A painless killing of a person who is suffering from an incurable disease, senility, or permanent damage to the brain, which cannot be repaired or cured.
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Active euthanasia
an Act of Commission. Death is induced by direct/indirect action.
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Passive euthanasia
An Act of Omission. Here there is no active intervention to end the life.
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Voluntary euthanasia
It is induced at the will of an individual by his or her request.
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Involuntary/ non-voluntary euthanasia
Induced in persons who are unable to express their wishes.
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The role of the ________ in voluntary euthanasia is not only desirable but also almost imperative, as he can only make several vital decisions.
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medical ethics
A physician respecting the existing practice of __________, such as the patient’s right to refuse any treatment offered; or at times using doses of painkiller drugs, which may shorten the life— a physician is not transgressing any ethical bounds.
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good conscience
A doctor, acting in ________, is ethically justified in assisting death which, relieves intense and unnecessary pain or distress caused by an incurable illness, greatly outweighs the benefit to the patient than further prolonging life.
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_______ must be undertaken to relieve suffering.
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Hippocratic Oath
This oath says: “*...neither I will administer a poison to anybody when asked for to do so, nor will I suggest such a course...*”.