Strength and conditioning lifts and primary movers

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Shoulder press- starting position

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Shoulder press- starting position

Starting position:

  • Sit down and lean back to place the body in the five point body contact position

  • grasp the handles with a closed, pronated grip

  • align the handles with the top of the shoulders. If necessary, adjust the seat height to position the handles correctly

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Back squat- starting position (athlete)

  • grasp the bar with a closed, pronated grip (actual width depends not the bar position)

  • step under the bar and position there feet parallel to each other

  • place the bar in balanced position on the upper back and shoulders in one of two locations

    • low bar position- across the posterior deltoids at the middle of the trapezius (using a handgrip wider than shoulder-width)

    • high bar position- above the posterior deltoids at the base of the neck (using handgrip only slightly wider than shoulder-width)

  • Lift the elbows up to create a “shelf” for the bar using the upper back and shoulder muscles

  • hold the chest up and out

  • tilt the head slightly up

  • once in position, signal the spotters for assistance unmoving the bar off the supports

  • extend the hips and knees to lift the bar

  • take one of two steps backward

  • position the feet shoulder-width apart (or wider) even with each other, with the toes pointed slightly outward

  • all repetitions begin from this position

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deadlift- starting position

  • stand with the feet flat and placed between hip- and shoulder width apart with the toes pointed slightly outward

  • squat down with the hips lower than the shoulders (farther than shown in the first picture) and grasp the bar with a closed, pronated grip. If load is too heavy to hold the bar with a pronated grip, change to a closed, alternated grip

  • place the hands on the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, outside of the knees, with the elbows fully extended

  • place the feet flat on the floor and position the bar approximately 1 inch (3 cm) in front of the shins and over the balls of the feet

  • position the body with the

    • back neutral or slightly arched

    • scapulae depressed and retracted,

    • chest held up and out

    • head in line with the vertebral column or slightly hyperextended

    • heels in contact with the floor

    • shoulders over or slightly in front of the bar and

    • eyes focused straight ahead or slightly upward

  • all repetitions begin from this position

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RDL- starting position

  • place the hands on the bar in a closed, pronated position using either a clean or snatch grip

  • after performing the deadlift exercise to lift the bar off the floor, slightly to moderatley flex the knees and keep them in this position throughout this exercise

  • all repetitions begin from this position

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Rows- before beginning

  • grasp the bar with a closed, pronated grip

  • grip should be wider than shoulder-width

  • lift the bar from the floor as described for the deadlift exercise. Use a pronated grip not an alternated grip

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pres-flat, bench/floor- starting position athlete

  • lie in a supine position in a bench in the five-point body contact position

  • place the body on the bench so that the eyes are below the racked bar

  • grasp the bar with a closed, pronated grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart

  • signal the spotter for assistance in moving the bar off the supports

  • position the bar over the chest with the elbows fully extended

  • all repititons begin from this position

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triceps extension- starting position

  • grasp the bar with a closed, pronated grip 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) wide

  • stand erect with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly flexed. Place the body close enough to the machine to allow the cable to hang straight down when it is held in the starting position

  • pull the bar down to position the forearms parallel to the floor or slightly above

  • all repetitions begin from this position

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biceps extension- starting position

  • grasp the bar with a closed, supinated grip

  • grip should be shoulder- width apart so the arms touch the sides of the torso

  • stand erect with the feet shoulder- width apart and the knees slightly flexed

  • rest the bar one the front of the thighs with the elbows fully extended

  • all repetitions begin from this position

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Shoulder press (machine) movement- upward and downward phases

Upward movement phase:

  • push the handles upward until the elbows are fully extended

  • maintain the five-point body contact position

  • do not arch the lower back or forcefully lock out the elbows

    Downward Phase

  • allow the elbows to slowly flex to lower the handles to the starting position

  • maintain the five-point body contact position

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Shoulder press- major muscles involved

anterior and medial deltoids, triceps brachii

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back squat- starting position (spotters)

  • stand erect at opposite ends of the bar with the feet shoulder-width apart and the knees slightly flexed

  • grasp the end of the bar by wrapping the hands around the bar with the thumbs crossed and palms facing the barbell

  • at the athletes signal, assist with lifting and balancing the bar as it is moved off the supports

  • release the bar smoothly

  • hold the hands 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) below the ends of the bar

  • move sideways in unison with the athlete as the athlete moves backward

  • move sideways in unison with the athlete as the athlete moves backward

  • once the athlete is in position, get into a shoulder-width stance with the knees slightly flexed and the torso erect

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Back squat- downward movement phase (athlete)

  • maintain a position with the back neutral, elbows high, and the chest up and out

  • allow the hips and knees to slowly flex while keeping the torso-to-floor angle relatively constant

  • keep the heels on the floor and the knees aligned over the feet

  • continue flexing the hips and knees until the tops of the thighs are parallel to the floor, the trunk begins to round or flex forward, or the heels rise off the floor

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back squat- downward movement phase- two spotters

  • keep the thumbs crossed and hands close to— but not touching— the bar as it descends

  • slightly flex the knees, hips, and torso to keep a neutral spine position when following the bar

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back squat- upward movement phase- athlete

  • maintain a position with neutral spine, high elbows, and the chest up and out

  • extend the hips and knees at the same rate (to keep the torso-to-floor angle constant)

  • keep the heels on the floor and the knees aligned over the feet

  • do not flex to torso forward or round the back

  • continue extending the hips and knees to reach the starting position

  • at the end of the set, step forward toward the rack

  • squat down until the bar rests on the supports

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back squat- upward movement phase- two spotters

