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What type of justice is based on people's willingness and ability to pay?
Which is not a subsystem of the US healthcare system?
Acute Care
Medicare is a government program designed to provide health care to the following groups of people except:
The U.S. government plays a limited role in the health delivery system. The government's role in the arena of health care delivery consists of:
To be the responsible party for reimbursement and policy through Medicare and Medicaid programs
The US safety net is for the nation's most vulnerable populations. Which of the following groups is not a vulnerable population?
Insured employees
Barring major system changes, health service expenditures are projected to continue to decrease.
Which of the following would NOT be considered a social determinant of health?
Specialty care
Pneumonia would be classified as a __________ condition.
Examples of the social justice aspect of healthcare includes:
Both Medicare & Medicaid
Medical determinants of health include all but:
Tobacco use
Health disparities can be decreased though interventions like public policy as well as individual life style changes
The US model of healthcare focuses on prevention.
Capitation is:
The per member per month fee used by managed healthcare organizations to finance care
Which is the insurance program for the US military?
Which country has its' entire infrastructure, including health systems and providers, controlled by the government and funded by taxes.
Great Britain
Which of the following has not been a factor that has shielded the U.S. health care system from a major overhaul?
Patients perceptions related to their quality of life
In preindustrial America, the destitute of society were confined in a(n):
What is voluntary health insurance?
Private health insurance
In preindustrial America, even untrained people could practice medicine.
Medicaid is a state government-based program intended to cover the eligible poor, determined by income level.
Medicare is a government-based program intended to cover all of the following groups except:
Those who are 65 years of age and older who are poor
Private health insurance first emerged:
To covered workers when they were ill or injured
A job description for a physician would be to:
Assess a patient's health condition & Diagnose and treat disease
Which one is not an advance practice nurse (APN)?
Physician Assistant
It has been shown that NPPs (non-physician providers) can:
Improve access to care & Spend more time with patients than physicians
All of the following are doctoral level healthcare professionals but:
Which healthcare administrator is the only one that must be licensed?
Nursing Home Administrator
Private health insurance (the eventual model for Blue Cross) originated to cover only inpatient hospital services
NPP (non-physician providers) practice in many areas in which physicians practice; however, they do not have a medical degree (MD or DO).
Pharmacists always practice as generalists and do not have specialty areas of practice.
Medical technology does not include which of the following:
Physician Office
According to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), if you work for the same healthcare organization in which you receive your care, it is acceptable for you to access your own Medical Record
Healthcare organizations across the US typically utilize new medical technologies soon after they are approved by the FDA.
Most American medical graduates chose to become primary care physicians instead of specialists
In the U.S., competition and specialization of providers results in what conclusion?
Duplication of services and equipment
Current U.S. law requires that:
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) reviews the safety and effectiveness of a new drugs and medical devices before approval to market and sell for use
High-technology and high-cost healthcare always leads to high-quality
What is self-insurance?
Large employers assume the risks and budget for medical claims
Medicaid provides identical benefits to the poor in every state.
Medicare Part B requires beneficiaries to make premium payments.
A deductible is:
Amount the insured must pay for non-preventive healthcare before the plan begins to pay some of the costs
A premium is:
Dollars charged by insurance to provide insurance coverage
Coinsurance is:
Specific percentage insured pays out-of-pocket for each service after deductible is met
Copayment is:
Specific dollar amount insured pays out-of-pocket for each service
What is the purpose of a stop-loss provision in a health insurance plan?
Limit total out-of-pocket costs in one coverage year.
Which of the following is one of the reasons why services have shifted from inpatient to outpatient over the past 20 years?
Public/private insurance reimbursement changes.
Prior-authorization is a mechanism utilized by payers to discourage inpatient hospitalization and overutilization of ancillary testing.
What type of care is for "end of life" patients?
All of the following are examples of alternative medicine except:
Osteopathic medicine
Gene therapy is an example of what type of care?
Prevention is an example of what type of care?
Which of the following is a benefit of primary care?
Countries in which primary care is emphasized have higher healthcare costs.
When did hospitals begin to attract well-to-do patients who could afford to pay privately?
When hospitals offered superior medical services and surgical procedures that could not be offered at home
What triggered the downsizing phase in US hospitals during the 1980s?
Prospective payment system
DRG-based reimbursement necessitated hospitals to do what?
Discharge patients quicker than before
Why has the ALOS (average length of stay) declined?
Alternative services like home health and skilled care facilities were developed
Which of the following statements about hospital utilization is incorrect?
Utilization among the poor is lower than those who are not poor
Licensure is a legal requirement for hospitals which specifies standards of care and physical environment.
Hospitals are responsible to which of the following stakeholders?
Accreditation agencies
What type of reimbursement method involves a fixed monthly sum per enrollee?
Medicare's managed care option is called Medicare Advantage or Medicare C.
States can make it mandatory that their Medicaid beneficiaries enroll in managed care plans.
In the gatekeeping method, who makes referrals to specialists?
Primary Care Provider (PCP)
Pre-certification is associated with which type of utilization review?
Monitoring a patient's prognosis for recovery while in the hospital becomes important in which type of utilization review?
Which among the following employs tighter utilization controls than the other plans?
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Most elderly people reside in nursing homes or other types of long-term care facilities.
Most LTC services are provided informally by family and friends.
Severe limitations of ADL (activities of daily living) often indicate the need for what service?
Long-term care services are characterized as:
In the _______ approach, a patient's physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs are addressed.
What type of care is end-of-life care?
Hospice Care
It is illegal to operate a nursing facility without a license.
Standards for licensing nursing homes vary from state to state.
Which are descriptors of vulnerable populations?
Medically disadvantaged
Individuals and groups are _______ because of unequal social, economic, health, and geographic conditions?
Health and care differences exist across the various racial/ethnic groups.
Women experience more mental illness than men.
Which of the following does not qualify as a challenge that faces rural health?
Easy access to transportation
Barriers of the homeless include all of the following except:
Working part-time
All of the following are cornerstones of healthcare delivery except:
The rate of growth in health spending in the U.S. slowed to its lowest level during what time period?
Why does the third-party payment system increase healthcare costs?
Patients are shielded from the true cost.
What is it called when a physician orders more tests and services that are NOT medically justified because of the threat of malpractice lawsuits?
Defensive medicine
Peer review and establishing standards for practice is a cost reducing strategy.
The U.S. healthcare system is centrally planned by the government.
Access to healthcare is best predicted by:
Race, income, and occupation
According to Donabedian, in order to help define and measure quality in healthcare organizations, you must examine three domains. Which of the following is NOT one of those domains?
Which of the following is not a predisposing factor to potential vulnerability?
Insured women & children
The US healthcare system is centrally controlled at the federal level.
What type of allocative tool spreads benefits throughout society?
When it comes to funding/financing healthcare in the US, which sector plays a larger role?
How does healthcare policy making operate in the US?
What two main concerns dominate the debate today over Medicare reform policy?
Decrease spending & comprehensive coverage
CON (Certificate of Need) programs reduce costs by mandating healthcare organizations apply for permission in order to add or modify their existing services. Especially in regards to capital.
What was the main reason that Americans in the past have rejected national health care?
Traditional beliefs & values
The ACA of 2010 mandates system-wide cost control measures.
What is the main function of the allied health professional in the Teamlet Model?
Health coach
What change in the delivery of health care is recommended to offset the persistent workforce shortages?
Integrate the talents & expertise of trained professionals