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Gate Control Mechanisms
It involves halting an impulse at the level of the spinal cord so that it is never perceived at the brain level as pain.
Cutaneous stimulation
This gate control mechanism involves stimulating the large peripheral next to an injury site to decrease the ability of the small nerve fibers to transmit impulses.
This gate control mechanism involves preoccupying the cells of the brain stem—responsible for registering impulses as pain—with other stimuli.
Cutaneous stimulation, distraction, and reduction of anxiety
What are the three gate control mechanisms?
Aside from using these methods for distraction method, they can also be used to reduce anxiety.
Bradley Method
Also known as partner-coaching, this method stresses the importance of the husband in reducing pain by coaching the pregnant wife in breathing through the abdomen and walking during labor.
Psychosexual Method
Developed by Sheila Kitzinger, this method involves conscious relaxation and levels of progressive breathing, encouraging the woman to flow with rather than struggle against contractions.
Grantly Dick-Read Method
This method achieves relaxation and reduced pain in labor through abdominal breathing during contractions to reduce tension.
Lamaze Method
This method is based on stimulus-response conditioning and is achieved through the mother’s full concentration on breathing exercises.
True or False: Labor cannot be induced and must begin on its own.
They do not have training in obstetrics but are hired to support the mother in labor.
True or False: Interventions that are not medically necessary can be done as long as it does not impede the labor process.
Cleansing breath
What do you call the relaxation technique wherein the mother breathes deeply and exhales deeply?
Level 1
What level of breathing is slow, comfortable, and with full respirations of 6-12cpm during early labor?
Level 2
What level of breathing is lighter, with the diaphragm barely moving, respiratory rate of up to 40cpm, and is good for contractions when cervical dilatation is 4-6cm?
Level 3
What level of breathing is shallow and mostly at the sternum, with a respiratory rate of 50-70cpm and is good for contractions when cervical dilatation is 7-10cm?
Level 4
What level of breathing makes use of the pant-blow pattern, which involves 3-4 quick breaths and ends with a careful exhalation?
Level 5
What level of breathing involves continuous chest panting, very shallow breathing with a respiratory rate of 60cpm, and prevents pushing before dilation?
Hospital birth
This type of birth/setting encompasses all LBRPs.(Labor, Birthing, Recovery, Postpartum room)
Alternative birthing centers
Also known as lying-in clinics, this type of birth setting is wellness-oriented, with the mother being discharged only 4-24 hours after birth.
True or False: When giving birth in lying-in clinics, the partner is allowed to cut the cord, and the mother is still allowed to choose her preferred birthing position.
True or False: Home births are allowed in the Philippines, whether it is an emergency or not.
This method of birth involves darkening the birthing room so there is no sudden contrast in light, keeping it pleasantly warm, and with soft music playing.
Hydrotherapy/Water Birth
This method of birth involves reclining or sitting in a warm water bath, providing the mother with a feeling of weightlessness and relaxation.
True or False: Hydrotherapy is done during labor only.
Unassisted birthing
This method of birth involves a woman giving birth without the supervision of a healthcare provider.
At how many weeks does normal labor start?
10cm, 7-8cm
For primigravida, full cervical dilation is __, while full dilation in multigravida is __.
Arachidonic acid
What is released when corticosteroids act on lipid precursors, leading to the stimulation of uterine contractions?