A system of manufacturing that uses computers to integrate the processing of production, business and manufacturing in order to create more efficient production lines.
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The most efficient way of designing and producing a product from the manufacturer's point of view.
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Environmental impact assessment matrix
A tool designed to identify and predict the impact of a product on the environment.
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Just in case (JIC) production
A situation where a company keeps a small stock of components (or complete items) or ones that take a long time to make, just in case of a rush order
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Just in time (JIT) production
A situation where a firm does not allocate space to the storage of components or completed items, but instead orders them (or manufactures them) when required. Large storage areas are not needed and items that are not ordered are not made.
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A culture of continuous improvement originating in Japan and considered an important aspect of an organization's long-term strategy.
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Lead time
The time between the initiation and the execution of a process
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Lean production
A long-term production strategy that considers product and process design as an ongoing activity. It focusses on continual feedback and incremental improvement.
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Quality assurance (QA)
This covers all activities from design to documentation. It also includes the regulation of quality of raw materials, assemblies, products and components, services related to production, and management and inspection processes.
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Quality control (QC)
Involved in development systems to ensure that products or services are designed and produced to meet or exceed customer requirements and expectations
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Statistical process control (SPC)
A quality control tool that uses statistical methods to ensure a process is operating at its most efficient.
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Value for money
The relationship between what something, for example, a product, is worth and the cash amount spent on it.
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Value stream mapping
A lean production management tool used to analyse current and future processes for the production of a product through to delivery to the customer.
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Workflow analysis
The review of processes in a workflow in order to identify potential improvements