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what does the respiratory system do
Provides cells with oxygen
Removes carbon dioxide
It accomplishes this through a process called respiration
What additional functions does the respiratory system perform
4 process of respiration
Pulmonary ventilation
External respiration
Transport of respiratory gasses
Internal respiration
Pulmonary ventilation (4 process of respiration)
Ventilation consists of inspiration and expiration
Inspiration moves air into the lungs from the atmosphere
Expiration moves air out of the lungs into the atmosphere
External respiration (4 process of respiration)
Oxygen diffuses from the lungs to the blood
Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood to the lungs
Transport of respiratory gasses (4 process of respiration)
The cardiovascular system transports gasses using blood as the transporting fluid
Oxygen is transported from the lungs to the tissue cells of the body
Carbon dioxide is transported from the tissue cells to the lungs
Internal respiration (4 process of respiration)
Oxygen diffuses from blood to tissue cells
Carbon dioxide diffuses from tissue cells to blood
Cellular respiration
The use of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide by cells
Is NOT part of the respiratory system
It is central to all energy-producing chemical reactions in the body
Upper respiratory system
From nose to larynx
Lower respiratory system
Larynx and all structures below it
Upper respiratory Nose and nasal cavity (palate)
Separates nasal cavity from the oral cavity
Has hard and soft portions
As air twists and turns around the indented surface (nasal conchae) larger particles get trapped in mucous - thus the nasal cavity acts as a filter
Is above the food entry point, so only for air passage
During swallowing soft palate and uvula move upward to prevent food from entering the nasal cavity
Passageway of air and food
Epithelium is more protective due to increased friction and chemical trauma from food
Location of palatine tonsils, which are often removed in children
Passageway of air and food
Is posterior to larynx and marks divergence of Respiratory and digestive passageways
Food enters the esophagus posteriorly
Air enters the larynx anteriorly
Lower respiratory system
Larynx characteristics and location (aka voice box)
Extends about 5cm from the level of the third to sixth cervical vertebrae
Superiorly it is attached to the hyoid bone and inferiorly it is continuous with the trachea
Functions of the larynx
Provides a patent (open) airway
Acts as a switching mechanism to ensure food and air enter the proper channels
Voice production (houses the vocal cords)
Under some conditions it also acts as a sphincter that prevents air passage
Referred to as the Valsalva maneuver
Occurs when during abdominal straining (defecation or heavy lifting)
Structure of the larynx
Consists of 9 different cartilage pieces
Epiglottis (guardian of the airways)
Vocal folds or true vocal cords
Epiglottis (guardian of the airways)
Composed of elastic cartilage
Covered in taste buds
During air flow, the inlet to the larynx is open and the epiglottis covers the opening to the larynx
When swallowing larynx is pulled upwards and the epiglottis covers the opening to the larynx
Vocal folds or true vocal cords
These structures vibrate to produce sounds as air rushes up from the lungs
The opening between them is called the glottis
Size of glottis and length of vocal folds are controlled by muscles
As these change, the rate of vibration changes which impacts pitch of the the sound that is heard
Loudness of sound determined by force of air passing over vocal folds
Trachea (or windpipe)
Descends from the larynx into the mediastinum
Ends by dividing into two main bronchi
10-12 cm long and around 2cm in diameter
It is very flexible and mobile
Layers of the trachea
Layer of C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage
Opening in c-shaped cartilage is posterior
This allows flexibility for the esophagus to expand when swallowing food
Mucosa (inner most layer)
Covered in cilia that help propel debris filled mucus toward the pharynx
Contains glands that help produce mucus
Bronchi zones
Conducting zone
Respiratory zone
Structure of bronchiole walls
As they get smaller the following changes occur
Support structure changes
Epithelium changes
Amount of smooth muscle increases
Support structure changes
Cartilage rings replace plates of cartilage. Once reach bronchioles, there is no longer any cartilage in the walls
Epithelium changes
Mucus producing cells and cilia are sparse once the bronchiole level is reached. This means debris must be removed by macrophages
Amount of smooth muscle increases
As passageways become smaller the amount of smooth muscle increases. Bronchioles have a complete layer of smooth muscle.