  • keep the thumbs crossed and hands close to— but not touching— the bar as it ascends

  • slightly extend the knees, hips, and torso and keep the back neutral when following the bar

  • at the end of the set, move sideways I unison with the athlete back to the rack

  • simultaneously grasp the bar and assist with balancing the bar as it is racked

  • release the bar smoothly

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back squat- major muscles involved

gluteus maximus, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedialis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris

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deadlift- upward and downward movement phase

upward movement phase:

  • lift the bar off the floor by extending the hips and knees

  • keep the torso- to floor angle constant; do not let the hips rise before the shoudlers

  • maintain a neutral spine position

  • keep the elbows fully extended and the shoulders over or slightly ahead of the bar

  • as the bar is raised, keep it as close to the skins as possible

  • as the bar rises just above the knees, keep the shoulders over the bar and extend the hips to keep the bar close to the body

  • continue to extend the hips and knees until the body reaches a fully erect torso position

Downward movement phase

  • allow the hips and knees to flex slowly lower the bar to the floor

  • maintain the neutral spine position; do not flex the torso forward

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deadlift- major muscles involved

  • gluteus maximus

  • semimembranosus

  • semitendinosus

  • biceps femoris

  • vastus lateralis

  • vastus intermedius

  • vastus medialis

  • rectus femoris

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RDL downward and upward movement

downward movement

  • begin the exercise by flexion the hips and pushing them backward, allowing the torso to move forward, keeping the bar in contact with the thighs

  • keep the knees slightly flexed as the hips flex

  • maintain a rigid torso, neutral spine, and keep the shoulders retracted until the barbell is aligned with the patella tendon and the torso is parallel to the floor. ( note if using a snatch grip with this exercise, the torso will be slightly below parallel depending on the athletes ROM)

  • keep a normal lordotic position throughout the movement

Upward movement phase

  • extend the hips, raising the torso back to the starting standing position

  • keep the knees slightly flexed and the torso in a neutral spine position

  • make sure the barbell maintains contact with the thighs throughout the movement

  • do not hyperextend the back or flex the elbows

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RDL- major muscles involved

  • gluteus maximus

  • semimembranosus

  • semitendinosus

  • biceps femoris

  • erector spinae

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bicep curl- upward and downward movement

upward movement:

  • flex the elbow until the bar is near the anterior deltoids

  • keep the torso erect and the upper arms stationary

  • do not jerk the body or swing the the bar upward

Downward movement phase

  • lower the bar until the elbows are fully extended

  • keep the torso and knees in the same position

  • do not bounce the bar on the thighs between repititons

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Biceps curl- primary movers

biceps brachii, brachilais, brachioradialis

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Tricep pushdown downward and upward phase

downward movement

  • push the bar down until the elbows are fully extended

  • keep the torso erect and the upper arms stantionary

  • do not forecully lock out the elbows

upward movement phase

  • allow the elbows to slowly flex back to the starting position

  • keep the torso, arms, and knees in the same position

  • at the end of the set, return the bar to its resting position

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tricep pushdown- primary muscles involved

triceps brachii

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rows- starting position

  • position the feet in a shoulder-width stance with the knees slightly flexed

  • flex forward at the hips so the torso is slightly above parallel to the floor

  • create a neutral spine position

  • focus the eyes a short distance ahead of the feet

  • allow the bar to hang with the elbows fully extended

  • all repetitions begin from this position

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rows- upward and downward movement phase

upward phase

  • pull the bar toward the torso

  • keep the torso rigid, back neautral and knees slightly flexed

  • do not jerk the torso upward

  • touch the bar to the lower chest or upper abdomen

downward movement phase

  • lower the bar back to the starting position

  • maintain the neutral spine and stationary torso and knee positions

  • at the end of the set, flex the hips and knees to place the bar on the floor and stand up

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row primary muscles

  • latissimus dorsi

  • Teres major

  • middle trapezius

  • rhomboids

  • posterior deltoids

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flat bench press starting spotter

  • stand erect and very close to the head of the bench (but do not distract the athlete)

  • place the feet shoulder-width apart with the knees slightly flexed

  • grasp the bar with a closed, alternated grip inside the athletes hands

  • at the athletes signal, assist with moving the bar off the supports

  • guide the bar to a position over the athletes chest

  • release the bar smoothly

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flat bench press- downward and upward movement phase- athlete

downward movement phase:

  • lower the bar to touch the chest at approximately nipple level

  • keep the wrist stiff and the forearms perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other

  • maintain the five-point body contact position

upward movement:

  • push the bar upward and very slightly backward until the elbows are fully extended

  • keep the wrists stiff and the forearms perpendicular to the floor and parallel to eachother

  • maintain the five point body contact position

  • do not arch the back or raise the chest to meet the bar

  • at the end of the set, signal the spotter for assistance in racking the bar

  • keep a grip on the bar until it is racked

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flat bench press- downward and upward movement- spotter

downward movement:

  • keep the hands in the alternated grip position close to — but not touching— the bar as it descends

  • slightly flex the knees, hips, and torso and keep the back neutral when following the bar

upward movement:

  • keep the hands in the alternated grip position close to —but not touching— the bar as it ascecends

  • slightly extend the knees, hips, and torso and keep the back neutral when following the bar

  • at the athletes signal, grasp the bar with an alternated grip inside the athletes hands

  • guide the bar back onto the supports

  • keep a grip on the bar until it is racked

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flat bench press primary muscles

  • pectorals major

  • anterior deltoids

  • triceps brachii

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