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Autonomous Region
an area of a country that has a degree of autonomy or has freedom from an external authority.
The forceful expansion by a state to take permanent and pervasive control over large areas of land, to spread the state’s culture, economy, and form of governance to the conquered lands.
Defined Boundaries
A geographic boundary agreed to be made between 2 parties in a legal doc or treaty.
Delimited boundaries
A geographic boundary that is drawn on a map.
Use of economic and political policies by which major developed countries are seen to retain or extend influence over less developed countries.
Demarcated boundaries
Boundaries made visible by things such as a fence, flags, posts in the ground and gates.
the drawing of new electoral district boundary lines in response to changing patterns of population of changing legal requirements.
Demilitarized zones
areas in which treaties or agreements between nations forbid military installation, activities, or personnel.
Relic boundaries
a former boundary line that is still discernible and marked by some cultural landscape feature, such as a fence.
process of establishing representative and accountable forms of government led by popularly elected officials.
the right of a group to govern itself in its own state or territory.
the transfer of certain powers from the state central government to separate political subdivisions within the state’s territory.
a region of countries or territories with internal conflicts that could become the location of conflict between the major powers.
the right of self-governance as a state, whereby other states acknowledge that status.
stateless nation
a group that identifies itself as a nation based on ethnicity, linguistic, or religious identity, but lacks a state that it considers home.
ethnic cleansing
the attempts by a dominant ethnic or national group to violently eliminate a less powerful ethnic/national group from a geographic area.
ethnic nationalist
someone who’s form of nationalism is where the nation and nationality are defined by ethnicity.
superimposed boundaries
a boundary line placed over and ignoring an existing cultural pattern.
ethnic seperatism
when an ethnic group desires to sperate from a larger group
the process of nation states organizing politically and economically into one organization or alliance.
form of nationalism where the “nation” is defined by ethnicity.
an individual or group attempt to identify and establish control over a defined territory.
failed state
a state that has lost its effective ability to govern its populace
federal state
a state made up of more or less equal provinces each with relatively large regional autonomy and government responsibility.
unitary state
a state where the central government dictates the degree of local or regional autonomy. State/ country with strong national identity and homogeneousity.