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Legal Issues
The Data Protection Act 2018 Computer Misuse Act 1990 Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
Cultural issues
The way that Computer Science can impact the way people groups do things
Privacy Issues
Collecting storing and disseminating information about individuals
Data Protection Act 2018
A law covering:
what can be collected
how long it can be kept for
steps to keep it up to date/accurate
sending and using the data
who can see that data
Computer Misuse Act 1990
The UK law that makes it illegal to hack into a person's computer and to disrupt deliberately someone else's computer.
Copyright Designs and Patents Act
Legislation concerned with the distribution of ideas, media or products. If you did not make it, you cannot sell, or share it without the creator/owners permission
Software Licenses
Open Source & Proprietary
Open source
The source code is free and accessible by all. There is no legal cover or protection. Can be better as it is maintained by an entire community. Updates and addons are created and you can personalise it
Effectively the opposite of open source. Usually not free
software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems.
Brute Force attack
An attack on passwords or encryption that tries every possible password or encryption key.
Social engineering
People as a weak point
denial of service attack
a cyber attack in which an attacker sends a flood of data packets to the target computer
Data interception and theft
Seizing data as it is in transit
SQL Injection
An attack that targets SQL servers by inserting commands to be manipulated by the database.
Penetration Testing
Professional hacking to access data and computing power without being granted access; hired to identify and repair vulnerabilities and only work once
A utility that searches for and removes any malware on a computer.
software to prevent unauthorized users
User Access Levels
A network policy that defines which users can see which folders and files and the type of access they have to them. Eg: Read-Only or Read-Write.
A method of authentication where a person must enter a secrect string of characters
Strong password
"8 or more characters
Contain a number
Contain a letter
Contain a upper case character
Contain a lower case character
Contain a special character"
Process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access.
Operating System (OS)
the software that allows users to interface with the computer
Functions of an operating system
User management
memory management/multitasking
peripheral management and drivers
file management
memory management / multitasking
A function of the operating system that controls the CPU and RAM so that programs run simultaneously and concurrently
Peripheral Management
A function of the operating system which manages the input to the CPU and the output from external devices
User Management
An operating system feature that allows user accounts to be created and managed
File Management
A function of the operating system that organises and controlling files
Utility Software
software that performs some sort of maintenance on the computer system
Encryption software
software that scrambles data into a secret code that can only be broken by complicated mathematical algorithms
A utility that reduces the amount of fragmentation by physically moving data on the disk to store the pieces of each file contiguously
Data Compression
Reducing the amount of space needed to store a piece of data
Local Area Network; a geographic network that covers a relatively small geographic area.
Wide Area Network; a geographic network that covers a relatively large geographic area.
Factors that affect the performance of networks
Number of devices connected
The amount of data that can be send across a network per second (speed of a network)
client/server network
A network that uses centrally administered computers
peer-to-peer network
A type of network that connects client computers directly together. All computers are equal
The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network
NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)
Transmission media
Wireless access points Network Interface Card (NIC)
Wireless access points
Allows you to wirelessly access a network (Wifi)
Network Interface Card (NIC)
An expansion card that enables a computer to connect other computers / a network
Transmission media
DNS server
translates the domain name into its associated IP address
The cloud
Data and programs are stored on the internet. They can be accessed anytime from any computer with internet access.
A device that transfers data from one network to another
Transfers data around a network
Storing files or data on another computer (e.g webpage files) to be accessed by other
Divisions of functionality within a network
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Internet Layer
Network Access Layer/Data Link Layer
Application Layer
The 1st layer of the TCP/IP model. This layer's protocols enable software programs to negotiate formatting
Transport Layer
The 2nd layer of the TCP/IP model. In this layer protocols ensure that data are transferred from point A to point B reliably and without errors. this layer services include flow control
Internet Layer
The 3rd layer of the TCP/IP model.Responsible for addressing
Data Link Layer
The 4th layer of the TCP/IP model. This layer bridges the networking media with the Network layer. Its primary function is to divide the data it receives from the Network layer into frames that can then be transmitted by the Physical layer.
Data broken down to be sent across a WAN.
Non volatile. Stores start up instructions
RAM/Main Memory
Volatile. Stores data for programs that are currently open
The difference between RAM and ROM
RAM is volatile ROM is not
Virtual memory
Using part of your secondary storage as primary storage (RAM)
Why would you use virtual memory?
Not enough RAM\memory
Secondary Storage
Long term storage. Auxiliary (external) to the computer
Optical Storage
storage device that records data by burning microscopic holes in the surface if the disk with a laser. E.g CD DVD Blu ray.
Small capacity
Can get scratch
Magnetic Storage
Type of secondary storage that users magnets to read and store data. Examples include floppy disks and hard disks.
High capacity
Not portable
Moving parts-can get broken not very durable
Quite reliable
Solid state
Storage that uses transistors to store data. It has no moving parts. E.g USB memory
High capacity but limited
Fast speed
No moving parts, so it is durable
It is reliable
How big your storage is.
How fast the storage device is
Whether the device can be carried around
How robust the device is
How much you can rely on your device to work
How expensive the storage device is
Characteristic of secondary storage
Capacity, speed, portability, durability, reliability and cost
A single binary digit: 1 or 0
4 bits or half a byte
8 bits
1000 bytes
Megabyte (MB)
1000 kilobytes or 1,000,000 bytes
Gigabyte (GB)
1,000 megabytes or 1,000,000,000 bytes
Terabyte (TB)
1,000 gigabytes or 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
1,000 terabytes or 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
8 bit binary Character set representing keyboard characters. Can represent 255 characters
A character set which can have 32 bit(varies in size). This enables more languages to be represented but each character takes up more storage.
Character set
A list of the characters and the codes used to represent each one
Binary shift
Allows you to easily multiple and divide base-2 binary numbers. A left shift multiplies by 2 and a right shift divides by 2.
Made up of pixels. Each pixel contains binary data representing a different colour
A "picture element" containing binary data representing a colour
Short for "picture element" it is the fundamental unit of a digital image
Each pixel contains binary information on its colour
Meta Data
a set of data that describes and gives information about the file
E.g name
width and height (images)
Colour depth
The number of bits used for each pixel
As it increases the quality of the image increases
so does the file size.
The dimensions of the grid that forms a bitmap graphic.
The height of the wave length is measured at regular intervals
Bit rate
The amount of data sampled per second. Sample rate * bit depth
Sample frequency/rate
The number of samples made per second. 1 sample per second = 1 hertz
Bit depth
The number of bits used to record each sample.
Making a file smaller by removing unneeded data
Lossy Compression
Removing data that will not be noticed, to reduce the file size. It is irrecoverable
Lossless Compression
Removing data that will not be noticed, to reduce the file size. The original data can be reconstructed
The playback quality
As quality increases the quality of the sound and file size increases
Image quality
As quality increases the quality of the image and file size increases
The brain of the computer. Carries out instructions. It fetches
MDR. Program Counter (PC) and Accumulator (ACC) are all parts of the
Memory Address Register (MAR)
Stores the location for data to be fetched from or sent to memory