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As appropriate, contact with blood fluids, blood, mucous membranes, etc.
When to wear gloves?
Protect body fluids/transmitting bacteria
What is the purpose of wearing gloves?
Wash with soap and water or foam in and out
How to preform hand hygiene?
Prevent transmission of pathogens, wash visibly soiled, and before/after contact with c. diff patient
Purpose of hand hygiene?
Sterilizing equipment, wiping
How to preform equipment cleaning?
Prevent transmission of pathogens
Purpose of equipment cleaning?
Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation (IPPA)
Assessment order
Concentrated watching, preformed first, symmetry
Purposeful observations
Often done during collection of subjective data
Preformed first, requires good lighting, adequate exposure of body part
Inspection equipment
How to preform inspection?
Provides first impression
Symmetry: compare left and right sides of body
Otoscope (ears), Ophthalmoscope (eyes), pen light, speculums to expose body part
What is the purpose/expected finding of inspection?
Applies sense of touch to assess
Fine tactile discrimination
Light palpation
Deep palpation
Bimanual palpation
What are types of palpations?
Use DORSA (back of hand)
How to palpate temperature?
BEST for determining temperature bc skin there is thinner
Why use DORSA of hand to palpate temperature?
Using FINGERTIPS, feelings for texture, swelling, pulsation, detecting lumps
How to palpate Fine tactile discrimination?
Light Palpation
Pressing into skin 1cm deep to check for tenderness and pain, used to identify surface characteristics
Deep Palpation
Pressing into skin 5-8cm to feel for organs, used to identify abdominal contents
Bimanual Palpation
Using both hands to envelope/capture certain body parts; like kidneys, uterus, etc. for precise delimitation (finding bounds)
Stationary hand, striking hand; looking for characteristics of percussion notes (air-filed and tympany)
How do preform percussion technique?
Resonant, hyper resonant (lungs)
What are air-filled percussion notes looking at?
What are tympany percussion notes looking at?
Assesses and determines density of underlying organs
Purpose of percussion?
Medium loud, low pitch, clear/hollow
Loud, high pitch, musical, drum-like
Soft, high pitch, muffled thud
Over lung tissue
Where are resonant notes typically found?
Over air-filled viscus: stomach or intestine
Where are tympany notes typically found?
Relatively dense organ: liver or spleen
Where are dull notes typically found?
Muscle and bone
Where are flat notes typically found?
Listening to sounds that body produces
What do you use to preform auscultation?
Does the stethoscope magnify sound?
Slope of earpiece of stethoscope points towards…
14-18in long
How long is the tubing of stethoscope?
Diaphragm (stethoscope)
Used for HIGH pitched sounds heard from BREATH, BOWEL, AND NORMAL HEART SOUNDS
Bell (stethoscope)
Used for LOW patched sounds heard from HEART SOUNDS OR MURMURS
How many end pieces does a tunable diaphragm have?
Do not wake up sleeping baby/toddler, listen to heart, lungs, and abdomen FIRST, caregiver present/holding
How to assess infants and toddlers?
Caregiver present; offer good explanations, allow play with equipment, reduce fears; caregiver can hold them
How to assess preschoolers?
Sit/lay of exam table, what and why, offer explanations, likes to cooperate
How to assess school age children?
Shows genuine interest, confidentiality and friendship is important, normalize
How to assess adolescents?
Minimize position change to lessen fatigue
How to assess older adults?
Inspect means to
Even tone, consistent with genetic background
What should the general overall pigmentation be in a patient?
Observe skin tone
Should you observe OR palpate skin tone?
Skin warm to touch, equal bilaterally
What should the temperature be in a patient?
Should you observe OR palate the skin temperature?
Translucent nail plate, even, pink
What should the expected nail look be in a patient?