Respiratory zone
Where gas exchange in the lung occurs
It is defined by the presence of thin-walled air sacs called alveoli
It begins at the terminal bronchioles as they feed into them
Respiratory membrane
The walls of the alveoli are extremely thin (a sheet of paper is 15 times thicker than alveoli walls)
On the outside, alveoli are covered with a cobweb of pulmonary capillaries
The thin alveolar walls + capillary walls form a respiratory membrane.
It has blood flowing on one side and air flowing on the other
Gas exchange occurs easily across this membrane by diffusion
Alveoli 3 major cell types:
Type 1 alveolar cells
form a major part of alveolar walls
Type 2 alveolar cells
Less abundant, but are important because they secrete surfactant that plays an important role in reducing the surface tension of the alveolar fluid
Alveolar macrophages
Consume bacteria, dust and other debris from the air in alveoli
Occupy the whole thoracic cavity (except the mediastinum)
Right and left are slightly different shapes
Left has 2 lobes, Right has 3 lobes
They weigh just over 1kg
Consists mainly of air spaces (alveoli) the rest is stroma
It is mostly elastic tissue (important for breathing)
As a result lungs are soft, spongy, elastic organs
Bronchopulmonary segments
Each lobe contains pyramid shaped bronchopulmonary segments
Each segment is served by ts own artery and vein and receives air from an individual tertiary bronchus
Clinically important because disease tends to be confined to individual segments
Blood supply of lungs
Pulmonary circulation
Low pressure
Total blood volume flow through lungs every minute
Blood supply and innervation of lungs
Bronchial circulation
Innervation of lungs
Bronchial circulation
Bronchial arteries supply oxygenated blood to the lung tissue
They arise from the aorta
They provide high-pressure, low volume supply of blood to all tissues
Innervation of lungs
Innervated by parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers and visceral sensory fibers
These enter the lungs via the pulmonary plexus
Lung pleura
Parietal (covers thoracic wall)
visceral (covers the lungs pleura)
Pulmonary ventilation phases:
Pulmonary ventilation
It is a mechanical process that happens due to volume changes in the lungs. Volume changes lead to ventilation because they lead to pressure changes and pressure changes lead to flow of glasses to equalize pressure
What happens during quiet (resting) ventilation
Diaphragm contracts and flattens – this increases the height of thoracic cavity
The intercostal muscles also contract – this increase anterior/posterior and lateral dimension of thoracic cavity
Forced ventilation
Forced inspiration
Forced expiration
Forced inspiration
Additional muscle contributes to increasing the thoracic volume (scalenes, sternocleidomastoid). Also back extends as erector spinae straighten the thoracic curve
Forced expiration
Is an active process produced by contracting the abdominal muscles, which decreases thoracic volume
Increases intra-abdominal pressure
Depresses the rib cage
Physical factors that influence ventilation
Airway resistance
Alveolar surface tension
Lung compliance
Compliance of thoracic wall
Airway resistance
This is impacted by the diameter of airways. Airway diameter is not a factor limited ventilation in healthy individuals. However in people with asthma, constriction of airways can make ventilation very difficult
Alveolar surface tension
Water and gas don't like each other
When they meet the water pulls away from the gas
Because there is a lot of water in coating alveolar walls, this surface tension is always acting to keep the alveoli as small as possible (i.e. to collapse them)
This would require a lot of energy to overcome and would make breathing very inefficient
Surfactant reduces this effect and keeps alveoli open
Importance of negative intrapleural pressure
The lungs have a natural tendency to collapse because:
They are elastic and have a tendency to recoil
The surface tension of the alveolar fluid – this surface tension is constantly pulling the alveoli to their smallest possible dimension (i.e. collapse)
The chest wall has a natural tendency to keep lungs from collapsing:
The elasticity of the chest wall is placing an outward pull on the thorax which tends to keep the lungs enlarged
Lung compliance
Lungs are extremely stretchy – this stretchiness is referred to as compliance
The higher the compliance the easier it is for the lungs to expand
This compliance is determined by distensibility of lung tissue and alveolar surface tension (in healthy, fully developed lungs, neither of these limits ventilation
Pathology that limits distensibility (chronic inflammation leading to scar tissue (fibrosis) or limits production of surfactant will result in lower compliance and increased work of breathing
Compliance of thoracic wall
Anything (deformities, paralyzed muscles etc) that limit thoracic expansion will negatively impact ventilation
Transpulmonary pressure
= Ppul - Pip
So it is the difference in pressure between the lung -pressure and intrapleural pressure
It is the pressure that keeps the lungs from collapsing
The greater the pressure the larger the lungs are. If the pressure is 0 the lungs will collapse
Assessing pulmonary ventilation
Volume of air during ventilation – Spirometry
Rate at which that air is flowing – Pulmonary function tests
Efficiency of the system (minute ventilation and alveolar ventilation)
To assess ventilation function and efficiency spirometry is often used
