5kinndom class kisne kab
animal like kon kya -nt usme
viroids , tmv , prions me genetic material konsa
1st scientific aur artificial calssifn kiska tha
starch aur protein me surr me kon
starch aur protein me surr me kon
archebacteria , eubacteria aur hatake wale ke example konse
nutrient recylcel and n2 fixinfg kon aur usme kya hota hai
smallest living - name . size aur virus kabhi fir bhi why not smallest living
cycas ki trick
max nutritn div konse kingdom me ,
bacteriual dna kaisa uski tr
contractile vacule kaha +nt
cilliates me kitne nuclus +nt , micronucleus kaha kam ata, pseudopodia kaha +nt
glycogen kaha storage prod
virod virus me diff aur interferone kab banenge
anti biotic gene kaha present aur uska aur details
bare rock pe pioneer kon , kitne speed se kam krta
retro virus ka genetic materal , have which polymerase
fungi me divisions kitne , aur unke ex tr
virus viroid ki all sccie names and work
cyanobactrial kundli ex, hetro n2 fix ex
ccc me female -nt na
16— o RAZ bhi