virginia's discontent"; many of North Carolina's early settlers were this who contributed to the colony's reputation of irreligious, welcoming to pirates, being more independent-minded (raised their tobacco + other crops without labor) and 'democratic' than its neighbors; groups of poverty stricken outcaste + religious disagreers moved to Carolina; became royal colony

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South Carolina

separated from North Carolina + became a royal colony

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Iroquois Confederacy

bound together five tribes (Mohawk, Oneidas Onondagas, Cayugas, + Senecas) in the Mohawk valley of what is now New York State; founded by Degananwidah + Hiawatha; struggled for very survival after Euro arrival; on and off allies w/colonists against Fre

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one of the founders for Iroquois Confederacy

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one of the founders for Iroquois Confederacy

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Iroquois longhouse

buildings blocks of Iroquois society; wooden structure ~8-25 ft long; 3-5 fireplaces; all families in 1 longhouse were related exclusively through maternal side; different nations don't live together; stayed separate but had common policies + celebrations

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Maternal bloodline

oldest women was the honored head of fam; when a man is married, leaves to join the longhouse of wife

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Five nations

Mohawk, Oneidas Onondagas, Cayugas, + Senecas

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natives that stumbled upon the new settlement at New Bern; 6th nation of Iroquois Confederacy after defeat in war

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"Mourning wars"

further expanded their number by means of periodic; objective was large-scale adoption of captives + refugees

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Handsome Lake

a prophet that appeared in a vision that warned him that the moral decline of his people must end if the were to endure; morale rose again - alcohol forsaken, family values affirmed, + old customs revived

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Tuscarora War

began with an native attack on Newborn, NC; after Tuscaroras were defeated remaining Indian survivors migrated northward eventually joining the Iroquois Confederacy as its sixth nation

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defeated by South Carolinians in the war; defeat devastated them the last of the coastal native tribes in the Southern colonies

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13th colony after 52 yrs after penn (12th colony); named after King George II; colony to protect valuable Carolinas against Spa in FL and Fre LA; launched by philanthropist; haven for imprisoned debtors; not slavery until 1750; only colony to receive money from British govt; grew with painful slowness + least populous

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harbor of them nourished Georgian settlement; melting-pot community (German Lutherans + kilted Scots Highlanders); all Christian worshippers except Cath enjoyed tolerance; missionaries armed with Bibles + hope arrived in here to work among debtors + Natives

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in politics, a territory between two antagonistic powers, intended to minimize the possibility of conflict between them (Georgia)

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King George II

who Georgia was named after; launched by a high-minded group of philanthropists; determined to carve out haven for wretched souls imprisoned for debt

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James Oglethorpe

ablest founder, soldier-statesman; interest in prison reform; as a military leader repelled Spa attacks; as a philanthropist + imperialist saved colony w/energetic leadership + heavy mortgaging

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The "Charity Colony"

Georgia; saved by Oglethorpe by heavily mortgaging own personal fortune

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Church of England

founded by Henry VII; Catholicism but instead of Pope, the king's in charge

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