It is typically used as a diagnostic tool, as different lung conditions will produce different results
The client blows into the device and computer software assesses a variety of important variables
Most useful for evaluating losses in function and for following course of certain diseases
Pulmonary function test
Information on rate at which air is moving in and out of the lungs also has important diagnostic and monitoring function
Pulmonary function tests (PFT) are similar to spirometry, however the rate of flow of air is also measured
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Forced expiratory volume (FEV)
Assessing respiratory efficiency
MInute ventilation
Alveolar ventilation rate (AVR)
Both can be determined using results of spirometry test an can provide useful diagnostic and monitoring data
Alveolar ventilation rate (AVR)
It takes into account the volumes of air wasted in dead space
AVR = breaths/min * (tidal volume - dead space)
MInute ventilation
The total amount of gas that flows into or out of the respiratory tract in 1 minute. It is usually around 6L/min (can rise to 200 L/min with vigorous exercise)
Factors that influence external respiration
Partial pressure gradients and gas solubilities
Thickness and surface areas of respiratory membrane
Ventilation - perfusion coupling
Partial pressure and gas solubility
In a gas mixture (room air) each gas exerts a certain amount of pressure.
This pressure is referred to as partial pressure of the gas
Remember that gas will always flow from high to low pressure
Thickness and surface area of respiratory membrane
The respiratory membrane is very thin (0.5 – 1 micrometre)
This thickness is ideal for diffusion and does not impede gas exchange
If lungs become waterlogged (pneumonia or left heart failure) then thickness increases dramatically and gas exchange is negatively impacted
Surface area
The greater the surface area the more gas can diffuse
Alveoli increase surface area (spread flat = 90 m^2)
Ventilation – perfusion coupling
There should be a close match between the amount of gas reaching the alveoli (ventilation) and the amount of blood in the pulmonary circulation
If these aren't matched the there is either:
Too much gas in alveoli for available blood to remove
Too much blood for available gas
To ensure this coupling (matching) occurs ventilation and perfusion are controlled by local mechanisms:
PO2 controls perfusion by changing arteriole diameter
PCO2 control ventilation by changing bronchiole diameter
PCO2 influence on ventilation
If levels are high then triggers dilation of bronchioles to enable CO2 to be eliminated more easily
If levels are low then triggers constriction of bronchioles which will decrease airflow in attempt to balance it with perfusion
In summary: Balancing ventilation and perfusion
Poor ventilation results in lower oxygen and higher carbon dioxide
Pulmonary arterioles constrict and airways dilate
This reduces blood flow and increases air flow to balance ventilation and perfusion
Increased ventilation results in higher oxygen and lower carbon dioxide
Pulmonary arterioles dilate and airways constrict
This increases blood flow and decreases air flow to balance ventilation and perfusion
The balance is never perfect:
This accounts for the slight difference in oxygen partial pressure from alveoli to pulmonary veins (104mmHg vs. 100mmHg)
Oxygen transport
Bound to hemoglobin
Dissolved in plasma (only about 1.5% is transported this way because oxygen is poorly soluble in water)
RBCs are like bag of hemoglobin
Hemoglobin consists of red heme pigment bound to the protein globin
Each hemoglobin binds 4 molecules of oxygen
Hemoglobin – Oxygen combination called oxyhemoglobin
Hemoglobin that has released oxygen is called deoxyhemoglobin
What controls rate of binding of oxygen and hemoglobin
Partial pressure of oxygen (the amount of O2 that is available)
Generally the more oxygen that is present the more oxygen will bind to hemoglobin
Increases in temperature lower hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen (enhance oxygen unloading from the blood)
Blood pH
Lower pH lowers hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen (enhance oxygen unloading from blood)
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide
Increases in this will lower affinity for oxygen (enhance oxygen unloading from the blood)
Blood concentration of BPG
Decreased BPG leads to increased oxygen affinity for hemoglobin
When oxygen transport is not adequate hypoxia occurs
Anemic hypoxia
Too few RBCs or RBCs with too little hemoglobin
Ischemic (stagnant) hypoxia
Impaired or blocked
Histotoxic hypoxia
Body cells are unable to use oxygen (some poisons like cyanide can cause this)
Hypoxemic hypoxia
Reduced arterial PO2 (can be caused by unbalanced ventilation-perfusion coupling, breathing air with very low levels of O2, diseases that cause impaired ventilation)
Carbon monoxide poisoning
CO has 200 more times affinity to hemoglobin than oxygen so it outcompetes oxygen for heme binding sites
Carbon dioxide transport
Dissolved in plasma (7-10%)
Chemically bound to hemoglobin (just over 20%)
As bicarbonate ions in plasma (About 70%)
CO2 transport: bound to hemoglobin
When bound to hemoglobin it is called carbaminohemoglobin
It doesn't compete with O2 because it binds to globin, not heme
Deoxygenated hemoglobin binds more readily with CO2 then does oxygenated hemoglobin – can you think of why this might be the case?
