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Famous case how eyewitness testimony can be false
Ronald Cotton
True or false? 60%+ of clients within the innocence project were from faulty eyewitness convictions.
What are the 3 stages of memory?
What are the 3 types of memory?
Episodic - Major events
Semantic - General knowledge
Procedural - Completing tasks
For eyewitness retrieval we use ____ and ____.
recall, recognition
Example of the misinformation effect, “How questions are asked can affect the answer”
Car accident experiment , Loftus and Palmer. “Hit” vs “Smashed”
What are the 3 potential causes of the misinformation effect?
Misinformation acceptance hypothesis
Source misattribution hypothesis
Two different sources, mixing them up
Memory impairment hypothesis
Purely inaccessible
Cognitive Interviews create an increase in accurate information vs control interviews. What are the 5 strategies used to improve recall of a crime?
Mental Reinstatement
Reporting everything
Reversing order
Changing perspectives
What are the two types of variables that affect eyewitness accuracy?
Variables that are not under control of the legal system
Variables that are under control of the legal system
System Variable - Lineups. When the target is present there are 3 types of identifications, what are they?
Correct identification
False identification
Incorrect rejection (i.e., “not here”
System Variable - Lineups. When the target is absent, false id would constitute _____ and a ____ is wanted
any pick, correct rejection
What are simultaneous lineups?
Photos shown at once. A relative judgement is used → “Which person looks most like the suspect”
What are sequential lineups?
Photos shown one after the other. Absolute judgement is made.
What are the 3 types of biases in lineups?
Foil bias
Suspect is the only lineup member who matches the description of the culprit
Clothing bias
Suspect is wearing a bright yellow shirt while everyone else wears black hoodies
Instruction bias
Police fail to mention that suspect may not be present
What is unconcsicous transference?
The reassignment of a face that is familiar from another context to the scene of a crime.
What do scripts allow us to do?
They allow us to process info quickly and efficiently. Sequences of actions that occur in particular situation
What is the weapon focus effect?
When we have more focus on the weapon than details of the offender.
Under the weapon focus effect, what is the arousal hypothesis?
Emotional arousal → Decrease attention → Focus only on central things (e.g., running away, not on what suspect looks like)
Under the weapon focus effect, what is the unusual item hypothesis?
If the attack item is unusual, it attracts our attention more
Cross-race effect
We ID those of our own race better.
True or False? Eyewitness is A LOT weaker than DNA evidence?
Eyewitness testimonies are very influential even against DNA evidence.
5 recommendations for eyewitness evidence
Blind administration
Instructed target may be abselt
Fair (no bias) lineup
Witness confidence taken immediately
Procedure should be video recorde