4. alcohols

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what are alcohols?

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what are alcohols?

molecules containing the hydroxyl (-OH) group

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what are primary alcohols?

the carbon bonded to the hydroxyl group is bonded to one other carbon

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what are secondary alcohols?

the carbon bonded to the hydroxyl group is bonded to two other carbons

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what are tertiary alcohols?

the carbon bonded to the hydroxyl group is bonded to three other carbons

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what are diols?

molecules with 2 hydroxyl groups

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why are alcohols less volatile than alkanes + alkenes?

as chain length increases, melting point and boiling point increases, so volatility decreases

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why does solubility decrease as chain length increases?

as chain length increases, the non-polar region has a greater influence on solubility than the polar, OH group, so solubility decreases

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what is meant by oxidation, in terms of carbon?

a molecule is oxidised when carbon forms a bond with a more electronegative element

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what is meant by reduction, in terms of carbon?

a molecule is reduced when carbon forms a bond with a less electronegative element

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what are primary alcohols oxidised to?

primary alcohols are oxidised to aldehydes, which are further oxidised to carboxylic acids

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what are secondary alcohols oxidised to?

secondary alcohols are oxidised to ketones

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why are tertiary alcohols oxidised to?

tertiary alcohols cannot be oxidised

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what oxidising agent is used to oxidise alcohols?

[O] - acidified potassium dichromate ions

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how can alcohols be tested for?

  1. primary + secondary alcohols: acidified dichromate ions turn the solution from orange to green

  2. tertiary alcohols: solution stays orange

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by what process are aldehydes prepared?


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by what process are ketones and carboxylic acids prepared?


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what do alcohols produce (+ conditions) in elimination reactions with water?

alkenes and water

conditions: concentrated acid catalyst, heat

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what do alcohols produce (+ conditions) in substitution reactions with sodium halide salts?

haloalkanes, water + salt

conditions: acid catalyst

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what test can distinguish primary and secondary alcohols?

  • add tollens’ reagent and heat.

  • if silver mirror produced, aldehyde, therefore primary alcohol

  • if no silver mirror produced, ketone, therefore secondary alcohol

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how can fehling’s solution distinguish between primary and secondary alcohols?

fehling’s solution turns red in primary alcohols, but stays blue in secondary alcohols

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