Unit #3: Civil Liberties & Civil Rights

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Civil Liberties

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Civil Liberties

fundamental rights and freedoms protected from infringement by the government —

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Bill of Rights

  • first ten amendments of the constitution

  • written by James Madison

  • Championed by Anti-federalists

  • a list of fundamental rights and freedoms that individuals possess

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Due Process Clause

no STATE can deny a person "life, liberty, or property without due process of law"

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Selective Incorporation

  • the BOR did not apply to the states; the language specifically protects citizens from the federal government

  • the BOR has only applied to the states on a case-by-case basis

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Establishment Clause

prevents Congress from making a national church or religious institution

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Free Exercise Clause

protects the right of citizens to freely practice their religion without influence

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Freedom of Expression

  • a fundamental right affirmed in the First Amendment to speak, publish, and protest

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Clear and Present Danger Test

legal standard that speech posing an immediate and serious threat to national security is not protected by the First Amendment

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Prior Restraint

the suppression of material prior to publication on the grounds that it might endanger the national security

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Symbolic Speech

protected expression in the form of images, signs, and other symbols

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an untrue written statement that injures a person's reputation

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an untrue spoken e that expression that injures a person's reputation

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Ex Post Facto

cannot be punished for something that was legal at the time you did it

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Bill of Attainder

a law passed by Congress punishing an individual without a trial (the LAW punishes them, not Congress)

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Writ of Habeas Corpus

a document setting out reasons for an arrest or detention

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Double Jeopardy

protects an individual acquitted of a crime from being charged with the same crime again in the same jurisdiction

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Miranda Rights

  • the right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning.

  • these rights must be given by police to individuals suspected of criminal activity.

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Civil Rights

  • protections for individuals from discrimination based on race, national origin, religion, sex, and other characteristics, ensuring equal treatment under the law

  • protections from discrimination as a member of a particular group

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13th Amendment

abolished slavery

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14th Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

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15th Amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude (allowed black men to vote)

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Equal Protection Clause

14th amendment clause that prohibits states from denying equal protection under the law, and has been used to combat discrimination

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Separate but Equal

upheld by the SCOTUS case Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), concluded that facilities could be separate as long as they were equal.

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Legal Segregation

separation by law of individuals based on race

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De Jure Segregation

segregation by law

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De Facto Segregation

segregation by social rule

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Affirmative Action

a policy designed to address the consequences of previous discrimination by providing special consideration to individuals based upon their characteristics, such as race or gender

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19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote

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Civil Rights Act of 1964

legislation outlawing racial segregation in public places and authorized the attorney general to sue individual school districts that failed to desegregate

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Voting Rights Act of 1965

legislation outlawing literacy tests and authorizing the Justice Department to send federal officers to register voters in areas with a history of voter discrimination

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Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

legislation prohibiting sex discrimination in schools receiving federal aid (most visible in the funding of women's athletics)

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1st Amendment

protects the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition

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2nd Amendment

protects the right to keep and bear arms

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3rd Amendment

protects citizens from having soldiers quartered in their homes

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4th Amendment

protects against unreasonable searches and seizure of personal property and effects

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5th Amendment

deals with the rights of citizens when they are accused of crimes

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6th Amendment

explains how the process will go when a person is accused of a crime and explains the protect to which they are entitled

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7th Amendment

guarantees the right to trial by jury

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8th Amendment

protects against cruel and unusual punishment

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9th Amendment

acknowledges that if there are other rights not mentioned in the first ten amendments, their exclusion from the list does not mean such rights are not protected — the list is not exhaustive

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10th Amendment

states that any powers not explicitly granted by the Constitution to the federal government belong exclusively to the states

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