CO2 transport: As bicarbonate ions in plasma
Dissolved CO2 quickly enters RBCs
In the RBCs it combines with water to form carbonic acid
This acid ultimately becomes hydrogen ions (H+) and bicarbonate ion (HCO3-)
Once formed the bicarbonate ions move quickly to the lungs where it combines with H+ to form carbonic acid which then splits in to C)2 and water
The CO2 is diffused from the blood in to the alveoli lungs along it partial pressure gradient
Control of breathing
Higher brain centers
Other reflexes
Neural control of breathing
A center in the medulla sets basic rhythm of inspiration and expiration
Breathing rate of 12-16 breaths/minute
This center is impacted by overdose of morphine or alcohol (stops respiration)
Uncertain where the rhythm comes from, but likely multiple sets of pacemaker cells that cycle activity to generate rhythm
Factors that influence breathing rate
Chemical factors
Higher brain centers (hypothalamus and cortical controls)
Chemical factors
CO2 in arterial blood
O2 in arterial blood
H+ in arterial blood
These changes are sensed by chemoreceptors in the brain stem (central chemoreceptors) and aortic arch and carotid arteries (peripheral chemoreceptors)
Influence of PCO2
PCO2 has the most potent influence on breathing rate.
PCO2 is also the most tightly controlled
Increased PCO2 in the blood is referred to as hypercapnia
Influence of PO2 on breathing rate
Chemoreceptors for PO2 peripheral receptors (aortic arch and carotid sinus)
Minor drops in O2 sensitize peripheral receptors to CO2
Substantial drops in arterial PO2 (to 60mmHg) Directly stimulate increased ventilation
Influence of pH
Changes in arterial pH can modify respiratory rate and rhythm even if CO2 and O2 levels are normal
Has its effect through the peripheral chemoreceptors
A drop in pH will stimulate respiratory system controls that will attempt to raise the pH by increasing respiratory rate and and depth to eliminate CO2 from the blood
Influence of Higher brain centers
Hypothalamic controls
Act through the limbic system to modify rate and depth of respiration
Example: Breath holding that occurs in anger, sudden cold shock or gasping with pain
A rise in body temperature acts to increase respiratory rate
Critical control
Although breathing is generally involuntary, we can also exert conscious control
This happen via cortical signals from the cerebral motor cortex that bypass medullary controls
Example: volunta
Mechanoreceptors influence on breathing rate
Inflation or hering-breuer reflex
Stretch receptors in the pleurae and airways are stimulated by lung inflation
Inhibitory signals to the medullary respiratory center end inhalation and allow expiration to occur
Acts more as a protective response than a normal regulatory mechanism
Protective reflexes
Chemical or physical irritants of the upper airways include coughing and sneezing
An irritant causes a brief period of apnea (breath holding) usually at the end of an inspiration; followed by a forceful expulsion of ait to remove the offending irritant
Influence of exercise on the respiratory system
Because exercising muscles consume more O2 and produce more CO2 ventilation increases substantially (hyperpnea)
FYI: The panting athlete needs more oxygen in the muscles, not in the lungs. So breathing O2 by mask won't help – it wont get more O2 to muscles